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in reply to: Lump at side of neck….related to TT surgery? #1067327
Don’t know but thinking back to my husbands surgery to remove a tumor from his salivary gland it could just be scar tissue forming. I’d get in touch with the doctor on Monday though. Hope that you are well today.
in reply to: Graves Disease & ADD in Children #1067349I don’t know an answer to your question about ADD but will caution you about putting your daughter on medication for ADD without a real diagnosis for it from a professional counselor or other person who has a lot of experience with it. There are way too many children who are labeled when there is not a reason for it. Our daughter has a form of autism and we have been very careful not to let people just write off her issues with the recommendation of medication. She has other medical issues that I feel are much more important to deal with than making her "normal" for others. As you say your daughter’s system is going through a lot right now. The other thing I didn’t hear you mention was whether or not your daughter has started her periods. The hormone changes in teenagers can be really strong during their first few years of menses. Our 16 year old has really bad PMS. We have taught her to try and keep track of her cycle on a calendar and to do things like eat more calcium rich foods, do some stress relief etc.. during the bad times. She is almost a different person the day after her period usually starts. I was told that this should settle out during the next few years for her. She started her periods at age 12. My Graves was greatly affected by my cycle. No one seemed to believe me medically until I found a new GYN who said of course it does! It is getting a little better now for me since I am on replacement hormone. Had RAI on May 8th. I am possibly going through menopause too so I am not out of the woods there.
Keep a symptom diary if you can with regard to her cycle and see if you see anything pop up. Also remember that the Graves can make so many things change as her thyroid hormone levels go up and down too. Sometimes she may just need to be crabby or get up and move or scream or whatever.
Remember you know your daughter better than any doctor who sees her for a few minutes.
in reply to: First Day Post RAI #1067357I wish you well during the next few months. Had my RAI on May 8th and am now on levoxyl and feeling a lot better than I did. It can be a real up and down journey but keep thinking good thoughts.
in reply to: Overwhelmed #1067369Hyperm,
Know what you mean about the overwhelming feeling. I too want all the bad things to go away and start feeling so much better than I do. I pushed myself yesterday and am feeling the affects of it today but yesterday was good in that I was able to do so many things. I sometimes think we should have a meter that can recognize the Graves things and let us know if what we are feeling is from something else. It would be so helpful but isn’t realistic. I know that the colder winter weather isn’t helping me either. I have two full spectrum lights in my office that really help me since I don’t have a window. Do you have those in UK? My niece has what they call Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD here in the US. She uses these lights to help her wake up and get going in the morning. Did you ever get your Vit D. tested? I am working on the good nutrition too but it’s hard with such a busy schedule sometimes to even get to the store.Hope that tomorrow is a better day for you.
in reply to: how long did your ‘dumping’ last? #1067428Hockey,
My numbers were going down down down until my TSH was almost undetectable for about 3.5 months after my RAI. I am guessing that my other numbers were going up but my GP didn’t always do them.Then suddenly my next test was TSH of 19.5 and that’s when I called the endo and then 62! and now down to 33 this last time. I have been on levoxyl for about 2 and half months now. I did notice real changes to the way I felt which is why I went and got tested again when I found out I had gone hypo. I wasn’t scheduled for a test again for another 3-4 weeks. I’m glad that I didn’t wait. Do pay attention to your symptoms and when things change too much for you to be comfortable go get another blood test. You don’t know until you know whether the RAI really worked.I had a great amount of chest pain when I was first sick with Graves and the cardiologist I ended up seeing after going to the ER one weekend with what I thought was surely my heart dying was the one who asked me if I had had my thyroid tested.
Hope that you feel better and better each day but I know that it’s a struggle. I am still in the fight but can tell that I am getting much better now.
in reply to: Effects of RAI #1067721I had that same taste. I thought it was from the RAI but was never sure. It didn’t last too long.
in reply to: Effects of RAI #1067718I had 15 millicuries too. It did the trick. Took me about 4 months to go hypo. Keep drinking and sucking on something to keep your salivary glands clear. Hope you feel even better tomorrow.
in reply to: Hyperthyroid again #1067453Krystal,
I am on levoxyl and haven’t had any side effects like the hair thing. I would think that a pregnancy might affect your TSH as I know it does all your other hormones. I didn’t have Graves when I was pregnant with my two. I am sorry about your loss too. Sounds like that stress would also affect you also. Did you tell your endo that you had been pregnant? If not I would contact him again. Take care of yourself and get some rest when you can while you come back up or down depending on how you look at it. We are hoping for the best for you.ewmb
in reply to: Hyperthyroid again #1067448Hopeful,
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I have been going up slowly on my meds. I was thinking that was bad but maybe it’s better than starting out too high. I think the pharmacy should investigate quickly. If you don’t get any satisfaction from them I guess you’ll have to get your doctor to call in a new scrip for you. Are you feeling any better at all?ewmb
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068784Lacie,
I think it might be the caffeine isn’t helping any. You might want to try and cut down on that. I was still hypo- 33 TSH when I went back too. I have had some crazy days feeling like I am hyper one hour and then so sluggish the next. I am guessing it is just the adjusting. One month at a time…..ewmb
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068782Kimberly,
I don’t know that it had anything to do with my personal weight loss. I now that caffeine is a stimulant and does the same thing to you as other stimulants can like raise your BP. I was never a coffee drinker. I got hooked on Dr. Pepper after the birth of my second child, a long time ago, and then went off it and had gone off it during Graves bad times. I had recently tried to drink some again and it seems to make me jittery if I overdo it. I am more bummed about the chocolate. It may just be my imagination on that one. I think you have to eat a lot more chocolate than soda to get the same amount of caffeine.You can google side effects of caffeine on the internet I’m sure.
in reply to: Am I headed in the right direction? #1067512Anyone else out there ever have an attack of the shakes after RAI? My BP suddenly went up to 131/80 and I was shaking, cold and couldn’t get warm. Ended up eating something, taking a bath and things have settled down. This was all in about an hour and half. Have noticed that my ankles are swollen today too. I thought this was gone. Before I started the replacement hormone I felt like this. Hope this is not a new thing……. Could this really be a part of the adjustment process? FYI- Had RAI May 8th and went Hypo by end of August. Just changed levoxyl dose this week again.
I’ve had headaches off and on since RAI too. I am thinking it might be the readjusting of the hormone levels and fall allergies. I don’t do as well in the dry heat of winter houses either. I use a sinus irrigator everyday. It seems to keep things moving and puts moisture back in my sinuses. I recently had the flu for several days and the headache that I had with that was every day all day in a different place for 4 days. You might want to try adding some moisture to your house, eat spicy foods and drink some caffeine if you can take it. I also found out that my office is open to an animal facility at work. That probably hasn’t been helping me any either. They are going to fix it someday soon.
Let your doctor know if the headaches get worse or don’t go away with Tylenol.
in reply to: Weigh-in (just for fun) #1068780Have had the flu, not felt good for a while and then changed my dose of levoxyl again this week…… Up and down but I have finally kind of maintained my weight for a few weeks. I am at 164.2 down from 170. Want to lose more but I think I’m doing well since I haven’t started to exercise yet and I’ve had to go off caffeine. I have become very sensitive to it, even in chocolate
” title=”Sad” /> At least I’m not gaining any more. I will keep myself to one little snack size bag of chocolate when I really want some. Hope that will go away as I get to normal levels.
in reply to: Leg cramps?? #1067498I had bad episodes off and on during my worst time with being very hyper. I also had a bad time when I was actually taking too much PTU and they had to cut my dose in half. I couldn’t stand up one morning and the water from the shower would make me wince in pain. Let your doctor know if it really becomes bad.