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  • Gabe
    Post count: 182

    Hi Ali0420. Welcome to the best place to find some answers, get educated, and vent when you need to. We’re all GDers here so we can all relate. I’m almost 3 weeks out from my surgery and have an active journal going (Gabes TT Journal). There are many of us who have recently gone thru TT for a variety of reasons. Mine were: frustrations with the medication roller coaster (methimazole), averse to RAI since I have a moderate case of thyroid eye disease, I’m menopausal and chances of remission with medication are slim to none, and I want to be DONE with this. I’m very happy with my decision and my progress so far, even if its still early.

    I would say my surgery was a success. I’m sure others will weigh in also. Read the treatment options paper in the Announcements section on this forum, keep a journal, and find the best doctors even if you have to get second or third opinions!

    Best wishes,


    Post count: 182

    Hi all.. just returned from my post-op visit with my wonderful, magical surgeon. He’s the bomb! Been looking at my new scar ever since. My steri-strips never budged so today was the unveiling. Not bad..about 2-1/2 inches long. Can still see some of the dark colored sutures that will dissolve over time.

    He said there’s no scientific proof that any creams help with the scar and healing but if creams make me feel better, than by all means use them. I may try something but so far it doesn’ t look bad at all. Given I’m 54 and a little wrinkled it just fits nicely into one of my folds!! haha

    He suggested I keep up a calcium supplement and check with my Endo even though my labs were fine in post-op.

    He’s giving me a few more days to rest up and I’ll be back to work on Monday, 6/24. Kind of like being off work after 32 years with the same company and not missing more than a few days in all those years…

    The shocker… pathology of the thyroid indicated that there was a goiter and they found cancer… very small amount… think he called it micro-papillary. So small it could only be detected under a microscope. Was not expecting that. Another great reason to get rid of this thyroid…confirms my decision!!! A little disconcerting to know that cancer was lurking in my body. Be gone for good I hope!

    Have felt consistently good for about 3 days. Still anxious for the hypo-crash but no indications as of yet.



    Post count: 182

    Hi Talley… glad you got your questions answered. Don’t bother with the scarves… you won’t use them. The surgical site will only have a small steri-strip and anything near your neck will just irritate it. I’ve been walking around in v-necks since my surgery. It really isn’t bad. I only had to answer one young girls questions and I told her I got caught in a bear trap so we had a good laugh!

    I started my Synthroid the morning after my surgery (50 mcgs of Levothyroxine) and am sure my Endo will up that at my visit with him on 6/25.

    Good luck and best wishes tomorrow!


    Post count: 182

    Hi Talley, welcome back. I did not have to take any drops before my TT. I did have to continue my Meth up to the surgery and beta blocker a little while after. I agree with others that its extremely important that your surgeon conduct >50 and preferably >100 TTs annually since there is a direct correction between volume and complications. I had to have routine labs performed prior to surgery and my calcium was checked at three intervals directly after surgery….it was and is still fine.

    Other than that, I won’t pile on since I’m sure you’ve got enough and have already started emailing all the questions!

    I wish you the best!


    Post count: 182

    Hi Becky and welcome…..vent away, we all have been there and done it many, many times. Sounds like you’ve had it very bad these past few months. As Kimberly mentioned there are many folks who have had great success with RAI and you’ll find them here. For some it’s relatively easy for others it takes long for the thyroid to ‘die’ and for the proper regulation of hormone to happen.

    Patience is easier said than done,..believe me we know. Push your doctors to move up your labs, find a PCP that is willing to interpret and corral all your specialists, get educated, keep a journal of how you feel each day, and maybe soon you will have a good day.

    I find that most people, even the most supportive, just will never understand how a once healthy individual, who still ‘looks’ healthy can be so sick. Come here when you need us, we certainly know how hard and frustrating GD can be.

    Best wishes!


    Post count: 182

    Good news Bill! Hopefully your recovery is uneventful and quick. Get plenty of rest…easier said than done.

    Best wishes!


    Post count: 182

    Hi Sue. I’ve personally never had such a quick onset of symptoms you describe. I’ve had the lightheaded feeling when I was at my worse hyper and of course the bathroom issues, but not as you describe. I’m not aware that the thyroid can produce spurts/dumps of hormone to that extent. But who knows. Every day is something new!

    Have a great day!


    Post count: 182

    Two weeks post-op:

    Generally feeling OK. Heart is not racing so haven’t taken the beta blocker since first week. I’m on 50 mcgs of Levothyroxine but on my own I’ve upped it to 75 (1 and 1/2 pills) starting two days ago. I just feel its too low of a dose to start with. I see my endo on 6/25 and will get labs done on 6/21. He probably won’t be happy with my self-medication.

    Biggest complaints: feel really good for a day or two and the crash with zero energy the next day. Inconsistent energy levels and I believe I tried to do too much these first two weeks.

    My surgical site is itching and I can’t wait to get these steri strips off on Monday 6/17. They haven’t budged and are still firmly in place. It’s getting easier to turn head in all directions. Swallowing is almost normal. Voice has been normal since day two. Sneezing is the worst but gets easier.

    Forgot to mention something in initial posts for those of you contemplating TT. The recovery nurses mentioned that my surgeon’s patients never have problems and they always see great results, especially since he ‘doesn’t use a drain’. Evidently there are some surgeons who insert a drain in the neck, which I cannot imagine. Must add to discomfort and pain, not to mention risk of infection. Not sure I would want to use a surgeon who uses this technique. Just my opinion.

    Still very happy with my decision and looking forward to upcoming surgeon and endo appointments.

    Have a great day!


    Post count: 182

    Great news Sue! I had no tube down my throat at the surgical consult. My surgeon just palated. Never heard of that but if it helps her, help you it’s all good. I’m sure you feel relieved now that you’ve made a decision. I didn’t have to take any drops prior to surgery but maybe my thyroid was more in control than yours. All your other descriptions of the remaining steps are exactly like mine. Pretty routine stuff. Congrats!


    PS. Listen to what Shirley says about the false feelings of energy in the beginning. It makes you believe that you are better than you are. Then reality sets in and you lose that ‘high’ or energy burst. Don’t overdue it early on…

    Post count: 182

    Hi Sue…I think you’ll find your surgeon is not the one to answer this important question. At least mine isn’t. They are excellent surgeons, but once they do their thing, the treatment turned immediately over to the Endo. Once mine checks my surgical site on Monday I suspect I won’t ever see him again.

    I don’t have answers to your questions and obviously it’s too late for me. Just don’t want you expecting much from your surgeon in this regard.

    Raspberry makes good points. I’m just hoping not to have conversion issues and thankful there are options if that’s the case.

    As Kimberly says make sure you probe your surgeon in his experience with parathyroids. If these are permanently damaged in the surgery, that’s when you’ll have the calcium issues she mentions. I have not had that experience but started taking a calcium supplement as a precaution.

    And of course Mr. Boomer has the best answers!

    Good luck tomorrow!


    Post count: 182

    Hi Bill. Super good news for you! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a well-behaved thyroid. Keep us posted…. Karen

    Post count: 182

    Hi Kinzito and welcome! There are quite a few of us who have recently posted our TT experiences… Me, Cycle, Amy, Alexis, Shirley. To name a few. Amy is 5 weeks since her surgery, Cycle is 2 weeks post TT and I’m 1 week post TT. We’ve all created posts journaling our experiences. Use the search function and you should find all you need.

    Best advice…do your own research, learn everything you can about all options, become an active manager of your health team, write down everything, and when you’re having a bad day (or a good one) log in here and share with us. This forum has been extremely supportive and helpful to me…got me thru many, many bad days.

    Best wishes,


    Post count: 182

    Hi Cycle. Good to hear from you. Glad to hear that your energy level is increasing. I’m noticing that one week after surgery that my scar area is starting to itch and I don’t want anything near it. Weird but I can’t wait to see it at my two week appointment. Thanks for the info on Kelo-cote..adding it to my list.

    That’s an impressive bike ride! Congrats!


    Post count: 182
    in reply to: Reaction to PTU #1179738

    Misslex, sorry to hear you’re having a rough time getting regulated. Kimberly always has good recommendations. Maybe a different combination or a different dosage would help. Sounds like you are already onto that and are advocating well for yourself. Don’t let one doctor talk you into a treatment method as permanent as RAI or TT unless you are comfortable, which could mean getting second opinions.

    Wishing you the best,


    Post count: 182

    Amy, thanks for the update. Hadn’t thought about sun exposure so will copy/paste your recommendations in my very long journal. I love the sun but also wear sunscreen religiously. I’ll also add this topic/question to my post-op visit with the surgeon.

    Hang in there. Hope you have a great vacation. Maybe some down time will help kick start your energy levels.

    l look forward to reading about your first labs and what changes they do to your meds….remind me again what med/dose they started you on after your surgery??

    Best wishes,,,


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