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in reply to: I HATE this disease! #1072587
Hey thanks.
I agree with what you say – that I don’t want to be pregnant right now and have had 2 miscarriages in the past due to GD. Its not that which is getting to me its the fact I can’t get on with my life. We all have different views on contraception etc.. and perhaps TMI but it was a one off – as feel to unwell for any kind of physical relationship
I do get up, shower etc… take my little boy to nursery (washses me out) then come home to my baby or go to my mums house. I haven’t got a choice – even though I am so exhausted (like most women ) I really don’t have a choice but I really do feel I am ready to drop. I had a thyroid storm a few months ago and I feel so lowsy and I appreciate all your help and concern – thank you.
Its just the frustration of being stuck in a body which can do NOTHING yet I have so much to do! I definitely don’t feel sorry for myself as I am an OT and appreciate what other conditions are out there etc.. and how they effect peoples lives but it doesn’t help when you are in complete adrenal burn out
” title=”Sad” /> However, tomorrow hopefully will be a calmer day. Its just a horrible feeling to see life go on around you and I have to just wait until the day comes were I feel normal. I haven’t pushed my baby in his pram etc… it may seem trivial but to me at the moment these things are really getting to me.
Its also upsetting when I hear people tell me they thought I was going to die etc… thats how ill I have been – so I guess perhaps there is a traumatic side to it all and a complete loss of confidence… I was at my GP the other day so more bloods taken which indicate the PTU is finally starting to have an effect but she is keeping a really close eye on me as seemingly the results are still worrying due to the thyroid storm etc…
I really appreciate all your honesty. I waited 2 years to have my youngest after the m/c etc.. so am truly grateful but its just the fact like you say – everyone else can whoooop and celebrate the news of being pregnant whereas I am worrying about m/c or what my levels will be etc.. I am having the op as soon as they can get it under control as i have had enough of this thyroid controlling my life for the last 4 years. I suppose in a way I am grieving for what I once was – keep fit fanatic, helping my parents and an elderly aunt etc… to becoming the patient. I guess thats where part of the prayer comes in " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Gosh I tell my patients that – give into the fatigue and then start to bring yourself out of it – like when your car overheats.. and here I am unable to take that advice.
thanks once again – you are very kind to write such a long post to a luney like me.
M xx
in reply to: Surgery in Two Days #1072675Hey hope all went well – I’m having surgery in a few months so would love to hear all about how you got on xx
in reply to: Mea culpa … I didn’t introduce myself. #1072590Hey Mellissa,
just a wee quick hello from Scotland and welcome to the forum – this has been my life line over the last few months!
M x
in reply to: Emotions- Woman #1074548"But a good cry would make me feel better. So today, I simply locked the bathroom door…turned the shower on and cried for 30 min straight."
Firstly, I am so sorry to hear of your loss -I lost 2 babies through GD. My little was only 2 and I didn’t want him to see me cry etc so like you did on the above quote – in the bath at night I sobbed! My husband used to knock the door and come in as he could hear how hard I was crying. My heart really goes out to you – if you need to PM for some support I am here for you. I got so much support from other women who had experienced loosing a child.
You sound as though you have had an awful time of it but good for you being strong. I think without the GD you would still have every right to have mood swings however, YES I have went completely bonkers with mood swings – this last flare up has been the worst. But when I was first daignosed my eyes actually blurred with rage and I really did think that I was going to put my husband through a wall – I believed that my rage would give me the strength to do it! Its a horrible feeling as I know I often felt like monster…. Hopefully it will start to settle but it may be worthwhile asking for an anti-anxiety med in the meantime.
I will be thinking and praying for you and as I said above if you need to PM regarding the loss of your little one – I will be here for you
Lots off love and prayers
M x
in reply to: new member – please help!! #1072617Hey,
You have had a time of it! I can appreciate what you are saying. I am by no means vain but like you I appreciated that I was reasonable pretty…I had very thick curly hair ( a family trait!
” title=”Smile” /> ) and now it is like meat loafs (the singer) at the moment. My eyes were always my main feature and they are so sickly looking and kid you not when i say that i have bags almost down to my nose and often they are swollen. I have had the weight gain/ weight loss situation too. Often I ask my husband if I have lost all my looks not out of vanity but insecurity. However, I have been so ill and therefore the last thing on my mind has been getting my hair cut (what is left) or putting on make- up.
My mums friend called the other day (she is a nurse) she was concerned to hear what had happened and she said that my mum remarked that "you would cry if you seen my daughter at the moment she looks so ill". It terrifies me that I may never feel well again and as a young wife – will I ever appear attractive to my husband again.
so yes I can appreciate what you are saying – its not vanity but a feeling of insecurity. Not much help but I do appreciate how you feel.
M x
in reply to: Another new member #1072680Welcome!
I hope you get all the support that you need here! I certainly have found it to be fantastic, there is so much knowledge and experiences on here that like you say help you understand that you aren’t going crazy!
” title=”Wink” />
m xx
in reply to: My Daughter’s Weight Gain #1072737Hi there,
I can completely sympathise. I was diagnosed 4 years ago and was always of a slim build – I was overactive for a year before being diagnosed and my neighbour (who has hypothyroidism we found out) was so concerned about my weight loss when she saw me pottering out the back garden, hanging washing out etc.. that she asked my mum if I was anorexic.. Once I was diagnosed and started meds as many people will tell you on here it can be a constant game of fiddling with meds until your bloods stabilise.
I was put on the blocking treatment as (typical of me) they couldn’t get it controlled so I was on carbimazole and thyroxine. I felt awful and although I hardly ate (my husband was my witness and at work my colleagues noticed my lack of appetite) I started to pile on the pounds, although my mum and hubby noticed that some days my face would look hugely swollen etc… I approached my endo at that time questioning the weight gain – he said that my bloods were in normal range and very rudely asked "are you sure its not what is going between the teeth?" I was so shocked and hurt and my husband had wished he was in at that consultation. I was so active as had a little toddler at the time, worked part – time and kept my house very clean so was never off the go until around 11pm at night then back up at 6 am with my little one etc…
Anyway, I joined several dieting clubs and although staying religiously to their plan I was putting on weight
” title=”Sad” /> I was at least 20lbs overweight and that fluxuated sometimes by 7lbs a week! I fell pregnant and had to change endo’s (thankfully) he was shocked I was on the treatment I was – I explained all the weight gain /swelling etc.. etc… he said that I should never have been on those meds and was overdosed on both for over a year (my previous endo and him studied together at uni ). He took me off all meds completely to see if I would go into remission and within a week or 2 I lost 9-11lbs and then it just started to fall of me. Yet my bloods were in the normal range.
I am by no means qualified to state that your daughters weight gain is down to the meds etc… but it could possibly be worthwhile getting a second opinion and also perhaps there may be some gynological issues too which can cause such a weight gain. Its a horrible feeling and can completely empathise with her especially when you recieve conflicting info.
I tried to refrain from any carbs after 6pm and drink a lot of fluids to see if that would help the fluid retention.
I am now back to the weight falling off me again and for all it feels great at the mo (as just after having a baby) I am concerned that I will once more stabilised start to regain weight.
Sorry I am not of much help.
m xxx
You poor soul – I was so worried that something like that would happen the other day and I contacted Dainne about my concerns.
Do they think that the v&D is a bug or symptomatic of the thyroid? I think the may issue here is that you are not being seen by a specialist therefore no follow up care and just general medics who are are going on a basic knowledge.
Your symptoms sound very much like mine when I was going into the thyroid storm, however I am so confused by the care you are receiving – is it normal in the states to discharge someone in such a state – do they not have any legal liability even though you have no insurance? In the UK they could be held liable and an inquest could be held….
How are you feeling today?
M x
p.s posted the parcel off to you xxxx
in reply to: Need encouragement:( #1072762Hey,
It sounds as though you and I are twin souls at the moment. I KNOW EXACTLY how you feel. I did have a thyroid storm and then afterwards if you look to my posts they are exactly the same symptoms etc.. that you are going through. My hubby works from home thankfully and my mum lives in the same street otherwise I am not sure how i would have cared for my children. I am feeling slightly calmer after the PTU has now gotten into my system after 3 weeks and I am on high dose of valium and buspar. I am running out the house and into the car ready to start screaming etc…
I can truly sympathise with the shakes (I said in one of my posts that I was positive people thought I was a secret drinker as i shook so badly), can’t write, can’t do anything etc… I also have a goiter. The panic and anxiety are awful and it doesn’t help when people say its symptomatic in the sense that its of no help to you at the moment but it did calm me to the point that I knew that I wasn’t going crazy but it was my thyroid.
My endo had a great way of putting it, he said that my thyroid is making my body think it is running a marathon. He also gave a great description of mentally – you know when you have been out to a party or have laughed so much for hours then you come home and it can take you sometime to come down from that high – well he said that instead of coming down from that my mind is speeding up hence the anxiety, unable to cope and unable to rationalise. However, also with the autoimmune part my body can’t keep up with adrenal demands and the fatigue just becomes overwhelming.
Please please hang in there – you can always PM me and I will help in anyway I can.
send (((HUGS))
M xx
I feel as though this is all words I am putting to you but I truly do understand – I really didn’t think I would be here today writing this to you. I got some great support on here and it does help to know other people out there know how you feel….
I have decided on a partial removal as couldn’t bare to go through this throughout my life..
” title=”Sad” />
xRhonda ,
My goodness have you been through the mill! I am sorry to hear of all your troubles and admire your strength and courage and also honesty!
My health visitor was here today (they come for a certain period after having a baby) she said the last time she came to visit she went straight to my GP (they all work in the same building) as she had HUGE concerns about me both physically and mentally. She noticed a slight improvement as do I physically however the mental and emotional issues are taking time to come around. I think most of it is anxiety, stress and loss of control which in itself is a grievance as you will know especially when you have kids. My MIL called from Japan and she is coming over for 2 weeks to help (bless her). It will give my poor mum a break who is so ill herself but is trying to keep going for me!
Thanks to all of you,
M x
thanks i genuinely don’t know what I would do without you all x
in reply to: Questions from a dad #1072825HI there,
It is indeed baffling however perhaps there has been some form of test which has indicated an autoimmune disease present? mY friend has had half her thyroid removed because she had 3 large cysts on her thyroid however has no thyroidism and has been told that she needs no medication or follow up etc.. which baffled me really too.?
I would ask the endo to explain – perhaps there has been antibodies in her blood etc even though her levels are fine but it is something which could possible flare up in the future?
Sorry not much help.
M x
in reply to: so many opinions, but really how many options? #1072853HI there,
I can appreciate what you are saying about feeling worse on the meds. After my diagnoses 4 years ago I was first put on carbimazole (similar to PTU but preferred med in UK). Then my body responded too well to the meds and my first endo put me on a blocking treatment of carbimazole and thyroxine (rather high levels of both). Anyway I was so swollen some days I couldn’t get my shoes on, couldn’t wear my wedding band and my hubby and mum would often notice my face would swell rather to the point it looked as though I was on high dosages of steriods. Anyway I kept telling him I felt AWFUL!, weight gain the lot and he just ignored what I was telling him as he said my bloods were fine. He actually had the rudeness to say about my weight gain "are you sure its not what is going between the teeth". I was most upset.
Anyway thankfully I changed endos – in my home town – he was baffled why I was on this blocking treatment and said I must have felt awful! Also he stated (my husband was furious!) that menstruating women should not be on these combined meds etc… the swelling etc.. was due to an overdose in meds for over a year! He asked if I wanted to gamble and come off them to see what happens. I lost 9lbs in a week! I knew I was retaining fluid! Then a month later I fell pregnant so never got the chance to see how it would have went – luckily able to come off the meds throughout the pregnancy.
Now you never said if hyper or hypo – but it can be dangerous to allow a thyroid to run overactive (and I presume to a point underactively too) infact you would most likely I submise through experience feel worse.
Sometimes its a matter of trying different meds / doses etc…. but I really think you need to see an endo and I am sure you will get the same advice from others on here. Not to frighten you but I had a thyroid storm post partum and it was a very frightening experience so if they gave me poison now I would take it… I am also having it removed once it starts to behave.
M x
in reply to: Dividing Doses? #1072885Hey I am on night and day……
Will also ask at my appointment
” title=”Smile” />
M xxx
in reply to: feeling better but now going kinda hyper! #1072880glad you still hanging in there! That is alot of money! Gosh!
My neck is very swollen I struggle to be able to place my chin on my breast bone
” title=”Sad” />
I can’t wait to get y energy back – like you (typical woman and mother) I was never off the go – Oh i hope that energy comes back.
How did you get on with the dog oil?
Thinking of you
m xxxx