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in reply to: I’m sorry me again but think I’m going crazy #1073121
Hi Elf,
I am like you I take out on my hubby but feel guility if I snap at my little boy but as I said I do try to hide and i think that is why I am going off at night and my poor hubby is taking the brunt
” title=”Sad” />
I agree that I couldn’t follow my BIL as I am so ill i would take poison just now just to feel better, In Japan they don’t follow western medicine as such so he has different views ! They hardly offer any pain relief in labour (obviously a man made that rule
Thanks for your help. MY endo is going to do some tests for menopause because of the family history of the females in my mums family starting theirs in their early 30’s,. I started menstruating at 9 so he said it could be a possibility! I really hope not as I want more kids – however get through this I hear you all say and you are right.
I was speaking with a girl whose little boy goes to nursery with mine and she mentioned that one of her friends has GD and they are cracking up with her and her mood swings. I really talked to her and she felt so sorry for her friend after that and reallised that she really can’t help being the way she is. Gosh before all this I would never have answered anyone back now I would face the devil.
Thanks again everyone. I am going to do what my endo said and take a diazepam first thing in the morning with my meds to see if it helps the to get over the initial "I can’t through another day".
M xxx
in reply to: Battling Graves Disease and Cancer #1073073don’t have great advice but just wanted to say I am thinking of you and hang in there. Hope it all gets sorted soon.
in reply to: running with untreated hyperthyroidism #1074050Hi powergirl,
I was advised to avoid any form of exercise while tachycardiac. With a resting heart rate at 150 you know that there is something wrong and as my endo said very clearly that my thyroid is making my body think that its running a marathon.
I am honestly truly surprised you have the energy to go running pass some over this way please
” title=”Very Happy” />
M x
in reply to: I’m sorry me again but think I’m going crazy #1073119Hi elf,
thanks for your concern, thankfully I hide most of it from my eldest son and the youngest is only a few months old. I normally feel that i I can let go once they are in bed. Its just the occasional day when I go upstairs for a cry and he follows me. I do snap more often than I would and thats why I feel guilty but I genuinely try to hide as much as possible. Hence I think the tornado on my hubby
My brother-in-law in Japan doesn’t like thyroid meds as he believes that they start to make the hypothalamus and pituitary gland redundant. When he discovered I was on the blocking treatment he called several times asking if my endo had me off it as it wasn’t good for me ! He was right and the new endo confirmed it.
I called Endo today and spoke with the secretary who is lovely – I told her everything (she has the same condition) and she tracked my endo straight away.
He stated that there was nothing they could do and another week and the meds should really be in my system in the meantime double up on the diazepam to keep me calm (and knocked out for most of the day” title=”Sad” />) He stated that if my bloods indicated that it was starting to come under control they may operate sooner as I have been so ill (feel like such a moan
” title=”Sad” /> )
In the meantime I am left for another week feeling suicidal and going crazy
Thanks again
m xx
in reply to: I’m sorry me again but think I’m going crazy #1073116hey yes I agree and I try so much to hide it from my kids – hard though as you can’t schedule a mood swing eh? If only
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No not had RAI as would like more children so they said def no! I am having a partial removal hopefully if it starts to come under control in July. Last year there was no way I was having this done but after the thyroid storm which really has me in shock then YES I have decided thats what i want.
Its funny how treatments are completely different in different countries – I am in the UK where they prefer Carbimazole to PTU etc.
. My brother – in – law in Japan would treat me completely differently too.” title=”Confused” />
Thank you so much for your advice. Between here and calling my mum every 5 mins I get through each day – at least my mum and some on here make me laugh at past mood swings etc.. and I know one day I will have a chuckle about what I am saying or doing just now (except anything to do with the kids).
in reply to: I’m sorry me again but think I’m going crazy #1073114HI all,
Elf oh i thank you so much that you can share that you are like me. When i was first diagnosed after my first little boy 4 years ago now I was on the verge of ready to attack my husband and my eyes would blur with rage…… Then I would slump to the floor in floods of tears.
This time I feel even more so and am always going on at him. Last night after throwing all my ironing onto the dining room floor and turning the air blue in the process (kids in bed) we sat down at we really talked. By the way I had not intention of doing the ironing as I don’t have the energy but it felt great just throwing it about…. stupid i know. He has witnessed things before but this time I am so fatigued and so frustrated as a woman and a mum. I can do nothing and I want to scream
My little boy at 4 is an angel and he keeps saying don’t worry mummy. I sat down with him and told him that mummy cries because she isn’t very well at the moment not because of anything he does and that when he cuddles me each time I start to get better. If only….
I have started to think coulc I be verging on menopause aswell (my mum and gran, sisters were in 32 , 34) I am 29. My mum is fantastic as she had terrible times in her menopause so can appreciate all the mood swings and hormonal fatigue ( I remember it all clearly and thats why I worry about my kids).
I sometimes look at my stairs and think I could just throw myself down there.
I am normally a placid natured person and also very active that I could do my own housework and my mums and I think that is why I am so frustrated that this disease has disabled me in such a way. I know its terrible to say and you should count your blessings but if you had cancer they would take better care of you – instead they give you meds and say you will have a hard time now off you go.
I am drained and feel on the verge of a complete breakdown with it all. Elf I really appreciate your honesty as I know that I don’t tell alot of people as they don’t understand and just think you a nut.
” title=”Sad” />
Thanks again…
xxxxxxxxxin reply to: Bad Thoughts #1073174Hi yes I have been having feelings like that too. Like something is going to happen to me or the kids. It can also be a sign of depression but mostly like you I think its the thyroid which can result in irrational thoughts
in reply to: Terrible feeling of cold and sweating at nigh #1073984Hey when I was swinging back and forward between hypo and hyper it was a terrible time I remember when I was hypo going to bed with a hot water bottle.
But I would agree with a comment made about taking cold over hot any day. I can’t eat hot meals, drinks etc.. its cold yogurts from the back of the fridge and drinks that are almost full of ice
sweating all time –changing my top several times a day if its a bad day and even in the middle of winter in Scotland sitting in my back garden having my breakfast
Hope you get sorted soon
m x
in reply to: A Question and a comment #1073188Hey I am not sure but by law in the UK they need to refer you to a endo specialist. I agree with what someone said that there are good docs and bad, I had a terrible endo (whom I worked with had me on wrong meds for over a year and denied that the way I was feeling was down to my thyroid
)I changed endo and what a difference – he is fantastic and a friend I was at school with worked with him and agreed he is very empathetic as well as thorough in the job.
As for the muscle weakness yes I can relate BIG time. When I was working (on mat leave) I could hardly get out my car to patients houses and I was so v=weak and dizzy one day I went open the car door and fell to the sideI have always had a horrible tremor from top to bottom and i was so embarrassed that patients and people would think i was a secret drinker!
” title=”Razz” />
I can hardly write legibly anymore because of muscle weakness – its a horrible side effect I agree. I would try and get a good endo as they are specialists. My story is the opposite of yours my GP was negligent and i had a thyroid storm.
Hang in there.
M xx
in reply to: Hair loss – I’m scared #1073245hey thanks everyone I feel as though I am posting something new every day but I am just needing some support.
Karen what you are describing is like me – its is falling out in lumps and i have thick curly hair but am so scared of going bald. I know that sounds really vain.
Dianne, I know that I am not thinking rationally and that is the annoying thing as I am so aware of it and yet somedays can’t get a grip. I was really hurt the other day as my hubby and I were sniping at each other and he said "why don’t you just go and lie down thats what you do best" I know he didn’t mean it but it really hurt as I was so active with my first little boy and was at 5 baby classes a day and played, baked the lot with him. I cooked and baked everything from scratch and now I can’t even boil pasta in a pot that I have to go and sit down
” title=”Sad” /> I really don’t want to feel like this and am at my wits end. My hubby tries to keep the house clean be he isn’t the tidiest and yes I will admit I am rather anal about cleanliness and the house looking nice. I look around and I just want to burt into tears. I know that some people will say these things don’t matter but you have to have a level of cleanliness for your kids and if I don’t do it then most of the time it doesn’t get done.
I have had to be good to myself and also point out to my hubby that I worked part-time and yet ran the house cooked homemade meals and played with baby and was so involved with him. I done my house work at night so that I could have all the time with my eldest little boy – so YES there is something wrong with me and although I know you are tired I NEVER once went on at you for doing nothing in the house….. Its so degrading and I am sure many mums out there feel the same.
Thanks for all your support xxx
in reply to: Anyone experiencing intermittent hoarseness? #1073207Hey I used to run baby classes and it required alot of singing. Anyway, my eldest little boy loves me to sing to him and I say modestly that I had an ok voice however now I can’t sing in tune now and my voice wobbles all the time. Bless the wee soul he still thinks its great
But I do feel the strain and I have a rather large swelling.
in reply to: Autoimmune Disorders #1073354I’m not too sure… I know that my baby of 3 months was tested at 5 days old and he was fine – he was tested as the disease had been active at the time of pregnancy however my little boy who is 4 hasn’t been tested but yet could have it.
I would ask your endo, Because it is autoimmune it may lie dormant for years and it could take a bad flu or something like pregnancy to spur it on.
M x
in reply to: Autoimmune Disorders #1073352Hey,
I have RA and GD. There is a common link and also with celeiacs – I was tested on several occassions for Celeiacs and yet it was an underlying thyroid condition. You will find that there can be common links with one condition leading to another.
in reply to: Help me understand Me…. #1073865Hey hang in their if you read my posts the lat few weeks you will see that we are going through somthing similar. My sis was diagnosed at 13 and like you she had all the hormonal effects of a teenagers (not saying this as degrading because I have to accept that aswell as all the thyroid hormones I am just after a baby so not a good combination
” title=”Sad” /> ). She was driving us all crazy in the house and of course back then you weren’t told as much. She just wanted to sleep all the time or would become really aggreessive vocally and violently – now this is from a sister who was very soft natured etc,, She is a twin and while her twin was achieving very well at school she was falling behind etc…My parents were so worried not so much about the school situation but about this dramatic change in their daughter. Believe me when I say she was driving us crazy – my parents were very understanding but as her siblings we were all avoiding her etc.. which when i look back and now at my own situation I feel badly but then I was only 8
My personality changed completely before being diagnosed and I kid you not i went from someone going to the gym 5 times per week after work to lying on a couch all night and trying to care for a baby. I was very placid in nature and I became like a fiend from hell
My poor husband had so much to deal with and was so confused as I had changed completely.
I really think your parents would benefit from reading this post you have written and perhaps like some parents have done posted on here for some advice about their kids.
Hang in their it will get better (says me who was going off my head last week but started on meds and already starting to feel the benefit)
Keep us posted xx
in reply to: Edema anyone? – not PM #1073432I’ve had edema since the start of my Graves’ Disease, and my endocrinologist says that’s not uncommon
Like Dianne I started to have retention and oedema, I was on the blocking treatment (thyroxine and carbimazole). My hubby and mum said that some days my face was so swollen. I had to go up a size in shoe and luckily my dad is a jeweller so was able to give me a cheap wedding band to wear when my hands were so swollen.
It is a side of effect of the meds if you read up on them. My first endo whom I worked on the wards with was hopeless but when I changed he agreed it was the meds etc….
The best thing is to put your feet up when you can and also if you have a caring partner get them to rub your legs and feet.
Its not a nice feeling. If you are having pitting oedema then I would mention to your endo.
m x