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in reply to: Need more help and advise please!! #1070187
Hi ,
Wow you have had a very hard time of it. As someone who has suffered and still do – especially at this moment from anxiety I completely sympathise. Firstly, its not the main reason but low ferratin (iron counts) results in anxiety, feelings of being strange and spaced out.
The anxiety has been with me since I was attacked when I was 14 by 3 girls. It comes and goes. Since the TS the panic attacks have been awful so I can completely appreciate how you are feeling with trying to battle on. Have you ever read "self help for your nerves" by Dr Claire Weeks. A life saver for me….even now like when I had to walk out the supermarket a few weeks ago .. I knew that it was panic and I could "float" by the attack until I got to the car.
After the TS i most definitely have PTSD – I still have flash backs and if I hear my mum or husband speaking about me collapsing in the house etc.. I need to go out of range of their conversation. It has had a huge impact on my activities of daily living and confined me to the house most days or I have to take diazepam to get over the front door. Lauren I have been where you have been and still are sadly. I had a complete breakdown in my final year at uni..I found a fantastic counsellor who helped me to get out the emotions which were like the mangled balls of elastic bands inside a golf ball – you getting me? I have sat up at nights sobbing – sitting in a bath fully clothed… There is light at the end of the tunnel – I promise you! If I can come through it so can you! You don’t say what age you are?
OCD I know about from working with patients….its something that needs to be treated at a higher level such as a pyschiatrist – my friend has been ill for many years with this condition and its very sad to watch someone go through that – however, with the right help she is getting better.
Please PM me if you feel the need. In the meantime I am praying for you.
lots of love and hugs
m xxx
in reply to: Propylthiouracil or Carbimazole #1070181Hey,
I have been on both was on carbimazole after diagnoses switched to PTU with pregnancy. Then was back on carbimazole HOWEVER….this time my WBC when into my boots and was very low so I had to switch to PTU. Did you have a problem with WBC?
I gather you are in the UK? Carbimazole is the preferred ATD in the UK so I am wondering why they choose PTU this time. It may be worth finding out. I find that the times I have been on PTU and still at this stage on them I have oedema, otherwise I’m ok.Ski is right these are meds for hyperthyroidism – levothyroxine for hypothyroidism.
M xxx
in reply to: Thank God for GDF (new to GD and GDF) #1070256HI Justin,
Firstly, welcome and good on you for being so open! Yes I think you may have even seen some of my posts about relationships. My hubby is a good man and infact I think a lesser man would have walked away after 4 years of a wife feeling unwell and struggling through a day. However, how do you try to educate someone on the effects of a disease who only wants the medical facts? I think Ski is right that it may be worthwhile letting her read your post. Thankfully my hubby was understanding when I was first diagnosed but when I changed to my hero of an endo – he was even more enlightened. Also this endo would ask how he was and discuss the effects of GD on the partner so he was also supporting him too.
I gather with the beta- blockers your BP hit your boots by the sound of it?
I would more than happily talk to Chrsiti for you. I have replied to another thread about mood swings where I see you had commented. Not only did my mood alter but I went from someone who went to the gym 5 nights a week for 40-50mins hard work out followed by an hour of speedo swimming to barely being able to take care of personal care. After the TS I went into an even further decline where ( I was just thinking of this the other day and how far I have came since then yeah!) I was so fatigued where if I needed to wash my hair then I had to get my hubby to do it and then I had to just have a wash down at the sink with his help and have a shower the following day – it was all graded activities as I was so fatigued.
Its very hard to try and explain that to someone but perhaps if she came on here and noticed that the majority of us are woman ( no offence to the men) who have children, have partners who work full time so we have the kids, have to clean the house, and work part-time ourselves. So by no means are lazy but physically and yes emotionally unwell because of this condition. Also the aspect that we realise how hard it can be on a partner trying to support us with this condition. Lets face no one on this forum would choose to have this condition. I have decided to go for the op as I can’t face the prospect of another TS and I NEED to feel well again for my kids, me and hubby.
Hang in there and take lots of care.
M xx
in reply to: GD and Emotions..we are new to GD #1070283Hey there,
Just reading your post makes me think of my home situation but in reverse I am the one with GD and my hubby has been very supportive but in the process a casualty to the stranger I have become with this disease. I don’t even think I can look back to my old posts at the moment at the early stages after my thyroid storm.
I was diagnosed 4 years ago after my first little boy and I actually had blurred vision with rage..It was a COMPLETE personality change. Where I would normally never utter a word to offend someone even someone who has taken me down I turned into jack Nicholson from the shinning. It was horrific. My hubby really thought I had some mental health issue and I began to think (also as a health professional) that I had a tumour on my brain.The events that took place then were mild to after the TS. I really thought that I was either going to damage my husband but more so myself. Not being this to come across as complacent but normally I would be described as placid, gentle, compassionate and very patient and tolerant well at that stage in my life I was none of those I was a fiend. I was so crabby towards my kids especially me eldest then would burst into tears with the guilt…it was awful. My endo was fantastic and said that yes I was going off my head as my levels were horrific. He even told another of his patients about me who was newly diagnosed…saying that during my pregnancy I was very placid and good natured and then woooooossssssssssss! I went crazy. he highlighted that the divorce rate in couples with one having GD is very high… ” title=”Sad” />
I can understand how you feel as I know that my hubby has scars. The last week I think my bloods have went off again slightly as I can feel the mood swings starting however…. I am more in control. it is indeed a very difficult situation living with someone with thyroidism. My sister has had it since she was 13 and some days our family like came to a standstill as she (again very soft and gentle nature and is so again thanks to having the op ” title=”Very Happy” /> ) either put the house up in the air or went for one of us physically. It wasn’t a nice time at all in our household ” title=”Sad” />
All I can say is that it will get better. I have posted often on here at the ends of dispair and these guys and by the Hand of God have brought me through it. mamabear has some hysterical stories.
I genuinely would have faced the devil and won after my TS – no one could get in my way. Now yes I have my off days as a combination of high levels, fatigue, trying to cope with kids a house and a hubby but it is so much better than before.
Hang in there and it would do no harm in getting your partner to come on here – we need more male support on here for the guys
Take care
m xxin reply to: intermittent heat/hot flashes in my leg? #1070351HI Elise,
I’ve not had anything like this. However, just wanted to ask when you say its the same spot on your leg is it itcy, red around that area or hard feeling? It may be worthwhile getting it checked out incase (don’t panic but the smallest chance) its a DVT.
let us know how you get on.
M xxx
in reply to: Crazy or Graves Disease? #1070434Hi Woodley,
Firstly , when you say "normal" does that mean all your levels rather than just a TSH normal? Yes I have been crazy with GD when I was in a hyper state and especially after I had the TS I thought I was going to loose it and still get frightened at how close I came. However, it has taken sometime but my levels had came down gradually and the meds kicked in and I started to settle. My endo discussed all my levels with me and explained them all to me. It may be worth while trying to speak with your endo or even a good GP.
I took the TS post partum (have a history of anxiety and depression about 8 years ago) anyway I was scared they were going to put it down to PND but infact my endo, GP and HV were all great in recognising it was all thyroid related. I still have days like today where out of the blue I started to take a panic attack and had to take diazepam to get me out the door to see my eldest at his sports day.
I hope that you are able to speak with someone regarding what they are terming as "normal". In the meantime don’t despair we are all here for you.
m xxx
in reply to: Levothyroxine and Soy #1070447Hi,
When I first diagnosed I was on a high soya diet to help my asthma. The first endo I was seen by advised me to refrain from soya products and I was hyper at the time.
M x
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070715lakeview and Rhonda thanks so much for your support. Thanks for the advice with vit C Rhonda! ” title=”Wink” />
I was at GP today with my eldest little one as he has been unwell and my GP was asking how I was. She said that my bloods were slightly off again but that they would still go for surgery.
Deep breaths….
M x
in reply to: ovulation hormones and bad day #1070493Hi,
Since I was diagnosed with GD I have problems with periods. Since the TS I have felt really unwell at times throughout the month which I think is in relation to ovulation etc..
Its great being a woman and having GD eh?
M x
in reply to: im so tired of my mom saying… #1070519Hey,
I am so sorry you are having to go through this as well as being unwell. I don’t want to run your mum down but I am surprised that someone who has had anxiety would not be overly sympathetic with regards to your condition. Like Ski says ( a wise woman ” title=”Smile” /> ) it would be beneficial for her to read up on this condition but whether she will accept that as a means to trying to understand your condition I am not sure. Would she come along to an endo appointment with you?
I have a very supportive mum who had a terrible menopause so appreciates the hormonal fatigue and anxiety etc.. I have however had colleagues etc making snipe remarks! ” title=”Sad” />
Like Ski I don’t have an answer but we are all here for support.
M xxx
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070711Hey me again.
Ok the nerves are back!!! I have my date for my official pre-assessment. I have to have tests to see if I am safe for the aneasthetic and also a tube to go down throat via my nose to check my vocal cords. Has every one had this done and where you ok? I guess being chronic asthmatic makes very nervous to have anything going down my throat or obstructing my trachea.
Oh gosh I am really not up for any of this. I am exceptionally nervous and so scared. I am burying my head in the sand and then the letter arrived this morning with regards to the above. Also I know this is a rare happening but has any one had to have a tracheostomy after the op.
I am trying very hard to place all my trust in God and trust that nothing will happen to me which He is not in control of. I think I am more nervous because I have the boys.
I am cracking up today and really struggling – I think the anxiety is getting the better or me, plus the fact my little one has slapped check viral infection so lack of sleep is not helping. ” title=”Sad” />
deep breaths…… ” title=”Wink” />
M xx
I have had a very healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. My GD was very well controlled in my last pregnancy and I was able to come off PTU throughout. Pregnancy normally settles the thyroid levels down and the placenta is very clever in protecting the baby during this time. I attended a specialist endo/gyn clinic and had 14 scans with my last pregnancy which I was thankful for. They normally take very well care of you and baba ” title=”Smile” />Every child is a blessing. Like Ski I was a surprise baby – I have 5 older siblings. When my mum was pregnant with me they warned her that either she/ me or both of us could die as she was very ill after my twin sisters – massive hemorrhage. However, both of us are so thankful that she would not consider a termination and I was the easiest birth she had and very healthy.
As Ski says it is indeed a blessing and I am sure both you and baby will be very healthy. Congratulations!!
M x
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #1070752Hi Michelle how are you?
What a horrible way to have your diagnosis. Please keep us updated on how you are.
Take lots of care
M xxxin reply to: Help me sleep PLEASE!! #1070657Hi Michelle,
Of course its your decision if you don’t want to take a sedative. You are not a "pill head" though ” title=”Smile” /> . I appreciate what you are saying though, I had a breakdown years ago and I never took any meds throughout. However, after the TS things were so bad that I had to finally agree to something or else I don’t think I would be here writing this to you. My GP still prescribes me the meds but I haven”t taken any in a while.
Hopefully the ATD will kick and settle things down soon.
In the meantime take lots of care.M xxx