Very thought provoking……I love all the answers….
……….you’d think nothing good could ever come from something that plays such havoc on our lives. But there’s always something, just have to really think about it once (some of) the storms have passed and you can think straight again.
For me, after struggling with graves for over 5 years now I’m finally on the downhill slope.
I’ve learned to de-stress – so very important for me! I’ve discovered a new creative hobby which I can take up on the the days my eyes feel good and let sit when they’re hurting too much. I’ve learned that you have to be your own support group; that it’s okay to take a nap when you come home from work or on your lunch hour; it’s okay to let the dishes sit in the sink till the next day; it’s okay to pamper yourself in whatever way you can manage; that doctors really don’t know everything and I have to investigate, learn for myself & question. I’ve learned that while I can never go back to what I once was
the person I’m becoming is very worthwhile too…….
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And, last but not least, I’ve discovered this group, which has helped through so much of the dark days! Thank you all!!