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  • Gravescantcatchme
    Post count: 2

    Kimberly, thanks for the welcome! This is all really confusing, especially since the docs don’t always say the same thing.

    My reaction to methimazole was that my hands and feet blistered and peeled and were really itchy. I stuck it out for two weeks, hoping it would go away, but it didn’t and the pharmacist told me to stop taking it. My endo told me that because I reacted this way to one drug, the likelihood of side effects on a different drug are increased. I am taking a beta blocker, which is keeping my heart rate in the 90-100 range most of the time. It will be interesting to see what the labs show, since I haven’t had bloodwork done in several months.

    I will read up on the posts here and see what I can learn!

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