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  • Hopeful23
    Post count: 211

    Im praying its not ur GD. Get some sleep and lye low the next few days. Keep us posted.

    In my prayers and thoughts

    Post count: 211

    lol thanks for the laugh jake george. i needed that. im doing ok but its only day one. i feel tired and super hungry. like i cant get enough food but too sick to my stomach to really eat. i just feel blah but very happy with my decision so far. i just wnt to be better. im tired of feeling sad and worthless

    Post count: 211
    in reply to: What’s next #1071805

    hello welcome.. my levels were the same when i was diagnosed. im not sure exactly but from my understanding the tsh level is controlled by ur p gland. When it reads to much in ur blood it stops sending a signal yo ur thyroid to release hormone. im sure others will chime in on other info.

    Post count: 211

    i cant wait till i can sing that song. im tired of choking on it if i turn my head a certain way.

    Post count: 211

    thanks for the posts. im on my way to get the scan done ill ask the tech when i get there. ill keep u all posted.

    Post count: 211

    i HOPE YOUR SURGERY WENT WELL <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 211
    in reply to: The Next Step #1071277

    i too can second ur story. i went un diagnosed for three years. my levels were in normal range for a year so my dr stopped kooking at my levels right when they showed up. stay proactive and get more than a blood test. ask for an ultra sound and a thyroid uptake scan stat. best of luck. im 24 and been dealing with this for three years cause i didnt know what to ask for or about.

    Post count: 211

    Are you guaranteed to get another autoimmune? Is there blood work to see what else i am pre disposed to… I was told diabetes had to run in the family to get it?

    Post count: 211
    in reply to: and it begins #1071306

    Thanks, I will try to <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> I will keep everyone posted on my first 3 days when I get the chance to. Thankgoodness my phone has internet <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> One question SKI, I dont quit understand. How can you tell the diff btwn Graves and just hyper.

    Post count: 211

    Welcome!! I would like to tell you my story. I personally didnt have a choice when i was first diagnosed because it went over looked for 3 years. However, the tapzole made me very shaky like low blood sugar symptoms so i was put on PTU. I did very well with that but i was put on nausea meds due to the AWFUL after taste it left in your mouth which is normal for the PTU. I tried to find remedies to help subside the tast but nothing worked, i did get ‘use’ to the tast and it got more tolerable after time. It worked for me but my endo said to me the meds are good for short term use do to the harsh side effects that are rare but can still happen. He explained to me how it is ‘easier’ on your body to become hypo and manage it that way since the synthroid is so close to your natural hormone. However, some people are lucky to have great response on meds and go into remission unfortunately that was not happening for me. My levels were getting closer to normal range but not close enough to use meds as my treatment option. If i were you and your endo says meds are an option I would at least try it. I feel you should do what your gut feeling says to you if its safe and your dr agrees. I am very luck to have an endo that rates in the top 1% of undergrad, grad and his specialty and took the time to educate me and tell me straight forward. I trust him with literally every beat of my heart. Make sure you ask ask ask sometimes endos seem to have bad bedside mannerisms but those are usually the best dr to have. lol. I know what your going thru we on this wonderful site have all been there. If you go back and read my posts from months ago you will see how far i have come with the support of all these wonderful educated people. I would do research research and more research cause no matter what we say you have to understand and be comfortable. FOR EXAMPLE. When i first got diagnosed i said I WOULD NEVER DO RAI. I am now scheduled for my RAI treatment May 12 2008. The surgery didnt give me a good response for ME. I ran out of the room calling my ENDO saying schedule me for RAI now. LOL. The meds did help but still didn’t give me ME BACK. I also had a consultation with a surgeon who has done 1800 TT and has had 1 patient in ICU postop and it was a cancer pt. I just had that gut feeling. Make sure u are educated and ask every question you need to make you more at ease with the options. I wish you THEE BEST OF LUCK IN YOUR DECISION…


    Post count: 211

    OMG, You are a brave, strong, women. I first want to congratulate you on your trust with your doctors and your success with your cancer. When I started to read your post I couldnt wait to get to the end I was hoping for an encouraging success story. You also prove the strength women are cappable to have. I am sorry you had to come down with this awful auto immune disease. I also gained hope from your RAI story. It seems to always be like week 3-5 that people seem to struggle the most. My dr thinks im going to do good. I hope so. I am going to keep your story and strength by myside.

    In my prayers

    Post count: 211

    Wow, I am a lot more at ease now. Thank you Three for the prayers, thoughts and support. I really appreciate it. I will be back and forth on here to read everyones new blogs, updates, & guestions as well as the updates for the 7 8 and 12….

    Krystal <img decoding=” title=”Smile” />

    Post count: 211

    Thank you both so much for your responsed. The surgeon made a comment that she thought i would respond well to the RAI cause my intake was 55% when they tested me to confirm GD. I just dont want to be the 1% that has to take calcium and vitamin b12 and synthroid and regret not tryin the RAI. Thee only reason my endo suggested surgery from the start was because I am jus so hyperthyroid and he is afraid of how ill feel from it, but from my understanding the surgery will release the same amount of hormone and ill still have to be on PTU after surgery. I just dont understand whats going on. Why would they keep me on PTU when I dont ahve a thyroid? Wouldnt that make me feel worse? Will it show when i go hyp or eutrothyroid? Ugh, this is so im in college and my surgeon said ill need up to 3 weeks for recovery. I don’t have tht kind of time. With the RAI im on with my day so i just dont know…Ugh..too overwhelming for me to decide…

    Post count: 211
    in reply to: depression #1074695

    wow, I can’t thank you all enoough. You all are so great and I am so appreciative of all your responses. I thankyou all so much for taking the time out of your days to respond to my topics….I just want to feel better thats all <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    Post count: 211

    wow, congratulations This is so exciting…if i were you id be out celebrating for sure….Yeah!!!

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