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  • enough3
    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Overwhelmed #1067371

    Hang in there. <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    I know were your at. Just had RAI last week and the goiter on the side of my neck has swelled up so much and is sore and you can actually see it!! My head is killing me and I have been in a terrible mood with everyone. I just want to ball up and cry…but I can’t do that because my eyes hurt!!!! lolololol

    Okay…that felt good to vent with you!!:)

    You and I are very blessed! We have beautiful children and you are could be worse. My grandmother had graves disease and later had thyroid cancer……that was horrible to watch…how they treated her with tons of radiation…very sad. She had the worst case.

    You and I have an even better chance at getting through. We have medicine and don’t have to fight the ugly disease of cancer!!
    Give yourself a little more time……hang in there….it is darkest before dawn. That is really true. Sometimes it feels like God is not with us…but He is…and His timing is the best. I will be praying for you tonight and everytime you come to mind. Hang in there….life will get better.

    As for the weight gain..I would just remember that feeling of when you are pregnant and you know that there is nothing you can do about your weight. You know that feeling…like you would love to be smaller..but you have to be bigger to grow a healthy baby. Then when you walk around the mall you get really depressed because clothes look so cute..but you can’t wear them because your pregnant. Just imagine that your giving birth to a new life..that God is getting ready to get all your levels corrected and on a perfect dose…and that you are getting ready to have a new life that has been waiting for you. The weight will come off soon! I believe that good things come to those who are patient. Your just having birth pains to your new life that God is giving you. Hang in there….good things are getting ready to happen in your life:)

    Post count: 144

    Hey Everyone,

    I had my 15mir dose of RAI on Friday morning. I found out today my uptake was 50%.

    I do not have to have labs done until I "have that hypo feeling". (In my case that works great b/c it is usually before the doc wants me to come in)

    Okay….today I have felt a little out of breath. I can feel my pulse in my thyroid…really starting feeling it tonight. I feel like I could run 20 miles….except it would make my heart come out of my

    Could I be dumping this early??

    I’m not too worrried about a thyroid storm becasue my labs were all in normal range last week:) AND my resting heartrate is fine. Just wondering if this could be a "dumping" feeling? On another weird note….I’m extremly tired. As much energy as I have…I still feel like I could go to sleep right away. Totally weird to have these combinations of symptoms. Fimilar??

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Effects of RAI #1067720


    I feel totally fine today (Monday).

    I’m little concerend about potential weight gain, so I’m going to start eating like I used to before I had graves. I have had the freedom to eat whatever I want these past 2 years…so back to lower fat foods:)

    P.S. I do have a weird metalic taste in my mouth…yuck.

    Post count: 144

    Like Ski said, talk to a health professional.

    In the meantime, one thing that may help….I don’t know. Worth the mention.

    My Radiologist told me to drink lots of fluids with RAI. Said that it helps in two ways 1)gets rid of the radioactive stuff 2) helps flush out hormones
    Also, staying hydrated helps your heart.

    Hope this helps??:) Hang in there….the rate of a thyroid storm a month after RAI is very slim:)

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Effects of RAI #1067716

    Well, I did it. I took my 15mci pill on Friday. I decided to isolate myself from the kiddos till Monday:( I’m very bored:(

    Last night I felt terrible. My eyes hurt, and I had a terrible headache. Today I feel fine..a little tired, but okay.

    Seems like my dose for RAI is a lot higher than everyone else’s…..kind-of worries me.

    Anyway, I’m on the other side now….. :roll:

    Post count: 144

    Okay..Here is an update.

    I had TSH lab done yesterday at Endo’s office. Results came back today..NORMAL!! I’m having my radio Uptake tomorrow morning along with T3 and T4 labs. The radiologist will decide if I should have the ablation done this friday…depending on the uptake results. They think their could be a very small chance of remission…but I will know Thursday if I will have ablation on Friday…..Can’t believe that my labs are normal after being off PTU for 23 days!!!!

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Effects of RAI #1067712

    I’m scheduled to have RAI the end of this week. My Endo told me that I DID NOT have to be away from my 3 children and dear hubby. She said that I should sleep in another room for the first 3 nights, flush the toilet, no kisses, if I sweat…then take a shower:), and not to cuddle with my children to wear they are near my neck. That is it. I guess we all have different advice from our Endos.

    Post count: 144

    You ladies ROCK!!!! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Hi!! New Here #1067834


    Hang in there. Keep taking your meds on time everyday and you will see changes in your labs soon. When I was first DX with Graves, it took at least 4 weeks for my TSH to budge from 0.001….it finally did:)

    This forum is great. Welcome.

    Post count: 144

    Thanks Elf for responding!!

    I spoke to the nurse at the endo’s office and my endo is going to put me back on PTU after the ablation. I was wrong in a previous post when I said synthyroid. It’s PTU that I will be on for a very short period of time. Then I guess it just waiting till I’m hypo for the synthyroid.

    How long did you take PTU after ablation?

    Thanks for listening……
    I really want to have the surgery!!!

    Post count: 144

    Hey There.

    You need to take it easy until your labs are in normal range, then you can start your workouts in moderation. I would encourage you to 1)tell your dr. about chest pains, 2)buy a H2O proof heart monitor and wear it while you swim. (that will give you, your mother:), dr, and swim coach some peace of mind & it will let you know if your heart rate is too high.

    Remember that you have lost a lot of muscle. It could take up to a year to regain the muscle you have lost. You could be experiencing muscle pain and weakness from Graves and the side effects of being on a ADT (anti-thyroid drug). I work out a lot, not the extreme like you, but enough to know that graves really effects your workouts.

    If you want to break the record, I say talk with you dr. If you are 16 right now, you are probably a Junior…right? You STILL have another year to break that record, and I believe you will be feeling great in a few months when you get regulated.

    Hang in there, eat well, stay hydrated, and enjoy light swimming <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    Post count: 144

    I’m currently off my ATD’s for 3 weeks. Preparing for RAI on Nov. 6th. SO, my weight is 120lbs. I weighed 112lbs. when I was DX 2 years ago. Prior to Graves DX I weighed 120lbs. for 10 years straight. I’m really hoping to maintain 120lbs. I guess we will see in a couple months :roll:

    Post count: 144

    Do not give up…NEVER give up!!!

    You are in the right place here and believe me..everyone on this board has been through tough times with Graves. You are not alone.

    When I got DX with Graves 2 years ago I had just given birth to my 3rd son. it was an extremly difficult period of life. My husband had some knowledge on this disease (he a doc), but did not have the literally hands on experience of the physical ailments and emotions that come with it. It was a season of growing for the both of us and as a family. The hormones shifts with graves can be severe. Especially if you are not in a normal range. Are you seeing an dr.? If so are your labs in normal range? If not, it may take some time, but you WILL get better as long as you are under a dr. care with this condition.

    You need to try your best to take care of yourself right now. Make sure your getting enough sleep at night, eating every couple hours, getting plenty of fluids, etc. These things are very important. have you ever heard of "HALT"?? Halt is (hungry, angry, lonely, or tired) If you come to a HALT with any or one of these things, you gotta take care of the issue that your facing. Eat if your hungry, sleep if your tired, call a close and trustworthy friend if your lonely, or vent & scream into your pillow and let it all out :x It is normal to come to a halt with Graves. It will and can pass.

    Remember, life comes in seasons. Try not to lump the DX of Graves, marital stress, and demands of a young one to create a huge mountain that seems impossible to get over. Try to see this a a season that WILL pass. Take a deep breath…you can and will get through this!!

    Trust in the Lord with all your mind, all your strength, and all your mind. God is real and can be a huge help during times like this. He has been my faithful friend through my struggles with Graves… <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> Ask Him to help you, too.

    Post count: 144

    Thank you for all the responses!! My uptake is scheduled the 4th and 5th of Nov. and the RAI is on the 6th. Quite honestly, I’m sooo ready. Wish it was tomorrow.

    One question I’m still unsure of is about future surgeries. I may have some surgery done soon, and I was wondering if you can have surgery soon after RAI? Does anyone know for sure?

    My follow up RAI appt. is on Nov.10th and I know that my endo will give me a answer,..but in the meantime, does anyone have any knowledge about this? Thanks!! :roll:

    Post count: 144

    Thanks everyone for your posts:) I’m very happy about the positive report…especially when the past two years has been so overwhelming with major ups and downs.
    I was able to take my two older sons to Disney last week and ride ALL the rides without even checking my heart rate monitor…lol That was a good sign for me:)
    James, that is a good idea about alternating doses. Right now I’m taking 25mg in the AM..then 25 in the PM. Also, my endo has not tested my Antibodies. He said that you can have elevated antibodies without having GD, or thyroid issues?. I don’t even understand that, but maybe I can see if he will check on them in my next round of labs:) Thanks!

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