Thank you Ski & Shirley – I truly appreciate the words of encouragement.
To Ski: Last fall I met a woman who complained of her GD. I later found out through conversation that she too had TED (in both eyes) that she said had resolved on it’s own. She actually carried around her laminated driver’s license from 30 years ago as a reminder of what it looked like! I would have to say that in that moment I was able to mellow out *a bit*. My hope is that, like yourself and this stranger, my TED might resolve on it’s own. I would have to agree with Bobbi – my TED is a lot less noticeable when I smile
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If you don’t mind me asking Ski, How long did you have TED before it resolved?
To Shirley: There is actually an ophthalmologist who specializes in oculoplastics surgery near me. I was fortunate to have had an appointment with him just over a year ago (when I still had health insurance). He took measurements and photos of my left eye (which has u/l lid retraction and proptosis). I think I went to his office expecting him to be able to wave his magic pen and write a prescription to ‘cure’ my TED. I was devastated when I left his office.
I will continue on with my investigations. I am happy to know that I now have others to share stories with and ask advice. Thank you again!