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in reply to: Pregnancy with Grave’s Disease #1061182
I was dx last September. I was breastfeeding at the time, and put on meds… In December I did RAI, my doc said it was a lot safer to do that than surgery, because the recovery time and complications were worse. I had to wait 3 months to ttc again, and am currently pregnant. I had a pretty low dose of RAI, and I am still a little hyper, but my endo said it is okay to be a little high. I only had to be away from my kids for a week or two. I just arranged for someone to do bedtime and such. My doc said it is about closeness and the length of time near them. I could be in the same room, but not have them sit on my lap for hours. I think I avoided ALL contact for about a week.
There are meds you can take while pregnant, so you don’t have to do surgery to get pregnant. My doc did tell me the hypo drugs are safer than the hyper drugs… Just take your time, make a pro and con list to all of your options… it was really hard for me to make a decision knowing I wanted another baby… relatively soon after my diagnosis.
in reply to: Postpartum and Graves #1061489EHow11 wrote:
Deblitz, Thank you for commenting. I actually was able to have the uptake scan but I couldn’t nurse for 24 hours (my choice – I could have at 12 hours) so I just pumped and dumped. How was it for you having the RAI and a little one at home? Did it go smoothly? Congrats on #2 – I am so happy to hear that everything is going smoothly!!It was okay having the RAI with kids at home, I think I stayed away from them for about 2 weeks (can’t remember) My doctor said it is all about the closeness and duration of contact. So after a few days I was allowed to sit in the living room while they played, but I didn’t give hugs and kisses for a couple weeks. If my husband had to work, I had a relative come over and help to watch them and get them in bed. It wasn’t really bad at all looking back, at the time it wasn’t great, but I knew it had to be done.
I didn’t really think too long about what route to take, my doctor told me RAI was the safest thing to do, with really no recovery time, and that was important to me. I am pretty happy I did it, I am off all meds right now (which may not be permanent) and I am feeling pretty good. I was super nervous about having it done for a while, because I had read all the horror stories, and things about the eyes getting worse and all that… I just figured there are risks to everything, so I had to go with my gut.
Good luck deciding what to do!
in reply to: Giving birth with treated Graves #1061777mamabear wrote:Deblitz welcome and congratulations on your pregnancy! are you on meds for Graves and are your levels stable? Your Ob should know so if they do not please let them know you had or have graves disease and what medicine you took or if you did RAI or surgery and if you are on synthroid or the like at this point.The Ob might ask that you also see an Endo while you are pregnant just to make sure.
I am seeing an MFM and he knows my thyroid issues. I am not on any medication right now, and had a low dose RAI, which he also knows about.
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Thanks!in reply to: Postpartum and Graves #1061482Our stories are similar. I was nursing when I was dx, but my daughter was 7ish months old. I nursed until she was a little over 11 months and then weaned so I could do RAI. I was on PTU in the between time.
I am still a little hyper, but my doc said that it is fine, and it is not high enough to have to be on meds.
How did you do an uptake while nursing? I thought you weren’t supposed to… but I could be wrong.
My doc gave me the okay to get pg after 3 months, and I am now 13 weeks along, and everything is going great.
in reply to: Giving birth with treated Graves #1061775I am glad I read this because I am newly pregnant, and didn’t know that it restricted things at all. I guess I have to start doing my research!
in reply to: If you had RAI #1062898Thanks for the info. I talked to the nurse this afternoon, and she said my levels haven’t really changed at all since before the RAI. I hope that by the next time I have to go in (6 weeks) something will have changed!
in reply to: Want to have baby #1063011My understanding was that it is safer and easier managed to be hypo and pregnant, than hyper. And the meds for hyper are worse for the baby.
in reply to: After RAI when am I safe to be around my baby? #1062933I stayed completely away for a week, and then the doc said no restrictions (I had it about 6 weeks ago)
in reply to: Hard to get pregnant long after RAI #1063222Since RAI should make you hypo, and it is harder for hypos to get pregnant, I would think that after RAI it would be harder to get pregnant… but I think that is only if you are unstable. Does it still take hypos a while to get pregnant if they are medicated and stable? I don’t think so, so then I would think that it wouldn’t really matter as long as your thyroid levels are stable.
When do you want to TTC? I just go RAI today, and they said to wait 3 months for the RAI to "wear off" and then wait until thyroid levels have stabilized, but it isn’t a huge deal if it happens before then. Hoping it doesn’t take too long to get pregnant again if we have to wait to start!