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Could be palpatations. I know that I can’t lie flat on front or back as feel as though tyroid / throat is going to explode and feel a throbbing there – is that similar?
M xxx
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072965Hey I also mentioned the teaching colleges but its a shame as they seem to be so far away from her – its ridiculous in this day and age (gosh listen to me
) but it really is!
M x
in reply to: Frequent Bowl Movement (FBM) and Hyperthyroidism #1073013Hey ooooooooooo the joys eh?
Yeah I was diagnosed with IBS etc…anyway like pizzicatto said I often had to pull over at service stations or half way through dinner off I would go!
Its just great being a woman and having GD ain’t it
M x
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072962Yeah there isn’t many benefits to living in Britain but its certainly got it right with the NHS!
Come on Obama – we want change ( I am allowed to say that being an outsider and all?)
m xxxx
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072959I just PM you however as I read your last but
"I had a panic attack right after that appt. today and this lady stopped and was like can I help you? I was like are you an Endocrinologist or a Rheumotologist ? She was like no, and I told her well ma’am then you can’t help me. She was like you have to pull it together for your baby (who was also crying in his carseat, but I just didn’t have the physical strength to hold him); I told her that’s all I want is to live to take care of my children….I want to live! This isn’t living….I am existing…."
Our very dear friend who died in dec (cancer and old age) had an awful life and people were cruel to her. She often had such bad panic attacks that she would slide down lamp posts or walls. One day she sat down on the curb and just sobbed and a kind lady came over and helped her.
Her MIL used to lock her in a room with her baby until her hubby came home etc… she was a known beauty but a very devout lady to her faith so men weren’t on her agenda as such but her hubby was so controlling anyway…. the reason I am telling you this is that she got through and it helped other people AKA me – the wreck at the moment.You are having an awful time and any one who is a mother will know how difficult it is to keep going when so ill and hide your emotions like i said you can’t schedule panic attacks or mood swings…..if only!
Love mxxx
in reply to: New to board–but not Graves–having issues #1072944Hey there,
Firstly, I am so sorry to hear about both your losses.
My mum had a terrible menopause (she has had a hard life raising 6 kids and well the rest should be left unsaid). She was 32 when she went into and I was only 2 however, she had a complete breakdown through it all in the process as she had supressed everything for so long and WHOOOSH along came the "hell opause" as she would call it.
She is now helping me through my erratic days of mood swings and hormonal fatigue. She couldn’t take HRT etc… anyway it was a terrible time for her
” title=”Sad” /> She read a book Menopause without medicine and also a book which has helped me "Self help for your nerves "
My mum went from running a large house with 6 kids (we were always dressed and with 5 girls took time everyday to do her hairs in curls etc..) ran a buisiness with my dad and you name it she could do it. Then suddenly lifting a duster was tremendous effort and I remember as a little girl (as my 4 year old does now
” title=”Sad” /> ) cuddling her and writing little letters to tell her I loved her. She would go crazy somedays (sadly) and I remember her (she was always baking) throwing eggs at my sister who was around 16 at the time and hormonal too
” title=”Smile” /> Sadly my siblings were very unsupportive which just made everything worse.
I remember she had a 2 sisters and a very good friend who had a similar menopause (other women just sail through it) and they tried to help each other as I am sure you will find – some people don’t want to or don’t understand.
Yes I would agree you need the RIGHT kind of support and counselling can be a life saver. I have a friend who was moaning that her mum doesn’t take her kids etc and that she is horrible and is trying to blame it on her menopause – well she met the right person as I really told her how ill my mum was and what a fantastic mother she was but was couldn’t do anything not through choice but because of her condition. I then explained what i was going through and that hormonal imbalances, moods and fatigue are awful and that you need support and understanding. She went home and spoke to her mum that night and they both had a cry – now when the kids are at nursery she goes round to her mums and tries to do some ironing, housework etc and makes a little extra dinner and sends it around.
Sorry to go on but I really wanted to share my mums experience as I can truly understand.
Good luck at the Gp and would def recommend those books above and looking into some counselling – without your physical condition it sounds as though with all your traumatic life events recently you could do with some support.
Keep us posted
Love and prayers
M xHey I can’t help you with that decision as I have been advised against RAI because I want to have more kids.
As for how you are feeling – you are not alone . I am VERY scared that I will never feel well again and like you I told my husband that I feel trapped in this body. Before i was diagnosed after my first little boy (4 years ago) I went to the gym 5 days a week for an our work out and 20 in swim. I cleaned my house, my aunties and also helped my parents with theirs. Now I can’t care for my children and have such a poor quality of life at the moment.
As for the depression well yes I have had that (awful fro 2 years) and to be honest with you I have been both hyper and hypo and I think that they both carry their risks for depression or just plain crazinesss.
sorry not much help but you are not alone. xx
Pathetic and terrible what does it take to get some help for this condition???????
Did you tell them you where at your wits end and ready sleep in a bath?
I do remember my endo saying that post partum they will leave me running hyper for a while (if safe which is turned out to be nearly fatal for me) but I don’t think that applies to you. Its the typical "weight loss/ weight gain scenaroio" people don’t understand how ill you feel. I had an awful endo at the start (who I worked with and said oh so you will be the one returning my referals etc…). I have RA and a few years back it took me forever to get ready for work in the morning to go and help my patients with RA/ Strokes etc.. ironic eh??
” title=”Smile” />
Please hang in there – I know its not easy especially when you feel its all locked doors.
I really am going to keep you in prayers that something – someone helps you asap
m xxxx
in reply to: Freakin Out…BIG TIME!!!! #1073052Dianne you are a star!
M xin reply to: 12 year old daughter newly diagnosed #1073056HI my sis was diagnosed at 13
” title=”Sad” /> (I was 24). She was monitored very closely and like your daughter wasn’t allowed to partake in any physical activities. It was hard for her (and us ) as she started menstruating too and the combination created a monster from a very soft and placid little girl.
My parents were just very patient with her.She had 3/4 of the gland removed in her early twenties.
Its such a shame for someone so young to have to cope with all of this.
M x
in reply to: Freakin Out…BIG TIME!!!! #1073049just sent you private message back and have asked Dianne (moderator) to PM you as she really helped me…Def agree with amyl – hyper is more dangerous and I would rather be hypo than hyper however that doesn’t help your mood. My endo told my husband that a lady ended up in a mental state prison for killing her husband (there was social issues) but she had an undiagnosed thyroid and it tipped her over the edge.
Please please people post this lady some of your stories like you did for me to help her see she is not alone and we have all had that "mental" feeling at some point. Battamama today is the first day I could go down my stairs and not feel like I was going to rip it apart or commit suicide. Panic attacks well they are still there but I am taking the meds to try and help me.
Please hang in there and I am sure like me you will get some great advice.
in reply to: Freakin Out…BIG TIME!!!! #1073047Hey firstly deep breath!
You need to see an endo ASAP as you need to be assessed by a professional. However, why are you more scared of hypo than hyper – the hyper is more dangerous – or so I have been told by my endo.What does PM stand for?
I think you really need to see a doctor who can prescribe something to keep you calm. I have never taken medications like this before but after being so unwell (gosh you should check out my posts – they will make you feel sane
” title=”Smile” /> )I have being taking them and after 2 weeks of thinking I was going to harm myself or pass out with panic the meds are finally starting to kick in (hurrrayyy I here ski, Dianne and Elf all say!
” title=”Smile” /> )
Please contact and endo or at least a GP asap – its the best option – when you are thinking of sleeping in a bath then if you were well and thinking rational then you would know that you are unwell and need some professional medical health.
Please keep us posted – its this forum that has kept me going the last few weeks after being very ill.
M xxx
in reply to: Diet and Hyperthyroidsim + GO #1073044p.s never a heavy drinker maybe a glass of wine once a year but not long after the baby a friend came over with some wine and i had a few sips and I had a massive red streak down my face as though I was burned and it was stinging. spoke with my BIL and he said it could be the thyroid.
in reply to: Diet and Hyperthyroidsim + GO #1073043Hey that all sounds really interesting. When I was first diagnosed my Endo noted that I was vegetarian and as I am married to a Japanese (like you I done a wee bit of research) and I pointed out that I was eating lots of tofu/ seaweed and was on a strict soya diet because of my asthma (dairy not particularly good for asthmatics) I supplemented even spread for your toast etc with Soya spread – anyway he did say to come off the soya diet but that it was ok to eat Tofu on an occasional basis.
Not much help but would be interested to hear what others were advised and what they did.
m x
in reply to: Feeling good :-) #1073065Great! Isn’t it amazing how you appreciate the good days. I remember 3 years ago when i started to feel better after a year of fiddling with meds etc and I could feel like I could do my housework etc,, and feel normal.
Long may it last for you – delighted to hear it
” title=”Smile” />