Hi Marpo – We are very glad to have you! Thank you for sharing Dear Thyroid and so much of you with us.
Nancy – That is fascinating! I love that so many people got involved in your endeavor. What was their experience? Did they talk about how they felt after wriing their letters? Do you mind me asking?
Dear Thyroid’s core identity is thyroid patients writing letters to their thyroids as well as families writing letters to their loved one’s thyroids, among other literary/outreach/awareness goals.
I love that you’ve written postcards to your thyroid. Some of our members have written haiku’s (thykus), poems (thyetry) and songs (Thyongs). Maybe one day you’ll consider submitting a Dear Thyroid letter to us. We’d love to see what you have to say to your gland.
PS: Having Graves disease, I am so happy that we have the Graves Disease Foundation!
Take Care. Thanks again, Marpo.