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  • dodd404
    Post count: 3

    The adult teeth aren’t pushing the baby teeth out. They are coming in behind the baby teeth. I appreciate what you are saying. I decided to list all of the things that seem odd to me for this is my 3rd child. When I spoke with the doctor last he said he thought the back pain was bruised floating rib, that we wouldn’t worry about the potassium, and we would wait 6 mos. to retest the thyroid b/c it was confusing and he didn’t know what to do with the results from the test. Then I insisted about the potassium b/c I read up on it and knew he shouldn’t have lost potassium. He didn’t vomit or have diarrhea. ThenHe retested the potassium and it came up and the sugar dropped. He ate 11/2 hour before the blood test and did not have gym that day. I’m just concerned that waiting 6 mos is too long. Especially seems how the doctor doesn’t know what the test means.

    Post count: 3

    Thank you, I appreciate your advice.

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