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in reply to: another question about weight #1169531
thanks for the responses i’m going to make an appointment to see my family doctor to have everything checked out and make sure my thyroid levels aren’t off again or something else is wrong. Hopefully my family doctor will take the time to help me and not just blow me off like the endo did.
I have to agree with music as a way to calm down, I keep my stereo in my kitchen and if I start to feel like I’m going to start screaming I go in my kitchen listen to music and relax for a few minutes. I have to say the best thing I have found for myself is swimming. I joined a gym with a pool and in the evenings I take time to go swimming and do laps, it helps with to reduce stress and also wears me out. Since I’ve started swimming I’ve actually been sleeping more than 2 hours and have been able to almost fall right to sleep. And my endo was on board
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in reply to: question about medicine again #1061624Thanks for the imput, I am currently not on a beta blocker, just methimazole and a diuretic for blood pressure. I called the endo again yesterday as I said and he upped my appointment to this thursday, hopefully he’ll be able to help in some way. I am soooo frustrated right now, I can’t even put in a load of laundry without feeling like my heart is going to explode! You know I understand that the endo doesn’t want to put someone thru surgery if a chance of remission is possible, but I also know remission doesn’t mean free of graves forever and that’s why I was ready for surgery. I had everyone lined up to help in July, and had an appointment with the surgeon in a few weeks. I am just so worried that my blood pressure, heart rate, and thyroid levels are going to prevent me from a July surgery. Right now resting my heart rate is between 95-100 bpm! Hopefully it will all work out I don’t want to be on methimazole any longer than I have to, my grandmother passed away from liver failure due to medication and I worry everyday when I take that pill. I also want to be a normal person again and go for a jog or do aerobics, so frustrated!
in reply to: recovery time from surgery? #1061771Thanks for the help everyone, I was kind of hoping it would be as easy as a 4 day recovery, guess not. I have been talking to my mom who may be able to take a couple days off if she can I’d like to get the surgery over asap, if she cant I’m going to talk to my doctor about the fall. Thanks again.
Jessicain reply to: Alternative options? #1061937When I was first diagnosed last summer, my doctor put me on methimazole for 1 year. I wanted surgery immediatly because I never wanted to feel as bad as I did again. After talking to him he explained that because I was hyper and my blood pressure and heart rate were thru the roof it would be dangerous to be put under. He said if it was life or death they would give someone in that condition anesthia but only if necesary. It could be your doctor also has these concerns which is why he is encouraging medicine or RAI. I was very fearful at first to take the methimazole because I had read all the possible side effects, I even posted and ranted about my fears on this board. I can say after taking the medicine I never felt better. Now that it has been a year and my thyroid doesn’t seem to want to cooperate without the medicine, I have to make the decision between the surgery or RAI, but I appreciated my doctor sitting with me, talking to me, and giving me time to take the medication, feel better before making that decision. You should call your doctor and see if you can have a consult with your doctor so you can make a plan for your healthcare that will make you both happy. I was also ready to switch doctors, until I found out his nurses took most of his calls and he wasn’t aware I had been calling. Once I sat down with him and talked and made a plan it put my mind at ease.
in reply to: question about dry skin #1061877I haven’t gone to a dermotologist yet, becaues this is brand new for me. I’ve never had this problem before which is why I was wondering if it was linked to the graves. I’ve been using goldbond lotion but it doesn’t seem to work. I never thought about eczema, I will look into that.
in reply to: question about rai/surgery and weight gain #1062280Thanks for the responses, my weight gain actually started a little bit before I was diagnosed, so I thought I was going to be told that I was hypo, I was shocked to find out that I was hyper with graves given the weight I had gained. I have been doing yoga for so long I’ve forgotten when my thyroid is straightend out I’ll be able to return to more strenuous workouts that I was used to before getting the graves and having to slow down. I think at this point I might be hyperfocusing on the issue of weight to stop myself from worrying about these two procedures. I’m terrifiied of anethesia and the RAI worries me because I don’t want to be away from kids for a week. Thanks again for the help and support, this really has been a crazy ride.
in reply to: jazzercise and graves #1062833I’ve been doing yoga for about 7 months now. I found it was very helpful (ecspecially in the begining when I felt so out of control) it helps with my energy level as well as helping me rest at night. It’s also a great way to calm down which I also found very hard in the begining. I hope you have all your questions answered, this site has been a lifesaver for me.
in reply to: Question about Doctor #1063890I had a similiar issue with my endo to the point where I was thinking of switching Drs. My husband suggested I schedule a consult with my endo before I switched and it was a great idea. The consult gave me an opportunity to sit with him and talk about all my questions and concerns. I also found out while talking to him that he wasn’t aware I had called with questions because his nurses will answer questions they feel he”s to busy to answer. He suggested in the future to be very specific and tell the office I want to speak to him not a nurse. So if you have time I would suggest scheduling a consult. It will give you the time you need to have your questions answered and give your doctor a chance to get to know you.
in reply to: joint pain #1064005I’ve never had joint pain to this extent before. If I had joint pain before, it was usually something like sleeping the wrong way or something that would go away after I stretched or walked around. The pain I’m having now won’t go away its become very uncomfortable.
in reply to: having a bad week #1064219Thanks for the feedback, I just called to make an appointment with the endocronologist and to get bloodwork done, we’ll see what happens.
in reply to: methizamole? #1064973thanks for the info, i’ve been trying to find a new doctor all morning but they are either not accepting new patients or they are a good distance away. I wasfinally able to get a consult with my docor tomorrow so we will see how that goes. I guess if all else fails I’ll drive the distance for another doctor. Thanks again, I am so glad I found this website.