Hi! I am new to this foundation and user group as of today. But I am so glad I found this. It immediately made some sense. I can only tell you my experience, as living with GD since 2004. I had the RAI and have been hypo ever since. Love your term "hormonal basket case", I can relate big time.
It’s only just NOW that I can cope with this reality of GD.
I will tell you to immediately find yourself a good therapist; this is your best line of communication. You will burn your family and friends out with all your varied complaints. Also assemble a good "team" of doctors who will LISTEN to you and perhaps practice the art of listening to their patients! Eat healthier and keep exercising everyday. You may also want to see out a great gynecologist who will also work with your endo because as you now know… your hormones will mess u up before you can get a good grip on yourself. Please note this is what I have experienced.
I wish you fabulous sleep, and happier days…they will come.