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in reply to: 6 days post TT- menstruation/pregnancy question #1177066
This forum is amazing and all your replies are a God-send. Thank you for your support and cheery (and funny! …The “anatomy” lesson) information. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.
So, I did talk to my endo and , as you all made clear, she said that she has never heard of early menopause being a complication of TT. And she also said anecdotally she has never seen it:) Of course she did say that I could have a few “changes in my cycle” but that we would work together to track all my blood work and make corrections in meds as needed. ( She rocks). And my surgeon also said he’s never heard of early menopause issues either and that all of his patients who wanted to go on to have children, did!
But here’s the kicker… I actually started my lovely period yesterday right on cue. ( Sorry gentleman for the TMI). I was so distracted by surgery and my 15 month old that I forgot it was coming. LOL. The perfect ending of this story.
As for my neighbor, I don’t understand at all why she would even say something like that to anyone post-surgery. I do want her to know and will tell her, in a pleasant way, how she made me feel. I also would like to tell her a little about what having Graves disease is like and my journey. Perhaps she won’t be so quick to dole out incorrect and un-solicited “info” to the next of our GD sisters/brother’s she see’s out on the street just trying to live a healthy normal life.
Thanks again! Really, you made me sigh with relief and laugh. I needed that- you all know.
in reply to: RAI treatment and pregnancy #1172400I just had my first baby and was diagnosed with GD right after. My endo suggested that I do RAI so I CAN have another pregnancy without complications in the future. I decided to try ATD in the mean time until my current child is done breastfeeding (which is working out beautifully BTW)
You can have children following RAI after waiting the approriate time and being monitored by your endo and OB!
You can also opt for surgery. You should do lots of research and firgure out what’s best for you. However many women in the US do RAI and have successful pregancies.
And by the way, having kids is the most amazing thing you will EVER do. I ;)highly suggest it!
in reply to: New & Frustrated & Mad #1172890I just want to say that you are NOT alone and I think all of us have a lot of sympathy for what you’ve been going through. I’m sooooo sorry they didn’t diagnose you sooner. That would make me mad for sure.
I can’t promise that you’ll have a bad reaction to the medications, and the complications you have with Cushings is very scary and upsetting I’m sure, BUT…
I have started treatment with Methamizole, I am doing great ( no side effects) and, I feel SO MUCH BETTER!
I feel sad for you but I do believe that you will feel better again. It may take time but just continue to be an advocate for yourself and DON’t GIVE UP!
Also, I would personally search for a second opinion about your eyes. I do believe that your condition should be treatable! My endo assured me that although I can’t be cured any and all complications can be mitigated and controlled.
Hang in there!
in reply to: Breastfeeding mommies? Methamizole? #1172721Hi Adenure,
Thanks again for all the great info ! And thank your mom, too
She has helped many of us by sharing her knowledge with you which you have been so wonderful to pass on!
in reply to: Methamizole Labs? #1172779Hi Carito,
Sorry your labs did not show a great improvement. I think I am also very lucky in that my disease was caught early in it’s process thanks to my recent pregnancy. My labs are pretty low compared to what you are looking at. I’m soooo sorry.
I hope you feel better soon….this has been a journey for me. I’m sure for you too.
My t3 was down fifty points after one week( around 300 to 250) and my t4 down .5 (2.5 to 2)…..
Wishing you feel better soon and that both of our labs come back better:)
in reply to: Breastfeeding mommies? Methamizole? #1172718WOW!!! I totally sympathize with your journey and thank you so much for sharing with me. YOu filled me in with a lot of great info….I was totally considering RAI once my son was weaned (considering the meds work in the mean time) but knowing about the BrCA risk is scary. Also, I read another post where one lady couldn’t be near her kids for three days post RAI? That would break my heart.
SO much KUDOS for you to pump through your surgery. You go mama!
I am starting to think something like surgery will be my choice in the long run. I also don’t want to rely on meds if I am pregnant again – the thyroid is so tricky.
Can I ask what state you are in? Wondering if I would be able to travel with to your surgeon or if he might reccomend someone around where I am in the long run…but that may be a while away…
Again THANK YOU so much for sharing. I also was totally scared and felt so helpless not having the energy inside me to keep up with my amazing new baby.
Much aloha to you!
in reply to: Breastfeeding mommies? Methamizole? #1172715THANKS! I had read your post under a search thread. So how are you doing now? How was the thyroidectomy? I am considering a long term treatment as I hope to have another baby eventually.
Did you experience any drop off in your milk levels as your levels came down? This is something my lactation consultant has warned me about and I am wondering if anyone else has some experience with that…
My endo is checking my liver levels and my peds is monitoring our sons THS and thyroid T3/T4 every six weeks or if I feel there is a need. Everyone I have worked with in my care plan has been very helpful and amazing. I’m lucky.
Thanks for your reply!! It’s encouraging.
I was feeling so tired about 2 months post partum and I thought, ” OMG how could anyone have more than one baby??”. NOw that I’m feeling better I’m more thinking, ” OK! I can handle this!”
in reply to: GD and breastfeeding #1172528Hi all… I am a breastfeeding mom, recently diagnosed with GD two weeks ago. I share the same concerns as our dear Aussie friend and would LOVE any updates on your personal experiences nursing while on MMI (methamizole). My MD, endo, and ped MD are all saying it is fine but some personal stories would be encouraging! Thanks!