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  • etleon05
    Post count: 8

    Hello Michelle,

    So glad to hear you are doing better too!

    Glad to hear heart palpitations will slow down/ stop. Do you breathe heavy at times? I also feel colder now, I feel it more on my legs (quads) and arms. Will this go away?

    I feel my energy flowing in my body again. I get tired after doing a lot – but I may be pushing my self a bit much, I keep forgetting it’s only been 20 days. I can’t wait to get back to the gym and back to Crossfit!! :D

    To hear the Dr. saying “your body it’s wearing it self out”, I actually still can’t believe it – I guess I was too scared to really let that register. I felt I was crazy for the longest and I felt un-happy with everything I was feeling. I knew I did not want to continue feeling this way, I wanted and needed this change. I don’t think I will be my “old” self, but I do believe I will be a better Emily… Emily 2.0! If I keep looking back, I won’t move forward – I will miss the ride… <<< My new mantra :D

    Soo far, happy that I opted for TT. Time will continue to tell this tale.

    I will continue to read the posts and check in. I’m happy to have found this forum, it helped me tremendously. I hope others find the words and answers they seek, just like I did.


    mhanscom wrote:
    Hi Emily,
    I just read your first post. It sounds just like me. I have posted my scenario as well, but hadn’t read yours before. It was like you were posting for me. Then I read you had a TT 14 days ago. I had mine on Nov 12th. I feel exactly the same way you do. I get my levels checked tomorrow. I definitely know they are lower. The heart palpitations have stopped and I feel like the pressure has been lifted off my chest. I was on 100mcg of Synthroid when I left the hospital and my Dr. moved it to 75mcg 3 days later. I have been weaned off the beta blockers too.

    I am still a bit tired but I am not sure if it is from the healing process or the thyroid. Time and tests will tell. I am really cold all of the time even colder than I was before. I too am worried about weight gain but my Dr. said if I eat healthy it should be no more than 5lbs. I have read differently but I guess this is the least of my worries.
    So far I have been please with my decision to have it removed. The symptoms were so severe they were scary. When the Dr. said that my own body was killing itself I really knew this was a big deal.

    You can read more about me on my post, search for mhanscom.
    Hopefully this will help someone. I know the posts help me make my decision.


    Post count: 8

    Hi all,

    So.. It’s been 14 days after TT. I have to say, I’m no longer tired, my muscles stopped hurting, my eyes decompressed a bit. I also lost 7lbs. The downsides: I got back home felt nausea but I believe that was due to the pain killers and the antibiotics. I’ve was heat intolerant (I believe it’s also a side affect of levothryroxine), restless and hands were shaking a bit again. I was not able to sleep properly for 3 days since I was restless, I felt very crappy. Short of breath and my heart would beat hard at times. I feel it less as the days go by though.

    I started taking Levothyroxine 100mcg the very next day after surgery. And I’m taking it every day, 1x a day. I’m also taking Propranolol 10mg, 2x a day to just help me slow down at the moment.

    Endo checked my levels last week on Friday and they were actually borderline. I will get another blood work in a month. I will keep you guys posted on results and symptoms then.. BUT!! So far, I believe it’s good, I feel a bit better every day :D

    Thank you all for your support. Again, I would like to check back in so this can help someone else down the line as it helped me.

    Good luck jaqeinquotation!!! :)

    1 <3


    Post count: 8

    Thank you Jaqe and Alexis for the post! :)

    I was in tears today, thinking about my choice. I do want to feel better, just scared that I won’t be myself again.

    Alexis – your words and positivity is very refreshing and helpful at this moment.

    Not sure if my surgeon is a “top” one but I know he has been performing thyroidectomies since 1997 – he performs about 2 surgeries a week.

    I want to keep my spirits up and be positive about the surgery. I’ve read some bad stories on other forums and to hear that you may not feel better, makes me question my choice. I want to really believe that I will feel better.. I’m tired of feeling like this and tired of feeling limited :(

    I hope other people that have gone through a total thyrodectomy can post their experience.

    Again thank you Jaqe and Alexis.. it feels better when you are not alone :)



    Post count: 8


    Where in NY are you?

    Post count: 8


    I too have come to the decision to have the entire thyroid gland removed. As the Dr. explained the process of both RAI and surgery, I opted for surgery. RAI, the process of RAI scared me, the waiting of 3-6 months for it to work, not taking your meds for 1 week in preparation for it, taking steroids, etc… All this scared me.

    I did not know that, you can die if you were to skip your meds after surgery for that long. Honestly, I know I have to take a pill for the rest of my life and so to me this is not a concern.

    Though my levels are controlled now, I still feel some of the symptoms, higher heart beat than normal, shaking hands as beta blockers wear off, tired, muscle sourness (mostly my entire back and legs), hot flashes, heavy breathing, anxiety and bulging eyes. My levels were almost toxic at the beginning of the year, I don’t ever want to feel that way again- they high anxiety, body getting hot, no sleep, high heart beat and panic attacks and all the symptoms intensifying scared me. I would rather have my thyroid removed than to feel all this, I’m an active person and all this just wears me down and puts me in a funk.

    My surgery is schedule for November 5th. Yes, I’m nervous – complications can happen but I can’t think about them, what’s the point to fill my heads with negative thoughts. It’s all going to be better!

    I hope you get more clarifications from both your endo and surgeon. Ask questions and don’t make a decision until all your questions have been answered.

    Good luck!!

    Emily Leon

    Post count: 8

    Hi everyone,

    I’m also new to Graves, though I’ve had the symptoms for some time but it never showed on my blood. Is that possible?

    I was only recently diagnosed, FINALLY!! I was trying to find out what was wrong with my body for almost over a year. I’ve been on Methimazole 15mg (1x a day) and I got to a good point with my levels but the levels of my last two tests where from mild to higher or as my doctor says “toxic”.

    TSH 0.01
    T4, FREE 2.6
    T4, TOTAL 14.6
    T3 UPTAKE 40
    T3, TOTAL 283
    T3, FREE 8.9

    Not sure what all of those mean – to be honest. I’ve only been taking Methimazol for about 4 months and because my levels got higher, she is recommending RAI and that I have “no choice” – does this not seem to severe??? She also recommended, a 3 week leave of absence from work and be a “couch potato”. I’ve only been on the mends for only 4 months!?!? I did skip my meds for a day or 2 not realizing what this can do to me. Can the high levels be all a cause of me skipping my meds? I had several panic attacks last Thursday and Friday my heart at rest got as high as 130bpm. I’m honestly a little lost, I think she is to the extreme or is it me? Maybe I still can’t grasp my head around how severe Graves’ can be. I’m a high energy level person and I’m always on the move and love to work out and now I have to learn how to slow down. I really think I should go for a second opinion? Or does she seem reasonable considering all said? Well not “all”.

    Any advice or words would be highly appreciated.


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