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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I had lactose intolerance symptoms when I was hyper. Never had any problem with dairy before that. Since I had RAI about 6 weeks ago and my levels have come up to normal, I have been able to eat cheese with no problems. I haven’t tried ice cream yet.


    Post count: 484

    I am now at week 6 after my RAI and I do feel so much better. I have had some muscle spasms as my levels have changed. My levels were back in normal range after three weeks. I had blood drawn this morning since I have been having some hypo symptoms and want to make sure I catch the change. RAI has been the best thing to happen to me since I found out I had Graves. This change was way faster than the change that happened to me when I went on methimazole. That was horrible, it took me months to feel better and I was unable to work etc.. and then I never really felt good. My spirits have been lifted immensely and I am now able to use my brain again. My family really does notice the change. I am able to take some of the load off of my husband. My libido has come back. My fingernails are no longer ridgey. I could list lots of things that have changed. It has not been easy but it was definitely the right thing for me. I have even been able to get back to walking. I went to my son’s college freshman orientation and spent two days walking a university campus. I am out of shape but I was able to participate! That is the best feeling. Missing out on life was the worst feeling.

    Each person’s choice is a personal one but I was never afraid of RAI. I knew that the short time that the radiation would be in my body was a lot shorter than years on medication that might affect me adversely at any point. Medication and I haven’t always gotten along.

    If you want to get it down on paper it might help. Make a list of the pros and cons of each thing you are considering. Make sure that you have your facts straight on each treatment, ask your doctor if he or she is good, to check over it with you. Education can make the decision easier. Getting well is the goal so whatever you pick it’s going to be a hard road if you aren’t happy with your treatment.

    Good luck…..


    Post count: 484

    I’ve had eye watering off and on in both eyes when my Graves was really bad. The eye doctor said it was the thyroid hormone. I’ve never had any other eye symptoms.


    Post count: 484

    Why surgery and not RAI? I’d ask that question. RAI isn’t invasive and you have small children if I remember. A few days inconvenience with your own dishes and toilet etc. over recovery from surgery was my choice. You’ll have to make your own though. But ask lots of questions…….. Get a second opinion if you want to. I did that and didn’t tell my original doctor I was going to do it but did tell the second doctor that I was asking for a second opinion. I ended up staying with the first one since they were both of the same opinion and the first one was closer to me.

    Let us know what happens.


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: GD Treatments #1070584

    Are you on generic methimazole and not Tapazole ( brand name )? Sometimes there are fillers etc. in generics that bother people. Generics do not have to go through the same FDA process as the original drug. In other words to keep costs down they change the inactive ingredients a lot of times. You might ask your doctor for a scrip for the brand name drug and try switching if you are on the generic. PTU is the other choice as well. I don’t know if this is available in a brand name vs. generic.

    I would call back and leave a message for the nurse or the doctor and say you need help and going to the opthamologist is on your list but the headaches are causing a lot of stress and you’d like to try changing your medication or whatever you want to do.

    Good luck and I hope your headaches go away soon. I had horrible leg pains when first on PTU. The doctor on call told me that my dose was too high and we cut it in half and after a very painful and non-walking day it went away.

    You are important so keep looking for help until you get it.


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: GD Treatments #1070580

    Don’t forget that you can call your pharmacist too to ask questions about normal and rare complications and side effects. If the pharmacist tells you something that seems to fit then you can have something more to say to the doctor when he calls you back.


    Post count: 484

    I would call the endo’s office and tell them that you need to be seen earlier. Tell them what happened about your throat and that you know that they have emergency appointments built in to their system and you’d like one. I always try to say things like I am hoping you can help me out and I know that things are tight with the doctor’s schedule but I need you to understand my situation. If you can go any time that they offer so much the better. If they won’t see you then maybe you should try and find another endo who will see you sooner if possible. I know that insurance etc. can be a bother.

    I wouldn’t be comfortable waiting the five weeks to see someone. Maybe your GP can help you with an emergency referral.

    Good luck.

    Post count: 484

    Being a mom myself I can’t imagine that I wouldn’t try to find out about something that has affected a child of mine. My mom has been supportive even though my father has Graves too and didn’t have the symptoms that I have had. Maybe giving your Mom a book to read or asking her to come with you to the next appointment would be helpful. The fact that you have had to "kill off your thyroid" with RAI doesn’t seem to have had any impact?

    How are you feeling by the way now? Have you hit a dumping phase yet? I am at five weeks today and for the first time my heart rate was 78 this morning! Good times will be coming for you too. My emotions have been all over the place too during my recovery from the RAI. I cry at the smallest things sometimes and then I’m fine the next day.

    Hope that your Mom can come to some understanding with you even if she doesn’t get it so much. Are you planning on moving back out?


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: What’s next #1071815

    Thanks for letting me know. I don’t feel so strange now. I did mention it to my endo but don’t remember what he said. It could have been months ago that I asked. Hope you are feeling better each day.


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: What’s next #1071813

    Is your pulse higher in the morning than in the evening? Mine is around low 90s when I get up and by the end of they day is in the 70s now. Not on beta blockers any more since RAI a month ago. I feel like it shouldn’t be so high in the morning. I do sleep but I dream a lot so maybe I’m more active than I thought in my sleep.


    Post count: 484

    Since I have had Graves I have had "allergies" but the allergist told me that I’m really not allergic to much of anything. I use a nasal irrigator now every night and it has really helped. It helped me with the off balance feelings too in my ears. Didn’t really have too many sinus infections. I had RAI a month ago and am hoping that some of my allergy symptoms will disappear soon. I am feeling a lot better now.


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Acne?? #1070670

    I’ve had the same thing happen to me too. I asked my gynecologist about it as I am in perimenopause and he said that having all these hormone changes is hard on your skin too sometimes. I would think that some of it was from Graves since that changes so many things in your body too. I hope it will change again soon. I am now "normal" in labs four weeks out from RAI. I feel a lot better and am slowing making my way toward feeling normal too.


    Post count: 484

    I had 70+ the first time I had an uptake and then 9 months later it was around 40 so it changed quite a bit but was still high both times.


    Post count: 484
    in reply to: Leg Cramps? #1070674

    I have my husband massage by legs every night. This seems to help me. You can take a warm bath and then stretch some before bed too. It could be that your potassium levels or other mineral or vitamin levels, such as the Bs are way off too. You might have the doc check them next time you go if you are still having cramps. I also stretch my legs every morning too.


    Post count: 484

    I am not on any anti thryoid meds after my RAI. I had been off for 9 months so the endo said why go back on and then have to go off again. I have been fine without them coming down from the RAI.


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