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in reply to: This is ruining our Marriage #1061913
thank you Kam.
Did not found the private message though.It’s exactly the same for me, i think he left our relation more than he left me.
Even if they are seeing a therapist, the therapist doesn’t understand the disease, so, what’s the point of seeing a therapist if they cannot help…Also, i would have liked to be part of the therapy, just to make sure i had done everything i could.
i agree with you, i do think it becomes like an addiction for them.
I’ve asked him to explain to the endo for the last 2 years what GD was doing to him and to us.
Didn’t seem to make a difference. She seems great but i don’t think endo are seeing a human being in front of them, they are seeing a disease. Well, they see the person a few minutes and send them home. We do have to live with them and witness the damage being done by GD.I will put myself first starting now, and just breathe, relax and take a stand for myself.
Again, thanks a lot, it’s the only place i feel normal, no one can understand the life with GD unless they are living it.
in reply to: This is ruining our Marriage #1061911Thanks Ski,
Though I wish that this comment would come from him, i’m glad to hear it from someone.
i really appreciate your comment, it’s so accurate.Like you said, right now, he’s not likely to listen or to admit that GD is taken over his life.
I kinda suspect he likes being in that state because he loses weight, he feels like he’s the king of the world, and he can go pretty much whithout sleepling, so, what’s not to like… It was the same thing 2 years ago and i had to urge him to see the doctor when the symptoms got back. He kept telling me he would go after losing a certain amount of the weight he gain back when the endo was playing with the medication. Promises, promises.I will keep my distance as i need my sanity back and just see what the future has in store for me.
I will not be of any help if i’m drowning with him.Thanks a lot for the advice and the support, means a lot to me.
in reply to: This is ruining our Marriage #1061909Thanks a lot Kimberly for your kind words, let’s just say i need those these days…
I already saw the page you were talking about, and i send it to my boyfriend, well, my ex-boyfriend.
He said that this as nothing to do with GD and even if he gets treated, he says that is decision is made and there’s no way it can be changed.I mean, i read all those posts and articles stating that GD can turn the sweetest one into the biggest monster.
I called his new "friend/confident" to explain to her that he’s not well in the moment and if she cared for him, she would encourage him to seek the right help.She said to me that he’s doing real fine (she knows him since april, let’s face it, i don’t think she can tell the difference between the GD and the normal him…) and she encourage him to be free, careless and happy, even if it means losing the house and breaking up with me…He told her he was single since they started to talk, which is not true.
And to be honest, i dont recognize him at all. What’s happening when you are in the GD state ? Do you realize that you are not yourself anymore ? And after being treated, do you realize what you have done ? Is it possible to make such a big decision while being in that GD state and to think that even after the treatment, it will be the same decision ?
I’m so lost right now
in reply to: This is ruining our Marriage #1061907good luck for all of you in that situation.
This is not easy.
I’ve been trying to help my boyfriend of 15 years who has GD but he doesn’t want my help.He’s so cold and distant and broke up with me this week.
he says he’s fine with the decision of leaving me, he wants to be alone (despict the fact that he’s clubbing right now…) and says he’s ok with selling the house and not keeping any of the furniture or his stuff. He’s so confident and cocky, it’s very odd since he use to miss me when i was leaving the house for 2 hours to get my hair done…
He wants to quit is job, he wants to start fresh.
He seems out of his mind, inventing things that never happened . He says one thing to me and while staying at his parent’s house since the break-up, he told them something else. This is non stop, my stepmom called his stepmom to make sure they knew what he was up to since they don’t know GD and thinks it’s the same as hypo.He also stopped taking his antidepressants, like he said "he don’t need them", which i’m pretty sure doesn’t help…
So, not good news, i’m pretty scared for him right now and there’s no way i can talk to him since he doesn’t want me to.
He said he was spending time in Quebec city for the week-end which scared the hell out of me since i was wondering if he were outhere cheating on me , turns out he’s at his parent’s house, 15 minutes away from me…he seems in denial of his condition, saying he found peace (while having the worst labs possible for his thyroid, he’s in a thyroid storm right now) . Ironic.So, maybe it’s me, i might be crazy as well, but something just doesn’t make sense.
Take care of your loved ones while you can. Good for you StillHope, for me, it’s pretty much NoHope.thank you for letting me explain my situation, i’ve been living this for 2 years, going nut and ashamed of myself for being so frustrated, because, let’s face it, he’s ill so i must be a witch for being tired of it. Well, that was before reading you guys. now i know the severity of the disease.
So, thanks again, felt normal while writing my comment. It was good feeling normal again.
in reply to: This is ruining our Marriage #1061906StillHope,
i feel for you.
My boyfriend of the last 15 years just left me this week stating he no longer loves me.
He’s been living with GD for the last 2 years (that we know of…) and he is waiting to get the iodine pill.Monday, he said to me that he wanted to be left alone, crying in foetal position, dind’t care for anyone, including me.
He stopped taking his wellbutrin over a few weeks ago, whithout seeing a doctor first.His endo asked him to stopped the tapazole last fall to see if is thyroid was back to normal.
After 2 months, his thyroid levels where up to the roof…so she put him on the waiting list for the tx.Since then, i barely recognize him.
The gentle giant i used to love is long gone and i was left with a Charliee Sheen type of guy…He was sexting a 15 years old on facebook (he’s 35 by the way…) and when i confront him about it, he said to me that she understand him, she’s a friend and that she is is confident. This is not him at all…he’s a faithful guy who used to be kind to me and to respect me.
He’s listening odd music and dress like a teenager.
He is angry at me, sometimes for no reason, sometimes for little normal things. He was more and more distant and had mood swings like crazy.When i asked him to wait for the treatment before taking such a decision, he told me that his GD had nothing to do with it.
He says he’s seeing a social worker and a psychologist and that is decision is made. I don’t care how many social worker or psy he sees, they don’t know GD and cannot help him at this point.I would accept it knowing he’s ok and not in distress like he his right now but it’s tough thinking he’s making such a decision in a flash when is clearly not in his right mind.