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Thanks for the info. I have an ophtho appt in Dec so we’ll see. I still have a problem with puffy eyes, mainly under the eyes. My eyelids will occassionally puff up – but not too badly. Ice helps that greatly.
I realized that my eyes are watering some but it is because nothing drains into my sinus’. I’m going to ask the doc to dilate the tear ducts as I believe they are swollen shut. I used to work in the OR and we dilated toddlers ducts on a regular basis. The docs said that once they were dilated they stayed open. Maybe that will help out my under eye puffy.
Time will tell.
Gaylein reply to: Professional weight loss help #1174689Good afternoon
I know how you feel about the extra weight. I took RAI June 2011 and am now on Armour and feel great. Was able to get back to exercising in May, 2012. I am now doing aerobics 4x per week. Feel better than I have for years!!! I have always been very careful about what I eat. I don’t snack, eat little meat, about 90% vegetarian BUT I gained 20 lbs in the past year. I’ve spoken with all of my docs about it and they all blame it on the slower metabolism. My endo is concerned that I may be pre-diabetic and is watching that carefully. I did some research and decided to start a low glycemic diet which is recommended for diabetics. I really haven’t changed much but I realized that some of the vegs that I love the most have the highest amout of sugars (sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, squash) I have eliminated these vegs and have lost 3 lbs in the past month. I feel wonderful!! I use a little sugar in my tea and switched that to Agave which is great!I would suggest that you look into the low glycemic diet and try to increase your exercise. The weight loss will be very slow but that is the best way to go.
Good luck to you
Gaylein reply to: Any remedies for bags under eyes? #1174639Good morning.
I woke up one morning and looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy – All puffed up. That was my first day of Hypo about one month post RAI. That has been over 1 year and I have tried everything for the puffy under eyes. At the beginning they were puffed up so badly that they felt like water balloons filled to the point of bursting!!!Seriously, ice is the best thing. I have tried the massage to help empty the area of fluid, tea bags, different types of facial creams, raised head at night etc. Ice is the best BUT I have come to realize that my tear ducts are plugged. Whenever I tear up I get no run-off into my nose as the ductwork is supposed to work. I can’t help but wonder if this is contributing to the puffyness. I have an appointment with my ophth in a month and I plan to see if he will dilate the tear duct. It is a simple procedure. I used to work in the OR and we did it regularly on very small children. The docs told me then that one dilation and the ducts stayed open. Hope that also works on adults.
Good luck
GayleGood morning
I live in Winter Springs (northeast of Orlando). Your right about all the front coming in all the time. I am looking forward to the fall/winter to see if it changes the frequency of the migraines. I saw my cardiologist yesterday and talked to him about the headaches. He is all in favor of keeping me on the propranalol – which I totally agree. I haven’t had any tachy events since the RAI but since it helps the migraines so much – and he said it isn’t doing any harm.
What exactly were your first TED symptoms? 6 months post RAI I had aching in my eyes – nothing else. Very similar to the aching you get with sinus infections. I didn’t have an MRI or CT but did have a field of vision test by 2 ophth. Since taking the selenium (brazil nuts) the aching has stopped. Visually the only thing I have noticed is a worsening of my close up vision. Some would say its due to over 40 eyes but I had Lasix in 2005 and had no visual change until this past year. ALSO I had a torn retina less than 30 post RAI. All docs said it wasn’t related but I find that hard to believe.I have a regular eye appt scheduled in december soooooo.
Hi and thanks for the comments. Funny that you should mention the low pressure – During my last Endo appt my Dr was suffering with her own migraine. She shared with me that hers were caused by the low pressure. I’ve been charting mine and several of them have been during fronts of low pressure – not big storms but our usual late afternoon thunderboomers – I live in Florida.
The reason I have been blaming the thyroid is due to the 9 in 10 days during my thyroid storm last July. Unfortunately, I also had some during the time that I bottomed out – hypo – before I started with the Armour. Maybe its just that my body hasn’t dealt well with the change – both hypo and hyper. Who knows.
My Endo just shrugs her shoulders and basically told me to get used to it – she really isn’t sure what causes it. At least she is honest. Fortunately my Cardiologist has me on Propranalol and plans to keep me on it due to the migraines. Since being on the meds my migraines are only visual. The actual headache is pretty minor compared to how they used to be. Much as I hate the visual disturbances – I can live with it.
Did you experience a difference with the selenium? My ophthalmologist has said that I don’t have TED even though my eyes “ache” if I stop the brazil nuts. It only takes 1-2 a couple times a week and the muscle ache goes away.
in reply to: New “old” person #1174605Hello to all. First of all I want to encourage you to have faith and hope. Things will get better. We all have our stories – and I mention this because Graves is such an incidius disease and it affects each of us differently. There are so many vague symptoms that mimic other diseases and conditions. It is very difficult to find a good doctor who will properly diagnose.
Now that I properly understand my Graves – I think back to when it actually started. I am presently 58 y/o and my first symptoms occured when I was 27. I can trace everything from that point and I am able to see its progression. I can’t tell you how many doctors missed the diagnosis. I am blessed to have a wonderful family doctor who listened to my issues and decided to check further. Initially they found a cyst on each lobe. Then the scan light up like a Christmas tree! He sent me to a wonderful endocrinologist who suggested RAI immediately. I tried to take the methmizole but had horrific gastric side effects and stopped it immediately. Took the RAI 1 month later. Best thing I ever did. I had to deal with the roller coaster for awhile until I went hypo.
I felt strongly about avoiding Synthroid. I prefer a more natural medicine. My doc put me on Armour thyroid and has been wonderful about working with me until we found the proper dosage. She believes in the idea that the dosage is right when the patient is doing well. She actually listens to me!!!
The best advice that I can give you…………… You know best how you are doing and how you feel. Keep accurate notes or a journal daily about hope you feel. Be very specific. I keep notes on my calendar. I summerize those notes when I have an appointment- which is about every 4 months. If I am not doing well I get an earlier appointment. DON’T WAIT!!! I also have a spreadsheet of all of my blood test result. I keep a comment section with my notes. This way I remember from one appointment to the next how I am feeling and how I am progressing. When I look back over the past year I see the huge strides that I have made. One of my problems is short term memory so this reminder is very important.
You must be your best advocate. This forum was the best thing that I found when I was first diagnosed. I was scared and didn’t know where to start looking or what questions I needed to ask. These wonderful folks helped get me pointed in the right directions and gave me the hope that I needed. I was diagnosed and took RAI in June, 2011.
God bless you in your journey. You will get better.
in reply to: New on here, just had RAI #1061395Good afternoon Victor
I was diagnosed 2 wks ago and had the RAI on Monday. Don’t know the dosage but the nuclear tech told me it was a childs dose. I hope thats a good thing. Anyhow, I felt nothing except I was still tired. Hate to say it but I loved sleeping alone as I finally got a good nights sleep. My poor husband, as we have only been married a year.Haven’t had much of an appetite but have been very thirsty. Had a very minor sore throat last night after dinner. My red wine seemed to make it worse. Started taking meth…… yesterday and I’m feeling a little less anxious and my head is actually clearing up. I hate the brain fog!
You mentioned an allergy problem. I have contact dermatitis and had a breakout mon night after the RAI. This hasn’t happened in a long time. Not sure if the RAI triggered some of my allergies but it has cleared up pretty quickly (which isn’t normal)
I feel much better this afternoon – almost normal. Have faith. Always remember "this too shall pass"
Hope you are feeling better…………..
Gaylein reply to: Newly diagnosed – took RAI today #1061410Good morning Susan & Victor
Thanks for much for your notes. It is wonderful to have you all for support and information.
Took my first meth…. this morning and am starting to feel a little woozie. Very mild though. Not sure what to expect. Have gotten through the first days after RAI with no problems whatsoever. The 80 mg CR propanalol has my heartbeat back to normal and my BP is low – but right where I like it. So far so good. My appt is for 6 wks unless I have problems and I don’t expect any. I am a very positive thinker so that helps alot. I agree with you………. this website has answered so many questions that I had and several that I hadn’t thought of.My endo hasn’t been very helpful regarding what to expect. Actually my cardiologist helped the most.
One questions………. I want to plan a road trip in the next few weeks and wonder if that is wise. I’m in Fl and want to drive to Mich to visit family. I won’t be alone but will do most of the driving. Any thoughts?Thanks again for all of the responses. You guys are fabulous!!! I know that I am not alone.
Gaylein reply to: Newly diagnosed – took RAI today #1061407Thank you Shirley for your support. I am unclear on one point. My endo told me the goal of the RAI was to kill of a portion of the thyroid – hoping to get me back to a normal state and my radiologyOncologist said that I got a childs dose. Is this possible? Everything I’ve read says that the entire gland is killed off and that I would go hypo. In a perfect world…….. I hope this is true as I don’t look forward to a lifetime on meds………… but whatever it takes to get back to a more normal state of living.
Gaylein reply to: Newly diagnosed – took RAI today #1061405Thanks so much for your response. The unknown is the worst part of this. It is now 48 hrs post RAI and so far I have only experienced some body itching and small bumps on my hands. I have allergies so that might just be from the stress. No throat issues but my face puffed up some around my eyes. The last 2 nights I actually slept thru the entire night.
” title=”Very Happy” /> YEAH!!! The hardest part has been not being able to care for my sick kitty. My husband has been doing a great job!
My pulse has remained the same. I am taking controlled release beta blocker. My endo wants me to take the anti thyroid (meth…) starting tomorrow, TID. Said that would be for the next few months. This surprised the oncologist but said it would be OK. I really don’t have too many symptoms. Racing heart, can’t sleep thru the night, and personality chg. Not as patient as I used to be. I sure hope that changes. I want my old self back. I don’t like being snippy.
Thanks again for your response. For a long time I just thought my symptoms were nothing. I never thought it would be so serious. It really helps to know that I am not alone.
Gayle -