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  • hmm0304
    Post count: 5

    Thank you so much for the response, great information for me to consider. I never even thought about a lifting restriction. Glad to hear you are feeling well and thanks again :)

    Post count: 5

    Thanks for all the input and suggestions everyone. I was told when i made my appointment with this practice that the doctor I wanted to see was not available for 4 months but his nurse practitioner was, so I decided to see her. So it wasn’t a huge shock that I didn’t see an endo, but I guess still kind of bothers me that it is so hard to get into this group.

    I have put a call into the NP this morning to talk about slowly increasing my meds. I have also called my son’s ped to discuss what this means for him.

    I really am leaning towards surgery. Now I just need to decide which practice to stick with. The NP’s group did come highly reccommended and they have a very experienced surgeon so even though it is tough to get into, I feel maybe
    it’s worth the wait.

    This is all so overwhelming. I’ll let you know what happens. Thanks again, it was really good to read all the information and suggestions.

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