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in reply to: My intro…… #1071696
Hi Marie,
Welcome to the best place on the web. Not only will you receive the best advice but the people here are so special. They are kind, understanding and know exactly what your going through. I hope all of us can help you.
in reply to: Autoimmune Disorders #1073366I think I read somewhere that someone that has a history of autoimmune disorders are more likely to get Graves. Now I could be wrong but I, myself have had Interstitial Cystitis since 1986 and also Fibromylgia. I do know that Graves and my other autoimmune problems can be caused by a major stressful event in your life. My IC was in remission for many years until I was diagnosed with Graves. Then it decided to attack me again at full speed. My heart goes out to everyone here with Graves and for those of us having to deal with other medical problems.
in reply to: AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! #1072956Please, Please……PLEASE go see your County Health Department. It make take a few hours of your day but they will help some. Some help is better then none. I know it feels as if you are the last person on this earth and NO ONE will help you. I went there and they were able to get the help I needed when I had my thyroid surgery. They take a look at your situation. How much you earn, how much you spend in bills and if you have any insurance. They base the amount you pay them on this. They have access to all types of doctors. Please look into this. It saddens me to see you in so much pain both physically and mentally. God Bless you my dear.
in reply to: Teeth problems #1073216I’m not sure in our letter writings if you are on any type of steroid. The reason I mention this is almost all of my teeth have fallen out due to my being on steroids for such a long length of time. Let me know if you are on any. You’re always in my thoughts and in my prayers. I hope things are going along a little faster with my advise.
in reply to: Cushings Syndrome #1075652Just what does cushings look like. Hmmmmm Imagine yourself almost 50 looking like your are about to give birth to triplets and you look like the hunch back of Notre Dame. That’s about sums it up. I’m with child and enjoy ringing church bells. I know it’s not a funny subject but life is too short to worry about what I look like. Hey, it took me almost 5 years to figure that out. I hope for your sake that you DON’T have cushings. By the way, if anyone else is reading this post I had a doctor tell me during my pre-op testing that he thinks it’s not cushing but something I think is called Atkins or Atchisons. I haven’t look it up yet cause I can’t see well after the surgery. Okay, enough said. Have a happy and blessed day everyone.
in reply to: DENIED!!!! #1073481My heart goes out to all of you. Getting SS Disability is very frustrating. I found that writing to the Governor of my state helped a lot. I didn’t just write him once, but I wrote a couple more times. I found the more you pester your political family in your state the quicker things will get done. I know it sounds like they would consider you a pest but I also know that it took me half the time most spend on getting it. So please, do some research, find out who your governor, state representives and senators are. Write them, call them, email them do it all. I hope this helps just a little. Good Luck
” title=”Smile” />
A friend that has been in your shoes,
Dianein reply to: 2009 Conference? #1074229I’m going to try my bestest to attend the 2009 Conference. I would love to meet all the wonderful people that have helped me through all of this. I’ve talked with a couple on the phone, but meeting face to face is a whole different experience. I thank all you in person. Keep us posted on the city.
in reply to: At my wits end #1074244Hi Dianne, so nice seeing your name once again. My doctor told me exactly what you said. My thyroid is resistant to treatment. After I had my surgery my thyroid grew back so quickly and was large enough to see the goiter again. My understanding is I had the highest dose of RAI without going into the hospital. But as luck shall have it I’m back to dealing with being hyper. Is it the same size as before RAI, no, but I have NEVER been on any type of thyroid replacement therapy. My numbers just won’t allow that to happen. I am going to have another CT done before I see my doctor and we will decide what to do next. He is thinking more along the lines of RAI again. It’s been about 1 year 3 months since I had my dose of RAI. It’s just a stubborn darn thing. I know what the truth is, I’m so sweet and kind that it doesn’t want to leave my body.
HA HA HA You have to keep a sense of humor with this lovely disease. Hang in there Judy, it WILL get better. Please don’t pay attention to my situation, I’m just a……..weirdo.
Ahhhhh I crack myself up. I was in one of those moods when I posted where I needed to vent. God Bless you Dianne and thank you as always for thinking and praying for me.
in reply to: At my wits end #1074240Hi Judy……sorry, I had surgery and my thyroid grew back in 6 months, then I had the RAI and a year later the darn thing is still hanging around making me crazy. HA HA HA I don’t think any of us will truly know all about Graves Disease.
Welcome to Graves’ Disease Foundation,
My name is Diane and I have dealt with the same problems your going through. As Ski recommended, you should get as much information from you State and Medicaide and Medicare. The County Health Department was extremely helpful for me. I was able to use them to have my thyroidectomy and they paid for the doctors, pre op, time in hospital, surgery and just about any and everything else you can think of. For me I was allowed this privilage just one time. You can see their GP’s and nurses at no or little cost. Please note that due to the demand for places such as these, that it may days or weeks before you can get in and there is usually a wait when you get there for your appointment. Teaching Hospitals are a great place to try and get help as long as you don’t live in Florida. Here the requirer you to live in the county where they are located. I was unable to use any of them. Also in Florida it may take a very long time to get SS Disability. Once you have been approved it takes a long time to get medicaide or medicare. In my case I was put on Medically Needy for Medicaide which meant that most of my SS check had to be used on doctors and such before they would kick in to help pay for anything. I was also told that I could not get Medicare until 2 years after my approval date from SS Disability. Luckily that means that I will be getting my Medicare this January 1st. As for my eyes, this was a very difficult task however I was able to find a group that was willing to help. I used the Knightss Templar Eye Foundation, Inc. If you would like more information on this let me know and I can either email info. or post it here. In Florida there is a wonderful teaching hospital in Miami that has helped many in this area. I was unable to attend because I didn’t live in their county and because I couldn’t afford it since I have no insurance. I hope this helps a little. Trust me when I say there are many qualified people on this site that can help you as well. You made the first step by posting and asking for help. Good Luck and if you need anything else don’t hesitate to ask.
in reply to: Post-RAI – when do I start feeling better? #1075552Dear Kallikat,
I truly feel you pain. I know we all want a miracle to happen to us. To be the same person we were before Graves. I agree with Ski that we must try something new to take our minds off of the many problems we endure. I for one went from a size 4 to a (uggg) triple x or larger. I do know that most of my weight problems stem from my years of steriods which has given me Cushings Syndrome. I know that my weight problem will not go away anytime soon and hopefully will subsid after my thyroid has finally given up hope and when I discontinue some of my meds. I tried going to physical therapy but it wasn’t for me. My heart continues to give me fits and they won’t even see me until that changes. I’m not even sure it will, but I can still hope. I wish I had a magic wand that will help all of us with Graves. Easier said then done, but please be patient and things will turn around for you. I will keep you and all that are dealing with Graves in my heart and prayers. Smile my dear, it looks wonderful on you.
I was reading this post and I remembered that I read somewhere that someone that has autoimmune disease in there family may be prone to other autoimmune diseases. I finally found what I read and will post it below. I actually found this on the Graves’ Disease Foundation.
Although Graves’ disease most frequently occurs in women in the middle decades (8:1 more than men), it also occurs in children and in the elderly. There are several elements contributing to the development of Graves’ disease. There is a genetic predisposition to autoimmune disorders. Infections and stress play a part. Graves’ disease may have its onset after an external stressor In other instances, it may follow a viral infection or pregnancy. Many times the exact cause of Graves’ disease is simply not known. It is not contagious, although it has been known to occur coincidentially between husbands and wives. Of research importance, the Graves’ gene in DNA has not yet been identified.
I am a person that has had previous autoimmune diseases and I for one think this played a huge part on my getting Graves. In 1984 I was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystist which is an autoimmune disease affecting the bladder. After treating this for 13 years I finally went into remission. Unfortunetly I recently found out that it’s back in full force. I know that stress can make these types of diseases rear their ugly heads. From all the stress I’ve endured with trying to treat Graves has made my other disease come out of remission. I strongly feel that any family that has had autoimmune diseases should be more careful of getting any of these types of diseases. They should try to watch their stress levels (which I know isn’t easy). I hope this helps some.
in reply to: Cushings Syndrome #1075650Here it is Monday night and I am still alive. Yippeeee Yes I did indeed go see my doctor today and she’s just a saint. She sat patiently with me while I whinned about all the problems I continue to have. I did learn that my Cushings Syndrome will "maybe" come to an end with the end of my steroids. My thyroid has not left me as I had hoped but I learned today that I need to be extra patience and this too shall pass. I need to continue to take my 200 mg of Toporol. I was wishing that I could decrease that but my BPM is still high. On a yucky note, I also found out that my Interstitial Cystist is no longer in remission and must deal with that as well. I said just give me some good drugs that will make me laugh and smile. Of course she just shook her head at me. At least I got an answer to some of my questions and will carry on as I have in the past. Thank you again for the knowledge on Cushings. Talking about it to people that understand that it’s not a mental problem helps in more ways then one.
in reply to: Cushings Syndrome #1075647Cathy and Nancy,
Thank you so much for all the information. You are correct Cathy, I’ve been taking Prednisone for over 3 years with doses as low as 5 mg to 120 mg. I am currently at 20 mg. The reason I question so many things is I haven’t found a "good" Endo doctor in my area. My first one dismissed me after my thyroidectomy and my second one just told me the other day that my syptoms are all in my head and I should take more medicine for depression. Ahhhh, I went through this whole process of is it real or not real when I was diagnosed with Intercystial Cystist back in the 80’s. It makes one more depressed when the doctors don’t believe you. I will be seeing my Internist on Monday and will ask her to go over everything with me and see what test we can do to figure out exactly what is going on. I was going to ask Cathy the same question as Nancy. Are you a nurse? At the time of my being diagnosed I was just beginning my new career in the medical profession. I was previously in banking for 20 years. I was working in a behavioral center and was to start college in a few months to get my RN and continue to work in Psych. I’m sure I will have many more questions for everyone. In the mean time to those that are new, hang in there, you have found the best place to get support. Thank you again.