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in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070722
Paloma – thats not preaching at all just words of encouragement…and what lovely words too ” title=”Smile” /> Thanks so much for all your prayers I definitely will need them
I go in at 8am – the morning of the op so at least I won’t be lying worrying in a hospital bed the night before and missing my boys dreadfully!
Well its count down folks! What would I do with you all ! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070720LOl Ski! Yes you are on to me!
I called my BIL in Japan and he was saying that she is very experienced and wouldn’t want any issues with her surgery so TRUST HER! I’m like ok BUT!!!
Yes you are so right leave all in God’s hands and all will be well….thats my mantra by the way now!
M xx
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070718Thanks EWMB! Will do!
I am so disheartened tonight! I just hope that I DO FEEL better after this op and this isn’t just me for life!
I felt ill after being diagnosed but this last 8 months post TS has been a real killer – I want my life back!!!
All of you who have had the op – did you feel so much better after the op (please say yes …like the day after lol)
M xxx
in reply to: 9 months after diagnosis,my story #1069784HI Abigail,
Welcome aboard! It sounds as though you have had a rough time but it may help to know and read that others on here have been there and survived….well hanging by a thread somedays may be a more apt expression ” title=”Wink” />
You will find lots of information and support on here!
in reply to: 22nd of July – date for op very nervous! #1070716Hi all
Got a call from surgeon’s secretary to say that my bloods are still abnnormal but they are ok for surgery. Anyone else had this and been ok?
I know I need to trust my surgeon and I do but I just get so anxious about it all.
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069855Thats a good way of thinking about it!
mamabear….. "Right girls where we booking into?"
in reply to: Memory Loss #1069980Oh yes I have had this one big time!
Little old anal me was starting to get things wrong and forgetting alot of things. My worst situation and I burst into tears at work was when I forgot to write up a patients notes- thankfully my very lovely colleague told me on the quiet but i burst into tears and was ashamed.
I have taken the wrong cut offs at roads etc.. and unless I write everything down and put it somewhere where I will remember where it is – magnets on the fridge …then well then its a goner. I have lived away from home since I was 16 – going to college etc… and then had my own flat for about 8 years before I got married, ran my own car, put myself through uni and worked in the evening and now…well my hubby has to take care of all the household financies, car insurance the lot and basically tell me where to sign… I remind him of the above and how capable I was when I am having a "sensitive moment" aka "moodswing"
Thank God for him or else I would be in a right muddle. Its a horrible feeling isn’t it.
Oh Emily "offer it up" is a common saying in our house and you know what after seeing a group on facebook in the fight again child abuse …I am trying to "offer it all up"".
In the meantime girlies Pen and paper but just remember where you put the reminder if you are anything like me.
in reply to: Savoring success!!! #1069867Whooop whoop ( with that "Go Ricky" as in Ricky lake motion) ” title=”Smile” /> ” title=”Smile” /> ” title=”Smile” />
Great news Cathy! So pleased for you! xxx
in reply to: What causes pulse to go faster? #1069839HI the way I was led to understand the elevated heart rate ( don’t quote me because I am not a doctor), is because the thyroid sets the metabolic rate. So when you are hyper your metabolism is higher and your body is working harder and overtime and thus the heart that is responsible for sending blood to all our organs then catches on and works harder too.
After my TS my endo had a great way of explaining it all to me by basically saying that my thyroid is making my body believe its running a marathon so it was going hell for leather basically. All the thyroid hormones and the adrenaline which cathy was saying builds up in our systems to allow us to either fight or flight is there even though we are not in a life threatening situation.
I have a resting heart rate of 120 again even though everything had settled down after the TS my bloods have went slightly off and at my pre-ax I had to have another ecg as it was in the 140’s. I am chronic asthmatic so can’t take beta blockers
Sometimes your pulse is slower in the morning but actually research has shown in a documentary I watched just a few weeks ago (and don’t panic ok) that heart attacks usually happen in the morning as that is the most dangerous time as our body starts to awaken etc… Sometimes I wake in the morning and my heart is thudding.
I really don’t know alot about the effects of RAI but perhaps its just a sign of things starting to settle down.
It may be worthwhile mentioning to your physician afterall worrying about it only makes that ticker go quicker ” title=”Wink” />
M x
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069852Hey don’t want to get into all of this but I will say one last thing is that yes we did the tears, putting them back into the room a hundred times a night etc… not just for a week but for months.. been exceptionally firm both of us….it doesn’t always work regardless of how strict you are or how long you perservere. My eldest has a lovely nature but is exceptionally strong willed..
As one of my colleagues agreed its ok when it lasts a few weeks but when it goes into months then it really starts to beat you down. At the end of the day when you are so unwell the main issue for me was that I was getting sleep. I am the youngest of 6 and my elder sister was a terrible sleeper and in my parents bed and that was a mother of vast experience.
Its true we are all different and I am a compassionate mother but firm even though I have been unwell for a few years.
Happy sleeping all
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069937Thats an adorable story and isn’t that great that your eldest is taking care of her little sister. ” title=”Smile” />
Yes my eldest who is 4 has certainly been here before and has said some of the cutest things. He will ask me some days "You feeling aggitated?" Or if I had an appointment at the Dr he will say you going to see about your thyroid. The cutest was when I was explaining that mommy was going to hospital to make her throat better (going for the op) and that once I had the operation I would be able to go back to the swing parks with him…well weeks passed and I had an appointment with my surgeon when I came back he said is your thyroid out mummy can we go to the swing park now? Bless.
Thats the best thing to do is to hold onto those moments and cherish them
Glad the interview went well and so glad you came home, rested and had your dinner made for you!m xxx
in reply to: Anxiety/Panic Thread….. #1069931Hey mommysick,
You sound as though you are super anxious today ” title=”Sad” /> Interviews on top of being unwell don’t make a good combination but I can appreciate what you are saying regarding worrying about bills etc…
I used to find that driving sometimes in silence helped me calm down and put things into perspective. Hopefully by the time you come home from your interview and the adrenaline rush starts to slow down you can get the kids sorted for bed and treat yourself tonight…try to be good to yourself. Us mums often forget to do that I know I do. So the kids and hubby are all well dressed and taken care of and I am wearing the same clothes I wore when I was 20 etc….
Try to think… I can sort that out tomorrow in the house after I get a good night sleep… I find that very hard but I have had to learn and somedays I still don’t get it. Here is an example I have had to take my just washed washing out to my washing line in a message bag as I had 2 full baskets of clean washing sitting in my hall! Now that was there because on Wed I was so anxious about my pre- ax on the Thurs and then yesterday I was so washed out after the appointment so Thursdays washing was also left ( yes thats right I do have a hubby but somehow I am expected to put the washing away!). I was very anxious about it all this morning and trying to care of the kids etc… I managed to get it done but it was took a great effort
I hope after the interview I hope you come home have a hot or cold drink and tell yourself to relax…..
m xxx
in reply to: Thinking about moving into a bedroom by myself. #1069847Hey,
Firstly, my four year old is in the bed with us every night and I have the baby in the cot next to me so yes I can sympathise, however, like Emily I find it easier have the 4 year old in the bed as at least I know when he wakes (which he does most nights even in our bed) that I don’t have to get up and into another room sit there for ages then try to get back to sleep.
When my levels were all over the place I was awake until around 4 am then sleep for may be 3 hours before the kids awoke and then like you I couldn’t get back to sleep. Even now if I am woken I find it very hard to get back to sleep. I appreciate you are taking a nap as I had to do that for months while I was so unwell, but as I started to feel better I tried to just "rest" instead so would put on a film or read a book instead of sleeping so by the time bedtime came I was more tired…It didn’t always help as sometimes I was over tired. I sometimes drink Ovaltine which is like a milky malt drink and that soothes me. I will be honest and say though that at my bad time I was on 30mg of Diazepam and still not sleeping. Some nights now when I am over tired or anxious I resort to taking 5mg.
Most nights I bath the kids then get into a bath myself and we are all in our Pjs’ some nights at 5pm ” title=”Smile” /> I tidy the house then I lie on top of my bed and either surf facebook (as Emily and battamama will tell you lol), read a book or watch a DVD. I may still be awake at midnight but I am resting and settling myself for bed.
How long have you been on the medication? I’m sorry there is no easy answer but I promise it does get better even if it is in small steps.
in reply to: Mood Issues #1069891Sue – just wanted to comment on you saying "i’m not the person I used to be". I say that so often. I also wonder will I ever be that person again??? It feels sad somedays when I think about what I was able to achieve and now its a day to day existence and I pat myself on the back if I make dinner and wash the dishes ” title=”Wink” />
M xx
in reply to: My sister has now been diagnosed! #1069913HI Ski,
I have heard of Hashimotos’ but never really read into it.Ok this verging on a family pandemic! Yes the sister I was talking about does have graves and wait for it…….my other sister was diagnosed a few months ago but didn’t say to any one as she was frightened because our sis had the op and now I am going for it.
Thats 4 out of 6 siblings now been diagnosed! My mum has heamatomachrosis and my dad carries the faulty gene (just not kicked off yet) so we all had to be tested a while back – thankfully I am clear but a few of them have it…we certainly are not having much luck at the moment.
M xxx