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in reply to: My sister has now been diagnosed! #1069911
Thats great info- I am not sure I will ask. She was at one stage exceptionally thin and always shaky but no other signs. I am not sure she just got a call from her GP (different from my Gp) so I think she has just been told her results so perhaps she has jumped the gun and said its GD too. I actually know nothing about Hashimotos diesease so any info on that if that is her diagnosis would be great!
I will keep you updated! lol These genes are a killer eh?
M xx
in reply to: Mood Issues #1069888Hi,
Sorry to hear things are not good at the moment for both you and your husband. Just a quick message as on my way out. Moodswings are common in thyroid patients. For me it was a complete change of personality and as Cathy highlighted I had no control over them at all. I could be fine one moment then spot a cup in the sink and really let loose…. Its horrible for you but it is horrible for him too as he has no control at times and it does put a lot of strain on families.
Hopefully once the meds start to kick in he will become more stable mood wise.In the meantime – yes hide if you must until each storm is over as in my experience it didn’t help if my hubby was around infact sometimes it just fueled the fire and then afterwards I was left with a tremendous amount of guilt until the next moodswing 5 mins later
M xxx
in reply to: Total Thyroidectomy Scheduled 2/5/09 #1074007Hey,
Was in interesting reading all the replies on here. I am so nervous (as you all know ” title=”Smile” /> ” title=”Smile” /> ) as I am going for my op in 2 weeks! @ weeks where did the time go? Over in the UK – well in Scotland anyway its ENT surgeons who perform surgery.
With regards to someone asking about why people would take RAI over surgery – I suppose its the fact that no one really wants to go for an operation.
in reply to: having a virus and GD? #1069901HI Emily,
I know when I had a flu like virus my endo had pointed out that it can sometimes upset the thyroid and exacerbate symptoms… Hopefully you will start to feel better soon, and its a good thing they have taken some blood to keep an eye on you.
M xxxx
in reply to: Just diagnosed today and I am so scared! #1069921Christy,
DEEP BREATH……… This is alot to take but please try and settle…it is a very daunting diagnosis and I cried too when I was first diagnosed (my sis had the op) and then sobbed when I read would could happen with the meds. Also the fact that your levels are out of range only exacerabate these feelings.
Hopefully once you are on the meds for a time you will feel better not everyone remains very unwell with this condition – you may be one of those lucky ones. Yes it is very hard when you are unwell and have kids. Your situation sounds like mine at the moment and after I was unwell a few months back and like your hubby mine is always worried about work as he is so busy and stressed with it all. I also done everything in the house and now well I just can’t do it. It was very hard for me but I had to let go of some of the things around the house…it wasn’t easy and I still have my days where I think no one can come into this house because I feel its not as clean or tidy as I want it to be. However, I have learned to accept that as long as the kids are clean and fed and the house is clean enough for them to play safely then I can’t have my stepfords wives home which I normally like to have
It may take a while for hubby to realise what this all means and that its not just weight gain/loss. This condition can make you feel awful – the hardest part for me was giving myself "permission" to be unwell. Have a wee look at some of the older threads which may help to settle you and also Hopeful has started a great thread for anxiety so there is another place to get some reassurance. I think when you have kids and you are unwell you are like the walking wounded. My friends who don’t have kids take days off work for trivial things whereas like most mums on here I have went to work on a few hours sleep and unwell myself. Try to be gentle with yourself. I told a story a while back which was called "I am where God wants me to be" it was about 3 men who worked at the World trade centre. Well for me I prayed that I could take the year off with my mat leave (financially it would have been a struggle), well I have got my year off but not in the way I wanted it but hey God works in mysterious ways.
We are all here for you!
M xxx
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069927Hi Hopeful,
This is a great idea! I will be the mentor lol! As I could write the book! Speaking of books I have a fantastic book which helped me through a really rough time a few years back. Even now when the panic comes I can relate back to the teachings in this book and "float by" the panic, recognise that I won ‘t pass out and if I do I will come back round. Easy said and it doesn’t stop the panic but it helps me focus so that they don’t last as long. Its called "Self help for your nerves" by Dr Claire Weekes.
I started to have anxiety after I was attacked by 3 girls when I was 14 and I never went to school or out the house for 2 years. So it weakened the nerves and now even when I am feeling well and something happens the "old nerves" can kick in, so I can’t react like a "normal" person would. My panic was often so bad in the past I was in a book shop once while I was unwell with depression/anxiety ( prior to GD) and thought there was an earthquake but it wasn’t – it was me shaking with nerves.
Since the GD 4 years ago the anxiety has been horrific. I am now starting to be able to go out a little but I admit I am on high doses of valium to get out the front door which is not like me at all, normally I would refuse all meds like that. I am so scared I take another TS and I think the op is lurking in the back of my little overactive mind ” title=”Sad” />
However, panic is always with you but you can learn to work with it and recognise the days when its safer to stay at home and tomorrow could be a better day. Or like last night when after travelling home from a 6 hour car journey and my heart was 150 at rest I started to panic and thought I was going to pass out I was ready to call an ambulance as I felt so ill, however, I went into another room put on the TV, tried to read a book , had the fan on at the highest level to keep me cool and lay with my holy water and rosary beads( lol Emily sure you understand ” title=”Wink” /> ” title=”Wink” /> ) and tried to take my mind of my heart beat, it wasn’t easy but I spoke myself through it with the help of my memory from my book mentioned above. I knew that if I was going to take really unwell then I didn’t have any control over it and made myself relax and calm down. Its funny as although I work mainly with physical rehab but obviously mental issues come in too and I help people regain their confidence after operations, anxiety etc…yet when it comes to me – all that is out the window!
I would love to help people out there get through there bad times. After all you only really understand if you have walked in another mans shoes.
M xxx
I truly feel for anyone who has panic/anxiety attacks.
in reply to: Mamabear Checking in to say hello #1070010Hey mammabear!
Glad you are ok – I was worried about you!
Sounds as though life is good at the moment- good to hear!
We are off to Thomas Land today with the kids for a few days – a huge step for me with the anxiety etc… but hey its amazing just how far you can come in a few months!
m xxx ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” />
in reply to: Good News! #1069992Great News!!!! ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” /> ” title=”Very Happy” />
So happy and relieved for you all!
in reply to: Hey Ski, I have a question? :) #1070027Hi
I have to agree with Ski that I haven’t heard there isn’t really any set diet for thyroidism. I know that when I was first diagnosed that I was on a high soya diet and was told to come off that initially also as I am married to a Japanese man – to stay away from seaweed. However, maybe he meant the caffeine content in the diet coke etc which can increase your heart rate if taken in large amounts. I know that during pregnancy I didn’t take any caffeine and after the TS I had caffiene free tea and switched from my favourite Irn-Bru and Diet Coke to 7UP if I wanted some juice. But I love cold water so that is my tipple!
I am not sure about the whole sweetener debate. I imagine in high doses it can’t be good for you but I also think about the fact that you can have 120 cans of diet coke to one can of normal coke ( I only drink sugar free drinks) is rather alarming with regards to calorie intake and also the amount of sugar in a can of coke.
Sorry of no great help.
in reply to: So nervous – how will I cope? #1070072Thanks everyone! Its so heart warming to think that there is so many lovely people out there trying to reassure me!
I just have to think that I surely can’t feel any worse than I do now or especially after the TS! I am just so nervous and am scared. I think if I didn’t have the boys then I wouldn’t worry so much ” title=”Wink” /> However, I have my pre-op on the 9th to check out my vocal cords etc… and then after that its only a matter of a week then I’m off!
Thanks so much for all your support. Rhonda I am an OT and on mat leave but I think if I went into see the op then I would most def NOT be going in myself lol! I think it may help others though who are not just as anxious as me.
There is a link in utube with a recording of surgery which I started to watch a few months back and had to put it it off! Have any of you seen the young girl who had thyroid cancer – she has a massive scar! But if you watch any of her other videos she has the most fantastic voice!
M xx
in reply to: Medicine before surgery #1070123Hi,
Thanks for your PM – sorry not got back to it in person as yet but promise I will . In the meantime it can take different times for levels to come into range – as Ski etc.. are saying. I am going for surgery in a few weeks and it has taken 6 months for my bloods to come into range for the go ahead – even though they have went slightly off at the moment they are still within range for the op to go ahead. My endo said that looking at my bloods – the first year of my diagnosis – it would have been about 12 months before they would have considered operating.
With regards to pregnancy – I would definitely advise you to wait until either your bloods are within range and have been for a while or after the op. I was lucky to be off PTU in my last pregnancy. Everyone has different opinions and you will find endos even have different treatment options/opinions.
I had 2 m/c after my first little boy and now have a second very healthy boy while my GD was active. The way I look it is ..if that baby is meant to be born, you could fall off a cliff and the baby will survive. My two little ones weren’t for this world and although I have many days where I hate this disease and blame it for the loss of my little ones I believe that God is in control. The reason I say this is …if like me who has had no planned pregnancies ( lots of little surprises lol) then try not to panic either if this happens before the op.. they will take very good care of you.
M xxx
in reply to: the rai is working:-) #1070050WOOOOOOO and indeed HOOOOOOOOO!!
At last things are starting to go right!
in reply to: So nervous – how will I cope? #1070065hey all thanks so much ” title=”Smile” />
Ski you are so right – its easy to give advice but taking it? Well thats a different ball game! ” title=”Very Happy” /> Its funny because I have been present at several orthopaedic operations and will tell my patients oh you will be fine etc.. yet I know that if I had ever to have a hip replacement I would be petrified lol!
Emily – you are so kind.. I know your prayers are being listened to as hey – look how far I have come! I have even booked a friend who has her own cleaning company to come in while I am in hospital and for a few months after until I get on my feet. Now that is forward thinking and taking the heat of myself. Before I would have been so embarrassed to ask for help around the house but I know I need it and I know that its not fair on the kids hearing me get agitated about the house and also not fair on me getting stressed!
Hopeful – your are so wise and I hope things are settling down at home? I do often think of all of you and I get my strength from you guys on here!
I must admit I have been perking myself up with Grey’s anatomy which I had never watched before but my friend is addicted to it and Patrick Dempsey McDreamy is certainly helping me unwind at nights lol!!!!!
Thanks again
m xxx
in reply to: Missing my voice :( #1070075HI Joanna,
I am so sorry to hear about everything that has happened to you – thats has been an awful experience which sadly is still ongoing.
I am sorry I don’t have any experience or advice for you but didn’t just want to read your post and not reply with a welcome aboard and am sure you will get some great advice on here.Lots of love
M xxx
in reply to: Is it a bad day? #1070099Hi Julie,
Sorry you are having such a hard time. Firstly, how long have you been on the meds? Have you had your WBC checked?
Like Emily said I did have a a thyroid storm however was diagnosed 4 years ago and felt so awful and petrified of the possibility of taking a TS. I know that I felt very ill prior to it and a few days before I really felt as though I was ready to collapse – I had a horrific tremor where if i lifted a cup of tea it would spill with the shaking – it was very pronounced like alcohol withdrawal shakes ( not personal experience but treating patients ” title=”Smile” /> ” title=”Smile” /> ), my heart was thudding with tachycardia and had palpitations regularly. I was sweating excessively and I did collapse at my parents house. It was different from the horrible symptoms which I had when first diagnosed and am experiencing at the moment. However, I think its best to get your levels checked out. With me my bloods went from just out of range to into space.
I know that I have felt very dizzy with this condition especially if you just started meds as your BP may be off until the meds start to kick in – like Ski said. Also it can be a very slow process and like Emily said its not easy but hopefully once the meds start to take effect you will feel the difference. It can be a slow process but I promise if I can get through the last 5 months then anyone can. Its not pleasant and when you think about TS it can be very frightening – take it from someone who hid the piece of paper in a drawer just after I was diagnosed. I am still afraid to go out incase I take a palpitation which to me makes me think I am ready to take a TS as I thought my heart was going to burst.
Please try to take it easy. If you need time off work do that, lie and watch DVD’s or read – things that are relaxing and not taxing.
In the meantime if you are unsure or anxious about your symptoms call your GP or hospital – if thats what it takes to try and settle you and reassure you then its a small step.
Take lots of care
M xx