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  • erobinson219
    Post count: 40

    Thanks for the replies. My doctor today suggested using the "Take Shape for Life" program which uses "Medifast" for the food program. Is anyone familiar with this?

    Post count: 40

    I have a gel mask that I have used on occasion but never consistently. I will go back to it and try using it every day to see what happens. But I still have a very difficult time in the mornings with the tearing, especially working on a computer screen, which is essential for my job. Can anything help make the morning sensitivity better? I put drops in after I wake but that doesn’t seem to be enough. I only use drops once in morning and before going to bed because. I don’t use it during the day because of some eye makeup I wear. I have to use some makeup or I look dead.

    Post count: 40

    I had carpal tunnel and suffered for so many years before I finally had surgery. I wnet to a neurogist who tested my nerve function int ehands/arms and said if I didn;t get the surgey soon I would probably lose a lot of my thumb function down the line – and not too far down the line either. I already lost muscle in the thumb. I had the surgery by an orthopedic surgeon and it went very well. That was 6 years ago. I never heard that Garves was associated. Bothe my sister and brother had carpal tunnel but neither of them has graves.

    Post count: 40
    in reply to: Feeling awful #1073718

    I was first diagnosed after my second child. That was 22 years ago. I remember having a very difficult time, crying all the time, palpitations, moody. And then after about a year, it went into remission. I did have many years without disease symptoms, so I guess I was lucky for awhile. However, it did rear its ugly head when going thru my changes, and here I am dealing with it for 4 years and like you looking for some support. It is so hard sometimes. I hope you can enjoy your kids cause they are what really matters. I find that if I have someone or something to focus on my worries and bad feelings diminish. My kids are out of the house and my job isn’t doing much for me lately either. I am going thru some health issues right now that I am not sure are related to the Graves disease or not. I know I am too focused on how bad I am feeling and how awful I look. SOmehow I have to find soemthing good to focus on again – I know it will help. Maybe you can think of something to do with the kids that’s just plain old fun and see if that helps. One day at atime. Hang in there.

    Post count: 40

    It is so hard to deal with how I look. I didn;t realize how much I have changed until I went for a passport photo and looked at the picture of me and gasped!.
    The protruding, which the doc said was not severe, is bad enough, but the swelling of the lids and the redness from the tearing, makes me look sick and tired all the time. I am working with the Systane drops for the tearing and it helps some – but the mornings are still tough. Does anything work for thw swelling? I sure hope this only lasts 1-2 years, because I am almost at 2 years and sometime I just want to give up!

    Post count: 40

    Still waitng for results of the echo but started on diuretics – lasix or something. Boy did I havae to go to the bathroom a lot today. I hope i shed some pounds of water. i an hoping that this is a temporary and not something smore serious. GD is serious enough, so i am also hoping that this is not something i will have to live with off and on the rest of my life. I do have TED as well. I feel like hell.

    Post count: 40

    I do not see any reference to books from the main website page at Is it because the site says it is under construction?

    Post count: 40

    Wow – thats’ very interesting. My son, who is 22, is suffering from a lost of gastrointestinal distress and is looking for help. He thinks it may be something like Crohn’s but has not been diagnosed with that yet. I wonder if it is related to the thyroid. I was pregnant with him when I first wad diagnosed with graves. Thanks for the Mayo recommendation.

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