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in reply to: Graves’ Rage #1174946
I certainly can identify with you. I feel awful after them I don’t recognise them.
They are certainly not as bad as what they were when I had a thyroid. My husband still laughs at a few episodes, in particular how after 5 months of threatening letters from a company who cashed my cheque but denied all knowledge of it, suddenly within an hour of me having Graves rage on the phone, discovered the payment on their system
Code::rolleyes:I still experience them when my bloods are off but it is a very mild form thankfully and passes very quickly. If you can, in the moment, get out the house and walk off the steam = less guilt and tail between the legs syndrome upon calming down.
in reply to: Crying Fits…Is this normal #1172804Yes! I was off the spectrum I think at one stage with mood swings
:)Completely normal but don’t hide it and speak with someone if you feel that it is becoming out of hand.
I hope your levels start to settle soon x
in reply to: Is there ever an end? #1172795Hi Carito and CatStuart;)
hi Kimberly how are you? Are you keeping better?
Thanks for the replies. The endo I am with is the best- he saved my life with the thyroid storm and I do trust his judgement. I do take my meds a good hour or so prior to breakfast and also I avoid any high iron foods for sometime after ( thanks to the advice on here many moons ago). I do genuinely feel at a loss some days…like most people I suppose.
I had started running (go me!) in training for a 10k. I was so pleased and thought I was giving GD a huge kick…I had got up to 6k when I had FBC and TFT’s done and was told to stop exercising with immediate affect. I guess GD knew I was trying to eradicate it from my body and got one over on me.
I still have double vision and attended an opthomolgist for sometime but I found it to be of little use. I tell you though…sunglasses required when the sun is out! Ouch!
I had my TFTs taken today so no doubt I will be reducing my dose by Friday. My sister had regrowth of her thyroid, although she had 3/4 removed (15 years ago when that was common proceedure, now they remove the full gland).
I have been living with this condition now for 7 years and I can honestly say that anything that can happen practically has. Most days I fight through the fatigue, it’s part and parcel of being a mother to small children I suppose. I guess that I will have really down days. I suppose like a lot on this forum, the disease has altered my appearance to an extent I don’t recognise myself someways and I feel it has ‘aged’ me. These things are superficial I know but some days it all seems too much.
Has anyone else got Gilbert’s Syndrome?
It really comes back to accepting, something Carlito you will learn to do with this condition. Realistically, looking at most posts on here, is there really a chance of remission? I don’t think so.
I suppose it’s just the roller coaster of GD.
Thanks again friends.
HyperM x
in reply to: Hi how is everyone? #1169805P.s also recently been diagnosed with Gilbert’s Syndrome which is apparently very common in thyroid patients? X
in reply to: Will this ever settle? #1064555Thanks everyone for your replies! Bobbi your post is very informative and interesting. I do take it on an empty stomach but my ferratin is only 4 (common for me although know this is very low) and on B12 replacement too. I am taking ferrous sulphate 3x daily however don’t take them at the same time as its better to take iron with a meal for absorption. I have to get my bloods done before my next appointment but I think I will pop into my pharmacist and ask about the iron and B12- thanks for your help on that!
We don’t have generic or brand over here- I have always been confused by that on this board
” title=”Very Happy” /> . We are basically prescribed levothyroxine by our endo/GP.
I am frightened Bobbi as nothing is plane sailing for me with this condiiton and I just want my baby to be ok
” title=”Sad” />
ewmb- Sorry to hear you are still not settled- its rubbish isn’t it? Baba due 9th Nov.
Cynthia- don’t be scared, having the op was the best decision I ever made regarding my health. I feel so much better being hypo than I did hyper- I felt like I was dying when hyper. I am really proud of myself having went through surgery. Lots of love and prayers.
Like you are all in my prayers please keep us in your prayers. xxx
I had increased liver enzymes when I was first diagnosed. They tested them regularly until they came back into range after several months on ATD’s.
Thanks Ski I really appreciate your reply. I think I will need to pluck up the courage to see an opthomologist I am just so frightened. However, I know its best to try and get it sorted now rather than later.
Thanks again xxxx
in reply to: Decisions, TT or RAI #1065881Hi,
I had a TT in July last year. Best decision I have ever made with regards to my health. It did take me some time to come within "normal" ranges, but I had thyrotoxicosis at the time of surgery so perhaps that is why I took longer than most people on the board to come with in range.
Now I feel the benefit and am so proud of myself for going through with the op. I don’t know much about RAI so can’t give an opinion on that but would definitely recommend TT!
Good luck with your decision xxx
in reply to: Great news…I’m pregnant..nervous though #1065983Thanks Mamabear
I think I will still be seen regularly and I have already had one scan and have a second on the 8th of April so they are taking care of me thank goodness. I suppose I will just need to keep reminding the midwives that I need my TSH checked when they are taking my bloods.
The only thing I am concerned about its the babies growth – they kept a very close eye last time but as I am attending a "normal" clinic and not the hospital unit I don’t know how they will do that properly without scanning. However, its all in God’s Hands – so all will be well.
I am just so thankful I got my thyroid out as life is so much more simpler without it!
Speak soon everyone xxxx
in reply to: Great news…I’m pregnant..nervous though #1065980Thanks Laurel,
Well I don’t want to remember how long it has lasted in the past
” title=”Smile” /> Such a shame you had it all the way through.
As long as these TSH levels behave themselves I can put up with anything.Thanks again xxxx
in reply to: Need Advice #1066062Hi,
Sorry you are having such a hard time. I would have to agree with mamabear. I know that this degree is of great importance to you and you have come so far but sometimes it takes for you to have a step back and see the bigger picture. I found that very hard as someone who was young (not being ageist! lol) and "should" have been capable of doing so much. I was never off the go then WHAM! It all came to a standstill. I learned an awful lot about life from GD and from my friends on here. What are my priorities? My priority in life is my kids but in order to care for them I had to care for myself….very hard to do!!!
All I can say is that education will always be there but your health may not. If you don’t slow down just now and take the time to let your body heal then you may burn out completely. I found this SO hard to do. I wanted to keep that engine revving to high speeds but my body just couldn’t cope and I finally had no choice in the matter when it said enough is enough. So everything came to a halt and you know what? It would have been the same outcome practically with regards to work/family/houses etc… if I had said right I need time out. The huge difference was that by the time I got around to it my body was beyond exhaustion.
I had a TT in July and it took 8 months for my bloods to reach some kind of normal state…by the time I had my op though I had learned that my health was so important.
Take all the support you can get. Take the time now while your body is giving out signals to let you know its needing some time out.
I hope your Prof was supportive xxxx
in reply to: Great news…I’m pregnant..nervous though #1065978Thanks everyone!
Mamabear that would be lovely you asking people to pray for me and my little one. I went for a scan on Thurs and there was a little heartbeat flickering away! I had good news also that I can attend a normal maternity clinic but will be reviewed regularly with regards to my thyroid bloods.
I just wanted to share with all of you who have been so wonderful through so many difficult times. I am sorry I haven’t been on a lot (I was thinking of you lots though) but with working, 2 kids to care for I am shattered at night
A healthy tiredness though which was the HUGE difference.
I will def keep you all posted. Just now reassuring myself that hyperemesis is a great sign lol xxxx
in reply to: Hyper symptoms #1066047Hi,
I have had what Ewmb highlighted muscle weakness but I would get early morning stiffness where I couldn’t open my hands or walk on my feet properly. I too would feel my calf muscles going into spasm but I think this was more down to weakness than tightening- is this something similar to what you are meaning?
in reply to: TSH levels always *out* #1066092Hey sorry you are having such a hard time of it. You have been battling with this disease much longer than I have. However, for the last 4 and half years I had yet to receive a TSH result that was within the norm until last month (8 months post op for TT). Its so frustrating I know. However, someone else has said about hypo being just as hard as hyper. I would have to disagree I feel I can cope better with hypo even though there are downsides I am not kept awake with tachycardia all night and its different type of tiredness for me.
Like mammabear said its so hard when you have kids and I often say the same thing – that I rouse when I hear my 2 turning over in bed. Mums never get enough sleep
” title=”Very Happy” /> Its very hard when you don’t have much support – I know that from personal experience.
Everytime I have my bloods taken I ask what my levels are and mark them down so I can remark on them to my GP/endo and let them know I am taking an active interest in what is going on with my bloods.
I hope you start feeling better soon x
in reply to: Two Different Eyes #1070927Hi,
I know what you mean. Thankfully my eyes are now in the "cold phase" but I have been left with what looks like a tired eye sometimes. I never had anything like that before so I noticed it profoundly for quite a while.
My eyes would swell so much that I had constant stys in my eyes – I kid you not when I say I looked like Rocky they were so swollen.
Hopefully it will settle down soon xx