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  • gkarcher
    Post count: 1

    My daughter was diagnosed with Graves about one year ago due to excessive weight loss and pain in her throat. Needless to say we were astounded by the news. She has been under a lot of stress from her husband/now ex husband want to be husband again and he doesn’t care that she doesn’t need to be under more stress. She has two young children and does not have the energy to look after them. She has had to move in with me so that I can help her out because she is sleeping about 15 hours a day.

    She has been on medication but her hands still shake, she is losing her hair but her weight seems to be under control. She has massive pains in her abdomen which no one can seem to find an answer to. Is this also a symptom or side effect of Graves? The pain is so bad she is one full time pain killers which still don’t seem to be working. The pain is 24/7. No different at night, day or evening. No difference for food. Pain is worse during periods. They put her on lupron because they suspected it was endrometriosis but no change.

    She was diagnosed by one doctor with Celiac but she exibits none of the symptoms and when we put her on the gluten free diet for several months there was absolutely no change in the pain. We are awaiting a new test since gp agrees the diagnosis may have been made incorrectly by the specialist.

    I am just praying and looking for answers to my daughter’s pain. She is further stressed because she knows she can’t be the mother to her kids by being in bed but she can’t get up. Recently went on a Carnival Cruise who told her she had to drop her kids off at the day care because "she could walk" and she couldn’t have anyone else do it. That hurt her so bad she has been in worse shape ever since.


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