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  • enough3
    Post count: 144

    Hi Ladies,

    Susan- I did not get any puffiness in my face-at all. I actually did not gain any weight. I did notice the my waistline was retaining some water, or something. When I went hypo..I caught it within days and started replacement the day my labs got back. SO, within the 5 or so days that I was "hypo" without replacement, I noticed that I did not have ANY good BM’s. :roll: But, everything is normal now:)

    Pat, all I can say is hang in there. My BEST advice for you is to get your labs done every week. I know that it is an annoying and not fun to have to have that done so often..but I credit my good experience from hyper to hypo to getting my labs done so close together. If I woud have listened to my Endo’s labs would not be due for another 3 weeks!! I could not imagine being hypo for 5 weeks….and then having to wait a good 7 days for the replacement to kick in (it kicks in on day one..but the effects are better noticed after the first week). I truly beelive that is why people tend to gain a few pounds and maybe get puffy and bloated (etc). They are hypo for many days and weeks..BEFORE their labs are due. Listen, the 2 minute blood draw is worth EVERY PENNY once a week until you go hypo.

    I will not have labs done for another 4 weeks now. I agree with all the facilitators on this site that it would be completely fruitless to do so. Hypo is a different monster with a different set of rules…

    But, stay positive and encouraged. You will feel so much better in a couple weeks. The whole RAI thing is like giving birth. You wait and wait and wait..not knowing when your going to go into labor….and when the labor comes it comes when you least expect it and its over so fast you forget the pain!! <img decoding=” title=”Razz” /> At least that is what hyper to hypo felt like for me :mrgreen:

    Post count: 144

    I went hyper around week 5 or so..and it lasted till around week 8 1/2. I literally went hyper to hypo in 8 days..NO I have the labs to prove it!

    If the "shoe drops" on you and you go hyper, it will not be as bad as the "original" hyper. It drove me nuts…but it is very short-lived.

    Hang in there. A lot of people get through it without any major hyper symptoms…maybe that could be you.

    If you think you feel good now…just wait till you start replacement..I’m on day 10…and I feel the BEST I have felt in YEARS!!!!! I think I’m somewhat sane…what ever that :lol:

    Post count: 144

    I’m doing fine now. I have been on replacement for about 10 I can already see a difference.

    I’ve always been really active, so the running is just something that I feel I have to do to feel good. It really helps me. I’m very cafeful about how much and how long I run right now.

    All and all..thing are really coming together for me with Graves. RAI was a great option for me:)

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Dear Thyroid #1066839

    :roll:……sexy? Calling graves disease "sexy" is like calling vomiting "fun".

    That is my tweet:)

    Post count: 144

    I did not feel my best on PTU. I was on it for 2 years trying for that rare remission.

    I had RAI in Nov.09 and went hypo last week. I have been on replacement for almost 7days and I feel SOOOOOOOOO much better already! I’m glad I tried remission…but Boy do I feel better with RAI/replacement! I have not gained a pound and I feel "mentally" that best I have felt in four years. It was a complete success for me!

    My hubby and family see a huge change already.

    Post count: 144


    I just started my replacement last week. It will do you NO good getting your labs done early. You have to wait a Minimum of 6 weeks to get an accurate reading. Wish there was a way to speed it up..but it does not work that way.

    After reading many of your posts, I too, can relate to a lot of what you said. I was also angry and frustrated with everything in the beginning. Graves only has power over you IF you let it. What I mean in this is that if you allow Graves to control all your thoughts and emotions…I can promise you will stay angry, frustrated, and miserable. It took a lot of work on my part to deal with these emotions, but I came to a place of Acceptance. Until you accept that you have this, you will not get better.
    When you accept that this is the cards you have been dealt, you can approach graves with a better attitude and you get your power back from it. Don’t let graves or anything else in your life take "your power". The reality of your situation and mine, is that we can willfully take the steps to be who we want to be with Graves. It takes self-control, caring for our bodies, and positive reinforcement on our behalf.

    Listen, it could be a lot worse. Thank God that we don’t have to go through thyroid cancer. It is horrible. I watched my grandmother go through it. With her treatment, she lost ALL her taste buds. Now, that would make me angry not EVER being able to taste food:( I thank God everyday that it not as bad of a situation than what millions have on a daily basis. Graves is controlable and millions and millions of people have had it and had success stories. If it wasn’t Graves, rest assured that it would be another trial.

    Lastly, I do not at all say these thing to undermine what you are feeling or going through. Your feelings are valid and justified. Try to hang in there and take your power back from Graves. It will give it back.

    Post count: 144

    One more question…

    My pulse is really low at night (low 40’s). I have had 3 terrible nights of sleep b/c I’m paranoid that if I fall asleep I will not wake up. Sounds silly…but this is totally different feeling than hyper.

    This morning was my second dose of 100 lev. Is it possible that even the doses I have had the past two days will help my heartrate some. It is just the weirdest feeling. I also went running (which I have been doing a lot the past month) and heartrate only reached 78 (after 2 miles). So, its just a weird feeling.

    Also, can I get more hypo on the levoxyl this next week even though I’m taking doses? I know it sounds silly..but I’m not used to this process. I’m only really famailar with being hyper and understanding the ADT’s. For example, when I was on PTU, it would take me around 7-10 to see a difference in my tsh and t4. Also, when I was really hyper..sometimes it would take 3-4 weeks for my tsh to even budge off 0.001. How does replacement work in comparision to ADT’s???

    I’m really okay with how I’m feeling…except the low pulse is really making me anxious:(

    Post count: 144

    thanks for your response, Bobbi.

    I’m very happy about this, too. I’m just so THANKFUL I went in to have my labs done. Just had that "feeling". The standing order was one of the best things I did following RAI. I was able to go whenever I wanted.

    I don’t know how some people get to 60,70,or 80 TSH. I could not imagine what that feels like. I’m only at 11.3 and I feel terrible. I had 4 layers of clothes on last night, and slept in my fleece jacket. I felt like I wasn’t even living…had trouble falling asleep becasue my body was so limp or relaxed.

    I’m on 100 levoxyl for my dose. I weigh 119lbs., so I guess this would be considered full replacement?

    At any rate, I feel a little better (mentally) taking my first dose and ate a good lunch with some Pepsi…so maybe I’ll feel a little more alive the next couple of days:)

    Also, I lost 1lb. through this entire process. I guess not everyone gains weight.

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: Please help… #1066740

    You have come to the right place for support.

    Sounds like you have been through a lot.

    You don’t have to have RAI. You CAN stay on your ADT and give it a year or two and see if you can go into a remission. The fact that you stayed in remission for 6 months PPD is great. Right now I would focus your energy on getting your labs stable on ADt’s. Once you are stable, then you can slowly look at RAI if that is the way you want to go.

    I was DX with Graves around 4 months PPD. I just had RAI this past Nov. My son was 2 1/2 by the time I had it done. I was only away for 72 hours…which is not too bad for a 2 1/2 year old:) They are busy busy at that age and have no clue as to the concept of time;)

    RAI was the best choice for me. But, I did get stable on the ADT and it was worth the shot at remission (tried around 3 times). At least I know that I tried for remission.

    Just remember that it’s your body and your choice on the route you want to take for your thyroid. If your not comfortable with RAI right now, then don’t do it.

    Post count: 144

    That is good news! In my opinion, the worst is over for you!!

    Now you can start taking your lev and move on:)

    I’m sure 9 lbs seems like a lot for someone your size (petite). Hang in there. you will have some control again once the lev kicks in and your body stablizes. From ALL that I have read on this site..and let me tell’s….you will slowly lose a few lbs. on your lev.

    At any rate, eat good and exercise 3 times a week <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> and enjoy feeling better!!!! Hurray!

    Post count: 144

    Second best to an Endo is an Internist. My DX was made by a Internist and he put me on the PTU (med) that I need so badly…then after 3 months with him and getting regulated…I finally got in to my Endo:)

    Post count: 144


    I totally know where you are at. I know that the "hyper" stage is really rough. It is exactly like you said, good days and bad. Do you know what you T4 is? I have found through this entire graves disease process that I feel my best when my t4 is on the lower end of normal. Is your t4 still really high? Last month when I was still really hyper, my T4 was out of range. That’s when I get more of the symptoms of the hyper thryoid. Maybe keep track of your tsh AND t4 and see how it lines up with your sympoms.

    You will get through these:)

    Post count: 144
    in reply to: question on labs #1066820

    I notice that I feel better with less anxiety when my T4 is on the lower end of normal. That is just me personally.

    I know everyone is different along with different doctors. I hope everything gets adjusted for you and that you find the right dose:)

    Post count: 144


    Sorry that you are going through all those terrible "hyper" symptoms:(

    I was in your shoes a month ago! It was terrible!!!!!!! I was feeling GREAT the first month after RAI….then I went "hyper" for an entire month. I feel much much much better this past week…and my labs show that this week.

    It will pass. Hang in there and just try to get through each day. Everyone is different with the "dumping" effect, yours may not last that long.

    I had a horrible goiter (golf ball) on my neck and had a high dose of RAI. My thyroid was very very active, making it probably a little longer for the RAI to dump all those crazy hormones that had been hanging out in my thyroid and goiter.

    Keep your labs up. I have had labs done every two weeks since RAI.

    Post count: 144

    hang in there..SKi is right. It takes at least 6 weeks. I regret getting my blood work done at 6 and 8 weeks..because it’s just too early to tell. I’m at 9 1/2 weeks POST RAI. Tomorrow I get my blood work and I KNOW that I’m starting to go the hypo way. It may be only a little yet..but I know that my tsh is not 0.0000000000 LOL. This past week is the first week since week number 5 that I have not had a racing heart, 20 bowel movements a day, and all the other hyper sympotms. I know that these labs will start to paint my picture of how ablation took to my thyroid. Which, I think went well becasue my goiter is officailly disappeared:)

    Weeks 5-8 were HELL. But, thank the Lord..I think the worst is over.

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