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  • Ewenme
    Post count: 62

    Thanks for the recommendation, Countryprincess. I will definitely get my hands on that book. Joy

    Post count: 62

    Graves disease. Sorry i wasn’t specific enough. It was mentioned somewhere on this site by one of the facilitators, I think.
    Joy again

    Post count: 62

    It’s great to meet you, Shirley! I apoloqize for this belated response. Our computer died while we were visiting our grandkids, and we just got back home where we have our desktop. I did get an appointmet with an endocrinologist on the 19th of April. And just as you suggested (both being RNs I guess we think alike) I did call my doc and he doubled the dose on my beta blocker. Then he called ME a couple days later (wonder of wonders) and asked how I was doing. My pulse was still running high 90-s and low 100’s. Now he has me taking methimazole 5 mg three times a day. My pulse was in the 80’s this am which is an improvement.
    One of the things I did not expect was the muscle weakness. I had to have my husband help me get out of the tub this morning! What a difference a few weeks makes.
    I was surprised you got TED that long after the initial diagnosis and treatment. It must be really discouaging to have that happen when you probably thought you were beyond it and moving on with life.
    This is indeed something I wish we did not have to deal with, but in some way I hope and pray it will make us better people. Please feel free to keep in touch.

    Post count: 62

    Thanks for the responses.
    I can’t define normal in the context of job, since my husband and I are retired (speaking of getting older).
    Normal to me is to be able to walk at least a couple miles without fatigue, and to have my muscle strength back. Right now I’m having problems getting off the pot <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> as well as other activities I used to do with ease (and that was just a few weeks ago–what a difference a few days makes). I’d like to be able to pick my grandkids up again without difficulty and to do several ‘bear hunts’ with them without tiring.
    I hope this explains my idea of normal. No marathons, just enough energy to get through a normal somewhat active day.

    Post count: 62

    Thanks for the info and suggestions. It was very helpful. It’s great to know I’m not alone! I’m sure I will be back to this board often. Joy

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