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Thanks for that….. had the tablet on Monday, feeling not 100% (sore throat and neck) but not too bad in the scheme of things, my recent cold made me feel worse! ….. hope it works this time! Apparently according to my endo, it won’t take that long to work…. so fingers crossed …. does make you learn a great deal of patience this disease!
Robin reply to: Need encouragement on my choice for TX. #1067239Patti, hang in there. You will feel better once the medication starts to work, and like everything with graves things take a little time. I am about 2yr post diagnosis and was on carbimazole, and after a little while all was stable and I felt pretty good most of the time and ended up on 10mg per day. Then about 4 months ago, I had to go from ten to 30mg per day and my thyroid kept getting more active. I decided to do RAI, and now I feel good again although I am in that part where I am not on any medication but will probably have to take thyroxine before christmas. So although you feel pretty average now, just hang in there, day by day things get better, and as for treatment, thats your choice and there is no better way to go than the way you feel comfortable with, but medication is essential and you will be able to get off beta blockers and get back into feeling normal… get that thyoid to behave! I am in Australia and it’s interesting to note that the way graves is deal with here is a little different than the US from what I have seen in this bulletin board. Here most people are given carbimazole for about 18 months to see if the thyroid goes into remission before RAI is considered being used, while often in the US, RAI is the first form of treatment…. in the end though, most people will end up having to consider RAI, although my endo tells me that a few people do opt to remain on medication long term… take care…
Robin reply to: Graves, TED & temperature #1071411Hello Susan, there is a couple of discussions on similar issues, search TED and Temperature on this bulletin board. I agree that humid climates relieve the symptoms of TED. I don’t live anywhere that gets really cold, but hot dry weather seriously irritates my eyes. I actually think its the humidity in the air. The less humidity there is the worse the symptoms, but it does sound like there are no strict rules! Maybe you need to move to the tropics! Rob
I will say a little more… getting fit and exercising, even a little, does make you feel a lot better…. I also had a relationship break down because of lack of understanding about GD, but moving on helps… just more little steps forward, which is boring really but when you think about it, positive…
Robin reply to: Newly Diagnosed #1072352Hey Christy, hang in there, it takes a while but it does get better bit by bit, when you look back six months (for example) you can really notice the difference, but in the mean time, just keep an eye out (metaphorically) for those little forward steps. Sometimes they are tiny, but they are there. Also, focus on the good things in your life. You will also get more comfortable with the types of available treatments and if you can you should take lots of time to think through them all and then you will be happier with whatever course of treatment you take.
Rob” title=”Wink” />
Hello Pixiejo, from my perspective, since being diagnosed with GD, the positive is that I am feeling my old self again, that self that I hadn’t felt for years. I have lost a lot because of this disease, but there is no other way to look at it as a good thing to have the reset button pressed on my life, and look forward while picking up the pieces. It’s not easy, but I suppose character building in a way. Once I started to feel more sane and recognise how unwell I was, it does make me happy to be back! And piece by piece it all gets better. Also to not have the physical and psychological symptoms (mostly) is a great feeling, and it feels great to feel normal, and even though its not as good as pre-GD, relatively it’s normal.
And I’m alive!
Hi Brian, I am not sure if this will help. I don’t suffer from migraines but I know a few people that do, and they do not have thyroid issues. Apparently taking Coenzyme Q10 daily really helps. The people I know who take it have not suffered at all from migraines while they have continued taking it. They do not take any other medication now as they do not get the migraines. It would also be worth talking to a Dr about it, just in case it conflicts with something else. I am not sure about the US, but where I live it is available over the pharmacy counter without prescription. It may be worth you looking up some more information about it.
Robin reply to: TED symptoms and temperature #1074092Hi, FYI, now that the temperature is significantly cooler, the irritation to my eyes has subsided. Seem to be back at normal now. Eye drops helped a lot in the heatwave.
Robin reply to: TED symptoms and temperature #1074091Thanks Nancy, Adelaide, South Australia, we seem to be having record temperature highs, personally, I would prefer for us not to have set any records in relation to days above 40C, the weekend is getting cooler, I hope. I have been using liquid tears and regularly now. I am pretty sure that my lids do close at night, and unfortunately don’t have anyone who can tell me that. I don’t recall seeing a red mark, but my glasses are quite thick and I may have missed that on first waking, I will have a look at that one though tomorrow morning. I am sure the weather has a lot to do with this, along with my insistence on riding my bike to work probably (riding in to work early and back late). I will see if it improves a little more when the weather gets a little cooler, 30C and 25C on the weekend.
I have just had an email from thyroid aust Ltd, so I will join that.
Thanks Nancy,
kind regards,
Robin reply to: TED symptoms and temperature #1074089Thanks Jake, will try that.
Robin reply to: TED symptoms and temperature #1074087Hi Dianne and malia,
I spoke with my endo about this yesterday and he also mearured my eyes. There was no change in the protrusion of my eyes which has been stable and very mild. He thought that the heat was an issue that was to do with the amount of tears I produce and that the hot air would make my eyes more irritated and swollen. He suggested liquid tear drops, which I tried, and it has helped a bit. Unfortunately our weather forcast has remained hot and will do for another week and its also windy, so walking down the street is like holding a hair dryer on your eyes. So if the air ever gets below 35 C again (It has been well above 44C all week) I will see if there is an improvement. Otherwise I will see my eye specialist! I spoke with a friend of mine who also has GD and he is also having the same issue with his eyes. Also, maybe everyone in my city is having the issue!
I have not found a pattern with my eyes, sometimes they feel and look more protruded than other times. I find that if it’s hot, or I am tired, it is worse. Although, when I travel to a very humod place that is also hot, my eyes feel a bit better.
Robin reply to: New and worried #1074324Thanks elf,
Robin reply to: New and worried #1074317Hi everyone, Apologies straight up for this being long. I am 37 and was diagnosed about 19 months ago and I am having RAI in about 2 weeks. When I was diagnosed I had been running my own small law practice for a number of years, my few part time employees had found me difficult (but i was the boss), and my friends and family had also found me pretty hard to deal with. I eventually had to shut my practice down and start working for another firm to reduce the stress on myself after I was diagnosed, which has helped. The people I now work with are sympathetic, but no one really understands my condition and they really do think that on medication I am fine, which I originally thought I would be also. I can understand that people don’t realise the seriousness of GD, because I didn’t either until more recently. My brother is a specialist Dr and he said nothing to me about it, and has said nothing since. The only thing he said after I was diagnosed, that he thought it explained how my eyes looked and the tremor in my hands, which he originally thought were a result of me having an alcohol problem, which I didn’t! Frustrating. I have explained to my work colleagues in detail now about what it’s all about. And I have explained that after the RAI I might feel pretty average some days, and have been told, just to do what I need to. Unfortunately, my clients won’t be like that!
Anyway, my now ex partner could not cope with me. She thought that if I was depressed or anxious and very stressed etc that it was somehow her fault and as a result she got depressed and eventually extremely angry with me because she was trying but couldn’t do anything to make me happy. She was always trying to work out what she had done or what had happened in my day to make me feel like I did and when I said that there was no reason I could think of, she thought I was hiding something or lying to her or having an affair or something, even though I would go to work and then home, and spent 99% of my spare time with her. I would try to talk with her and explain that I sometimes felt like I was losing my mind and that there was no reason I could think of. For a long time I was not aware that my thyroid was making my life and her’s hell. I felt guilty using the excuse that it was my thyroid making me feel like i did and it affected how I was, even though it was the truth. Since the relationship broke down a couple of months ago at her instigation I have communicated with her by email, and now she gets it, but it is too late. Had I seen this bulletin board earlier or had anyone tell me anything, I would still be in a relationship and would have some support around me rather than being left to deal with everything on my own. Which is still very hard.
It is a fine line with explaining to an employer the seriousness of GD, because it may affect your employment. I have to provide a report from my endo to my professional body to explain that my GD is ok every six months and that it doesn’t affect my work and that I am managing the disease. If I don’t do that they will suspend my right to practice as a lawyer. I am sure if my clients knew how this affected me sometimes, they would stop giving me work to do for them.
It’s very important for GD sufferes to understand how GD affects us. I believe that the burden is on us to make sure people understand how GD and it’s various treatments work and how they affect us. I think the brochure idea is a great idea. It could have saved the most important thing I had in my life, my loving relationship. Hopefully with some information brochures, some others will be helped!
Thanks for listening
in reply to: New to Blog, RAI, TED and Steroids #1074482Thanks Dianne, I am still looking forward to the RAI in some strange sort of way, even though it’s scary. And it is good to know some of the possible things that I might feel (such as the sudden urge to cry, which I still ocassionaly get just on cabimazole), because to at least recognise those things is a big step in coping with them. I will let everyone know how it has gone.
Robin reply to: New to Blog, RAI, TED and Steroids #1074480Thanks Bobbi & elf, having read much of this board, it will be see how things go! Again, I have to say that this board is the most useful resource on GD I have ever come across, and will get my endo to tell his other GD patients about it, primarily because I had no knowledge of what would happen to me while I was on carbimazole and what kind of ride, pyhsically and pshcyologicaly, it would be. I am in a good place with it all now, but I was not always, and like many others I felt as if I had lost my mind many times. I suppose I know what to expect if my thyroid starts dumping its contents into my body all at once. Fun and games! After the awful time I have had, I am actually looking forward to getting some stable hormones in my body, even if that takes a little while. Will let you know how I go, but thanks for the help again! I know 2 other people who have GD and have also let them know about the board.
Rob -