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  • djl
    Post count: 3

    Hello all..
    Several months ago, I had asked about if anyone heard about thyroid regrowth after total thyroidectomy (no RAI) for Graves disease. Since that time, I am still having Hyper symptoms and labs are reflecting hyperthyroidism. An ultrasound was performed and the results said that left side surgically removed but right lobe is measuring .75 x 1.2 x 1.20 cm with no nodules. That confuses me since that side was removed at the same time as the left. Has anyone ever had this happen to them and if so, was another surgery performed or RAI or just wait and watch? I don’t think it’s too common but was wondering if it has happened to anyone else or is it just my luck?

    Post count: 3

    Hello Shirley,
    Thank you so much for your prompt response. Until I heard it from my doctor, I had never heard of it either. He said it is very, very, very uncommon after a TT. But in doing research, if a small piece is left behind, it could definitely happen. With the TSH is normal range but the FT3 and FT4 being abnormal, he is hoping that by decreasing the levothyroxine dosage, I will get out of the hyper range with my next set of labs in a few weeks. He just wanted me to know of the possibility so I wasn’t blindsided if after ultrasound it was coming back.
    I have never felt bad with the Graves although from what I understand, it was pretty bad. The only symptom I have now is a rapid heart rate which ranges from 105-120 every day. Other then that issue, i am a very fortunate one for sure and feel so sorry for everyone who has this disease. I will keep you posted after my next set of labs and doctor visit. Thank you again for responding so quickly!

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