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I’m sorry that your girlfriend is so deep inside of the tunnel that she can’t see the light. In a way I can relate because it took me a full year to find the right dose of methimazole, and I remember how frustrated and anxious I felt early in my diagnosis when I was very hyperthyroid. In another way I can’t relate at all because Graves’ isn’t even close to the worst thing that my family and I have been through.
Your girlfriend still has a glass that’s nearly half full, and it sounds like she’s just stepping away from the table. Maybe it would help her to see people who are worse off so she can get a better perspective. A half-full glass is better than an empty one. I feel better when I focus on all I have than on all I lack.
Your girlfriend’s doctor may prefer that she stay on the meds, but if she’s absolutely refusing, maybe he would consider referring her to a surgeon. The catch 22 is that she should be euthyroid (accomplished using anti-thyroid medication) before they will even do a thyroidectomy. Still, the promise of surgery may be enough of an incentive for her to continue taking her meds. I was on methimazole for four years and had a thyroidectomy (due to a nodule) last fall. I felt okay on the methimazole, but definitely better since having my thyroid removed.
One last bit of advice: You obviously love your girlfriend, but if she insists on going down this self-destructive path, don’t let her drag you along with her. You’ve been taking good care of her, but you have to take care of yourself first.
in reply to: TED and auto immune system #1184683I think some vitamins and supplements are good for overall health, and having good overall health will help in battling any disease. It’s important to ask your doctor about any supplements you want to take, and it’s good to be tested to see if you actually need them.
A lot of people take D3 supplements now, and there is even some speculation that low D levels (along with stress) can trigger some autoimmune diseases. (I do feel that it was a trigger for me, because my D had tested low several years before I developed Graves’, and at the time my symptoms first appeared, I wasn’t taking my supplement. I was also under a lot of stress, but not as much as I had been under in some previous situations when I had been taking my D).
Early last year, I asked my endo to test my D because I’d read that low D causes fatigue, and that was the one symptom that I couldn’t get over on methimazole. My D did test low and I increased my supplementation. Later that year, they tested my D again in anticipation of my thyroidectomy, and it wasn’t any better. I increased my supplementation again, and when they tested my D a couple of weeks after my surgery, it was finally in the normal range, but only by a few points. I increased my supplementation a little more to hopefully get my D to a more optimum level.
While I was looking at my old blood test results after my thyroidectomy, another thing I noticed was that my Calcium was consistently near the top of the normal range, even without supplementation. I’ve taken a calcium supplement in the past, but apparently it isn’t needed. I had an ultrasound last winter, and they even found a small kidney stone. I’m almost 52 years old, and one would assume that I should be supplementing my calcium, but I’m evidently getting enough from my diet.
I just saw my GP a couple of weeks ago and brought my usual list of medications and supplements to the appointment. One of the items on the list was iron. My doctor asked me why I was taking it, and I didn’t have a good answer. I’d just been taking it as long as I could remember. She advised me to stop, because I didn’t need it and, more importantly, it can mask other health issues.
in reply to: Question from an old-timer #1184667What kind of calcium are you taking? I’d heard at one point that Calcium Citrate was better than Calcium Carbonate, and when I looked up the differences, I read that Calcium Carbonate should be taken with food (not required for Calcium Citrate) and also is more likely to cause uncomfortable (intestinal) side effects.
When I was first diagnosed, I was interested in thyroidectomy, but it took me a really long time (like, a year) before I was ever euthyroid for two or more blood tests in a row. That’s one of the reasons I ended up staying on methimazole for four years. (My TSH never did get into the normal range). I finally got a thyroidectomy last fall due to a large nodule, and by that time I had been euthyroid for a few years.
The only time I’ve heard of someone having a thyroidectomy when she was still hyperthyroid, it was someone who was unable to take either of the ATDs and didn’t have a choice. Her doctors were able to give her something to mitigate the risk, but this is certainly not ideal.
This is purely anecdotal, but I actually had emergency abdominal surgery a year before I was diagnosed with Graves’ but at a time when I had just started exhibiting symptoms (tremors). It took a little longer than expected to heal from that surgery, and six months later I had a follow-up surgery. At the time of the second surgery, I was still having tremors and had lost a lot of weight, but it was still six months before my official Graves’ diagnosis. It took a full year for me to heal from that second surgery. I started going to a special wound clinic at about the same time that I was diagnosed with Graves’. I really believe that Graves’ impeded my body’s ability to grow new tissue.
When I was euthyroid and had my thyroidectomy last fall, I had no issues with healing at all.
in reply to: Newly Diagnosed and not doing well #1184639You mention that your heart rate and swelling are improving with treatment. Are you taking methimazole now? After I started on methimazole, I was starting to feel better after only a few weeks. I had several symptoms (tremors, weight loss, weakness, eyelid retraction, etc.) but the most challenging one for me was the anxiety and heightened emotions.
I was diagnosed almost five years ago after having experienced symptoms for about a year. Even though my symptoms cleared up relatively quickly, it took longer for me to become euthyroid. I was on methimazole for four years, and last year they found a large tumor. It had gone unnoticed because I’d gained back all the weight I’d lost while hyperthyroid (some of it in my neck) and the nodule was growing at the bottom of my left lobe and extended past my collar bone, so it was well hidden.
I had a total thyroidectomy nine months ago, and pathology determined that my tumor was benign – a Hurthle Cell Adenoma. I started on levothyroxine a week later. I’ve been on the same dose of levothyroxine until recently. Over the summer, I got a blood test that showed I had become hyperthyroid. I was starting to really feel the symptoms when I finally got in to see my endocrinologist, and she lowered my dose.
Here’s an excerpt from my post to facebook on the day of my endo appointment, explaining how and why I felt so bad. (Note – I also had a migraine that day).
“…Migraines can be triggered by the type of weather that we’ve had for the last three days. Also, hyperthyroidism can make you feel anxious and depressed, so even the smallest annoyances piss you off and big annoyances make you want to cry. Every obstacle seems insurmountable. For example, yesterday when the plumber was having trouble getting my drains unclogged (tree roots) it seemed to me that my best course of action would be to put all my belongings in storage and burn down my house.
This was written just two weeks ago. Now I’m reading it, and it’s hard to believe I felt this way. I feel so much better now after just a little reduction in my medication. The idea of burning down my house is ridiculous now, but I felt so trapped and hopeless at the time.
I think that, with a little time, you’ll look back and won’t believe that you actually considered dropping out of school. Just hang on – things will get better soon.
Because of my near-cancer experience, I’ve done a lot of reading online about it. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that 95% of nodules are not cancer. I’ve read this statistic again and again, even though some of the other things I’ve read seem to contradict each other. (Some of the info may have been out of date). When I was first diagnosed, I had a thyroid uptake and scan, and there was definitely no nodule back then. I know that I must have had it for at least a year, though, because I found a photo that shows it. The photo was taken a year before my nodule was found, but it’s only visible because I was leaning over.
If you’re truly concerned about cancer, then thyroidectomy may be something you should consider after the methimazole has a chance to clear your head. I was very happy with mine. Recovery took a couple of weeks and I didn’t need to go into isolation (as is required with RAI). I think that one levothyroxine dosage adjustment in 9 months is pretty good. You would just need to make sure you find a really good surgeon.
If your surgeon prescribed this (and that’s the only reason you should be taking it), then their office should be able to help you find a pharmacy that carries it. Before my thyroidectomy, my surgeon prescribed “Lugol’s or SSKI.” She told me that she only prescribes this for her patients with Graves’. The first pharmacy they referred me to had stopped carrying it, but my surgeon’s assistant was able to find SSKI for me at the pharmacy of a different hospital. I live in a large metropolitan area, so I was surprised at how difficult it was to find. Because of the delay in getting my prescription filled, I was not able to take it for the full 10 days and I was frantic, thinking that my surgery might have to be postponed. I was able to get it 8 days before my surgery, though, and my surgeon said that was enough time. My surgery went well with no complications.
My insurance didn’t cover my prescription, but fortunately, it wasn’t terribly expensive – around $27. My SSKI was manufactured by Upsher-Smith Laboratories. If your surgeon’s office can’t help you find it, maybe you can contact Upsher-Smith on their website and ask if there are any pharmacies in your area that carry it.
Good luck with your surgery.
in reply to: side effects of thyroidsectomy seems scary #1184626green123 wrote:“…the thyroid of someone with graves’ disease is more enlarged and potentially even more difficult to operate.That’s exactly the excuse given to me by a surgeon I consulted with when I was first diagnosed. Back then, my thyroid was enlarged a little bit on the left and a lot on the right. You could see the goiter on the right side, but it wasn’t noticeable if you weren’t looking for it. I was so disappointed and annoyed that I actually walked out of the appointment. (I was having a bad day – suffering from a migraine, but I had dragged myself to the surgeon’s office, only to be told that he didn’t do TT’s on Graves’ patients – something his staff should have told me when I made the appointment).
Fast Forward 4 years to last fall. I had developed a large goiter on my left side. It was very noticeable and made me feel like I was choking when I tilted my head down. An ultrasound showed that I had a large nodule (thought to be over 6 cm) that was growing from the bottom of my thyroid and extended below my collar bone. It was also growing toward the center and pushing my trachea off center. My thyroid needed to be removed, even if the biopsy hadn’t found the nodule to be suspicious for cancer.
Fortunately, the hospital had recently hired a really good endocrine surgeon who specializes in thyroids and parathyroids. During my consultation with her, she mentioned that, even though we have 4 parathyroids, we can get by with only 1/2 of one parathyroid. When she wrote up my surgery orders, she included “possible parathyroidectomy” in the description just in case it was needed. (It wasn’t). I guess they don’t know what they’ll find until you’re in the operating room. The parathyroids are located behind the thyroid, but in some patients they can actually be embedded in the thyroid tissue. Even when they aren’t damaged in surgery, they can be “stunned” and stop working for a while. That’s why surgeons have their patients take calcium supplements until it’s clear that the parathyroids are functioning normally.
Another potential complication from the surgery is damage to the nerves that affect the vocal cords. They have a really neat tool to help prevent this, though. My anesthesiologist told me he was using a special breathing tube that has a sensor on it that alerts the surgeon when they are getting close to the nerves. All breathing tubes irritate the vocal cords and cause hoarseness for a couple of weeks, but this isn’t a big deal.
Even though my surgery was extra challenging (much more so than when I had first been diagnosed with Graves’), it went perfectly. I had no complications and really, not even a lot of pain. Even my pathology report was good: My nodule measured 7 cm long, but it was benign.
I still get a bit angry when I think of that first surgeon who wouldn’t operate on a Graves’ patient, but it’s probably for the best. You don’t want a surgeon who isn’t confident in his/her abilities to do the job. I’m glad I ended up having my thyroidectomy done by a really great surgeon. It just sucked that I had to go through all the worry of possible thyroid cancer. That’s a lot of stress that I could have avoided if I’d persisted in finding a good surgeon 4 years earlier.
in reply to: TT and eye disease symptoms #1184587Tica – I think that your decision to get a thyroidectomy was a good one. I have a positive thyroidectomy account that I can share.
I had wanted a TT back when I was diagnosed in 2011 for many of the same reasons that you mentioned. (The only eye symptom I had was some eyelid retraction in one eye, though). I had some issues finding a surgeon, but I think the main reason I didn’t get a thyroidectomy back then was the long length of time it took for me to become euthyroid on methimazole. (My TSH never did get to normal). Eventually I got comfortable on my ATD and decided to just stick with it.
Last year I realized that my neck had been growing. I was also having feelings of choking when I tilted my head down. I had an ultrasound and a biopsy, and it came back as “suspicious” for cancer. (It was benign, though). It was so large that it needed to come out, in any case. Fortunately, I had a really good surgeon this time. I doubt that she’d had many patients like me – excited at the prospect of having a thyroidectomy.
My thyroidectomy was 8 1/2 months ago. It went really well – no complications and very little pain. In the first 4 months after the surgery, I did gain about 10 lbs, but I haven’t gained anything since then, and when I do exercise or choose a healthier diet, I see a dip in the number on the scale until I go back to my old habits.
That indicates to me that my weight gain isn’t completely beyond my control – I just need to get more serious about taking care of myself.
in reply to: I hate Graves Disease #1184573After four years on anti-thyroid medication, I finally had a thyroidectomy last fall. It was something I’d wanted since the beginning of my Graves’ journey, but it became necessary when I developed a large nodule that caused sensations of choking and was suspicious for cancer. (Fortunately, turned out to be benign).
My surgery was complicated by the fact that my nodule was so large that it extended past my collar bone and was pressing on my trachea. In spite of all that, I had no complications. They used a special breathing tube that had a sensor that would alert the surgeon when she was getting close to the nerves that affect the vocal cords. I was hoarse for a couple of weeks after the surgery due to the breathing tube, but this is normal and temporary. My pain wasn’t really that bad, and I never had any dietary restrictions. I ate a full meal the night of the surgery.
Back when I first started taking anti-thyroid medication (methimazole) I had my dosage changed four times in the first eight months, and I didn’t find the right dose for a few months after that. I’ve now been on the same dose of levothyroxine that I started on back in November. I do need a small adjustment (I’m a little hyper) but overall, I’ve done well on it. I feel pretty much the same now as I did before my surgery.
Everyone is different, but thyroidectomy was very good for me.
in reply to: Iodine questions #1184558When I was first diagnosed with Graves’, a well-meaning relative suggested that I take an iodine supplement. It didn’t make sense to me, but I asked my endo about it. She said that, for me, taking an iodine supplement would be like throwing gasoline on a fire. My high levels of T4 and T3 were evidence that I was getting plenty of iodine from my diet – even more than my body needed. Note that I don’t like fish (a high iodine food), and that at the time, the salt in my cupboard was non-iodized. Even so, I got plenty of iodine from other foods.
I had never heard of a skin test for iodine deficiency, so I Googled it. The first search result gave instructions, but stressed that they did not believe that it was accurate. I honestly don’t see how it could be. I think you should listen to what your body is telling you: When you increase your iodine, your symptoms get worse.
You mention that you recently increased your dose of methimazole. It can take a few weeks for the new dose to show any improvement. Be patient and keep going to your doctor. Good luck.
1. When I was initially diagnosed with Graves’ almost 5 years ago, I was leaning toward thyroidectomy because it would get me back to “normal” faster than RAI, and is a definitive treatment. At the time, my endo only knew one surgeon who did thyroidectomies, and when I consulted with him, he said he didn’t do them for Graves’. 😡 I got comfortable on methimazole and stayed on it for four years.
Last year, I finally got my thyroidectomy, but it wasn’t for the Graves’. I developed a large nodule that was pressing on my trachea and really needed to come out. It was suspicious for cancer, but it turned out to be benign.
Maybe if I hadn’t had Graves’ we would have considered a partial thyroidectomy, but I was really happy to be able to use the surgery to kill two birds with one stone. Fortunately, the hospital had just hired an awesome endocrine surgeon, so I was confident of a good outcome.
When I first started on methimazole, it took about a year to really find the right dose, and then we had to lower it 6 months later. My thyroidectomy was 8 months ago, and I’m still on the same levothyroxine dose that I started with. I do need a slight adjustment, but compared to the rollercoaster I was on with methimazole, the levothyroxine has been smooth sailing.
2. I haven’t really experienced much eye involvement, so I’ll leave this question to others.
3. Ideally patients should be euthyroid before having any surgery. There’s a risk of thyroid storm if they’re hyperthyroid. That being said, I know someone who couldn’t tolerate either methimazole or PTU, and she was able to have a thyroidectomy. I think she said she had to take Iodine. She was probably referring to Potassium Iodide drops. My surgeon prescribed them before my surgery. She told me she only prescribes them for her Graves’ patients. I was supposed to take them for 10 days, but I could only get them 8 days before my surgery and I was fine.
4. Of course everyone is different, but my surgery and recovery were pretty easy. Mine took over 4 hours (closer to 5) because I had such a large nodule. It was actually bigger than the rest of my thyroid. I stayed one night in the hospital. I was told that this is in case patients have problems with bleeding. That night in the hospital, I was able to eat a regular meal. The next day when I checked out of the hospital, I was prescribed ibuprofen for the pain. I worried that it wouldn’t be enough, but it was fine. My surgeon also had me take Tums every few hours to supplement my calcium. This is done as a precaution because, even when the parathyroid glands aren’t damaged, they can be stunned for a while after surgery. I also had some chloraseptic spray, but I only used it once. The pain was much less than I expected.
My surgery was a week before Thanksgiving, and I enjoyed the holiday almost as much as any other year. I ate all my favorite dishes, and I even cooked a couple of them myself. The only thing different was that I got tired earlier than normal and had to cut the evening short. I was also still a bit hoarse. A couple of weeks after my surgery, though, my voice was back to normal.
My surgeon gave me some restrictions, but they only lasted two weeks. I live alone, so I was advised to stay with a family member for the first two nights after I got out of the hospital. I also couldn’t drive for a few days. I couldn’t lift anything very heavy or strain at all. I felt pretty good, but I got tired easily and had to rest frequently – especially the first week. I started on levothyroxine a week after my surgery.
My incision was closed with dissolving stitches on the inside and surgical glue holding the skin closed. The glue was covered with steri-strips. I was told I could get them wet in the shower but that I should only rinse them, not scrub. They were supposed to fall off within two weeks, but mine held on and my surgeon removed them for me when I had my two week post-op appointment. My scar looks pretty good. I have to keep it out of the sun for the first year, so I’ve just been using Mederma with 30 SPF.
My long term concerns are very few. I could take methimazole at any time of day, with or without food, but I have to be more careful with levothyroxine. It has to be taken on an empty stomach. This restriction isn’t really a problem – it just requires me to stick to a routine. I only need to see my endo every 6 months, now. Before, my thyroidectomy, I was seeing her every 2 – 4 months.
in reply to: Perhaps a stupid question about TSH but… #1179723My TSH was <0.006 when I was diagnosed and stayed there for several months. I finally came to realize that, for my lab, <0.006 really means "too low to measure." The TSH can lag behind the T3/T4 by several months, so even though your T3 and T4 are getting better, your pituitary gland hasn't got the message yet that it needs to start producing some TSH. It may still be under the impression that you're getting more hyper. Eventually it will figure it out and will turn around.
in reply to: Ibeuprohan? #1179728I’m not on the board a lot, so I’m not sure what you meant by “feeling like myself” and how the ibuprofen is helping, but I think it’s probably okay. I’m on methimazole and metoprolol and I take ibuprofen and Excederin Migraine as needed. I did have a problem with my kidney function at one point, but I was on a much higher (60mg/day) dose of methimazole at the time and was taking a lot more ibuprofen because I had unknowingly become hypo and was having a lot of muscle pain. It wouldn’t hurt to ask your pharmacist if it’s okay, and run it by your endo during your next appointment.
in reply to: Just for Fun – The “Off Topic” Thread! #1177861CycleColo2013 wrote:I couldn’t figure out a way to upload a picture of our dogs…This is how I learned to do it: First you have to upload the picture to a photo sharing website (i.e. Shutterfly.) Open up the photo on the photo sharing website, click on the photo, then right click and select Properties. Copy the URL Address and click OK. Then open up your GDATF message and click on the Photo icon. Paste the URL Address into the space provided and hit enter. The URL Address will be added to your message surrounded by coding that identifies it as an image. Use the Preview function to verify that everything worked and Submit.
Here’s my favorite picture of my cat lying on a space bag. [img][/img]
in reply to: 3rd Increase of Methimazole #1178726I haven’t been on the board in a while and just saw your post. Since no one else has responded, I’ll give you my 2 cents.
I’m on my first go around with Graves – I’ve never had a remission, and, according to my Endo, likely never will. My endo increased my methimazole dosage twice, but over a longer period of time, and my dosages were larger. I started at 20mg, then increased to 40mg after four weeks and increased again to 60mg six weeks after that. *
You mentioned that your doctor said your bloodwork was headed in the right direction, so I don’t think you have a problem with the drug not working. It’s hard to speculate without knowing the exact numbers, but based on what I went through and how closely your doctor is spacing your labs, I would guess that your doctor is just being very careful to monitor your levels closely while he determines your correct dose. Some people get the right dose the first time out, but for others it takes some trial and error. I asked my endo about it, and she said she usually needs to make one adjustment, but that I was a difficult case.
*BTW – After a period of being hypo, I’m down to 10mg now, and my labs finally seem to be stable and fairly normal. (Still waiting on the TSH to catch up.)