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in reply to: Story and Looking for Input #1169328
I, too, commend you for being supportive to your wife. Unfortunately my Grave’s ended my marriage. In regards of you question about should you wait it out, NO. As Bobbi said, beta blockers only mask the problem. They don’t take it away. You are risking serious damage to your heart, and the possibility of thyroid storm, which can be fatal. Taking one pill for the rest of your life is much better than suffering through Grave’s. I don’t know that your levels would require surgery, so RAI might be a better choice for you. I have suffered with my Grave’s since 2000. As Bobbi also said, we are not medical professionals, just people who are suffering from the disease. It can be helpful to get other people’s input when going thru this disease. But, it is far more dangerous to leave if untreated. Even fatal, so I would not recommend waiting it out.
in reply to: Memory Loss and concentration issues? #1169324I am positive it is my Grave’s. The doctor just took my blood and tested me for everything even b-12. My thyroid level was too low so they increased my dose of Levoxyl from 150mcg a day to 200mcg a day. I have noticed no change at all. I believe it is going to be Grave’s related memory loss and cognitive ability loss. I’m just hoping to find a medication that can help with that. I am going to go back to the doctor’s office and BEG to see a different doctor. Thank you, Bobbi.
in reply to: Insomia relief? #1061208Hi Mike. I am glad to hear things are getting better for you. That is great. In response to you suggestion of being hypnotized, it does not work for me. I am unable to be hypnotized. I smoked for many years and tried to quit by being hypnotized and all I could do was giggle. I just can’t concentrate enough. I am on Wellbutrin and Trazodone right now. The doctor thinks I am depressed. I tried to explain that my Grave’s is getting much worse, and she doesn’t listen. The Trazodone works great for my insomnia. But lately my thinking is getting really bad. I forgot how to walk down my stairs this morning. I know that sounds crazy, but it happened. And I am continually spelling that by typing taht. I do not have dyslexia and have actually always scored far above classmates in my English. Never had spelling issues. My spell-check is working overtime at this point. I am really happy you have found some relief. It gives the rest of us some hope that we might too.
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I have found the GenTeal gel drops the best for my eyes. I was diagnosed with Grave’s in 1999 and treated with RAI in 2000. My memory is so far gone now. I have been putting my car keys in the same place everyday. That way, no more endless searching for those lost keys. I also hung a large calender on my wall near the sink. I write down everything. With it by the sink, I always glance at it while washing my hands, brushing my teeth, etc. Without my calender, I would forget everything. I write everything on it, down to what day I have to buy cat food again. It works well for me.
in reply to: In a rush? #1169549I had RAI when my daughter was 4 months old. It was difficult, but I had to try to make myself well. I couldn’t hold her for about 3 days after my treatment. It did help for awhile. But, the symptoms of Grave’s Disease don’t go away after you get treated. But, leaving it untreated is much more dangerous, and would be a risk to your life. Not holding the kids for a few days is a better option than not being around to see them grow up. The longer you stay hyper, the more damage is done. This can cause many dangerous effects on your heart, and mental wellness. The days will be hard, but they will go by fairly quickly. Best of luck!
in reply to: Insomia relief? #1061201Hi Mike. About the insomnia. I started having trouble with it in 1993. I began taking benedryl then. In 1999 I was diagnosed with Graves. In 2000 I had RAI. There was a short time of about 18 months after my treatment that I didn`t need the benedryl to sleep. But, I am back on the benedryl. Having taken it for so long I have built up a tolerance for it. It does not work so well for me now. Insomnia is going to be an issue for a
long time. It is part of this disease. I slept about 2 hours total last night. My endo led me to believe Graves had no effects once i took the RAI. Now, I can`t remember anything. My concentration has left me. And sleep is only a daydream for me. I wish I had been informed long ago. Hopefully the medication will help you get some much needed rest. But, it will be an ongoing issue.
Denise -