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DianneW wrote:daleesai72,
Doctors tried for years to figure out a dose that would make patients euthyroid (normal thyroid levels) with RAI. That’s what they were aiming for with me. Studies have shown that this very seldom is successful, and even when they do manage to achieve it, it only lasts for a short time. Eventually most patients become hypothyroid regardless of which dose they were given and what the initial response was. So for that reason, most doctors now are giving an ablative dose at the beginning. That avoids months or possibly years of fluctuating levels. This is what causes patients most of the problem anyway.
It’s NOT necessarily inevitable that you will have to have RAI in the future, as you seem to think. If you choose to you can stay on antithyroid drugs indefinitely, as long as you’re able to control your levels with a low dose and that’s what you want to do. Read about how this is done in James’ post.
RAI is an option if you choose it, and so are antithyroid drugs. It’s all what you are comfortable with.
So don’t let your thoughts about what you HAVE to do add to your stress levels. The choice should be yours.
By the way, you’ll be 50 before you know it. Time passes very quickly. You’ll care just as much then about whether you’re hypo or not.
Thank you so much DianneW. I checked on James and hes great in explaining things, same thing with Sabinaa. I decided to stay on PTU and I hope it will work for me. I’d been taking this pill for a month now, my Endo trying to scare me I might be allergc to it just like Methimazole or I might get vasculitis. All medication has there reaction to it and it is all different to every person, thats what I told my Endo, she just doesnt want me to take ATD, just want me to go for RAI. Im thinking of changing my Endo for the 3rd time. Does anybody knows any good Endo right at Nassau County, NY?
in reply to: Anyone that tried natural methods/diet? #1073672"sabinaa":1u8fzpsw wrote:Ski, Dianne – thank you for your responses – I do follow them with great interest. They are however, no different from what I have already heard over and over again from the many "western" doctors that I have seen. You add nothing new to the science of Grave’s. So please allow me to respectfully disagree with both of you on a few things.For one, Grave’s to this day is not fully understood, and I think we can all agree on that. So, how do you suppose doctors can successfully treat a Grave’s patient if the cause is unknown? Again, the treatment that doctors in the old days came up with only focused on treating the symptoms – not the disease. And those treatments are apparently still a preferable option for many doctors in the US today. Despite the fact that there are many cases out there where people have gotten Grave’s under control without destroying their thyroid. I am not a unique case! One lady even "sells" her cure online, even though it is founded on the same principles that I promote here for free. My principles are not based on diet and alternative treatments alone. They are founded on the idea that you can work on being in tune with your body, and restore your immune system by riding out the disease without destroying your thyroid.
As German native, I have extensively researched treatment approaches in Europe and found that the use of RAI is a last resort only for patients with extreme cases of Grave’s. The most common treatment in Germany is in fact medication alone. And there are many cases where Germans chose to only take beta blockers and simple let the disease take its course until it goes into remission on its own – which seems to happen frequently for those people who learn to adjust to a healthier living.
As to the eye problems, they may never go away, even if you do the RAI or surgery! The eye problems are a result of your auto immune disorder – not your thyroid! That is a fact. If the eye problems disappear after some years, it only shows that the disease took its course and now goes into remission. It means you didn’t have to destroy your thyroid to get there! In most cases, your immune system will eventually start to balance itself, if you provide your body with some loving caring attention. Be good to your self! So instead of running to destroy your thyroid, give yourself some time, use whatever minimal meds get you by, and work on healing yourself!
You seem to somewhat believe that I promote an unproven alternative treatment plan that is statistically speaking ineffective. My cure of Grave’s isn’t due to a specific diet! What I am saying is that you should avoid destroying your thryroid at all costs possible! The more invasive your treatment, the more long term your imbalance of your immune system! That is what I am saying. And my current "western" physician will only attest to that. At last, I found a doctor who recognizes the importance of the mind going hand in hand with your body.
I overcame Grave’s because of a combination of factors. For one, I never believed in taking meds for every little illness and bug to begin with. I have always been in tune with what goes on inside of me. I let my body fight the bugs and my body becomes stronger because of it. Unless I am faced with a real life threatening condition, I will not put myself through unnecessary treatments that will only weaken my body in the long run. And the many HIV infected people out there who live with the disease without an outbreak for many years will attest to the fact that your own body will be your biggest protector – if you treat it right!
So, my cure in essence begins with an inner belief that I have to give my body the rest, sanctity, nutrients and time it needs. When I was diagnosed with Grave’s, I was horrified because I never thought I would have to face anything like that. But once I started to learn, research and come to terms with it all, I became determined to heal myself.
True, herbal and natural remedies will not stop an overactive thyroid. And I did have to take beta blockers, or else I would have probably died. I took a minimal dose though, of 20 mg may be once or twice a day. Eventually, I decided to take some small amount of PTU because I started to literally waste away. Since I am sensitive, since I never took meds in my life, I wanted to get a "feel" for these pills first, so I started with one daily – even though I was supposed to take six!
My point here is not what I specially did or didn’t do to cure myself, but rather that everyone has the ability to get a "feel" for their body and that will help you boost yourself back to normal. This will be different for everyone. Do whatever you have to do to minimally go though Grave’s, and I believe that over time (2-5 years), the disease will remiss, your eyes will normalize, and you can then start to rebuild a strong immune system by getting the medication toxins out of your body and begin a life style that will soothe you.
As a woman in her 40s, I was diagnosed with Grave’s in 2004. Several docs told me I would have to deal with this for the rest of my life. But today, I enjoy a life without meds, and with a thryroid that is intakt. And that is a fact! I have nothing to gain from sharing my experience, and I don’t care whether people out here believe me or not. But the fact is that I am healed, my eyes are pretty much back to normal, and my doctor is absolutely certain that thyroid problems will not be part of my future. But what is even more important is that I myself feel and know that my thyroid will be fine. Why? Because I addressed my auto immune dysfunction. And not a single day goes by that I don’t do something nice now for my body. I avoid stress, I relax more, I eat right and I keep toxins out of my life as much as I can, all while appreciating every single day of my life.
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You rock Sabina. Im planning to do the same thing Im taking PTU now, my Endo prescribe me RAI but I insisted on PTU b/c I was allrgc to methimazole. So far my Endo prescribe me PTU 4 pills, Im only taking 2 pills. I feel alright. I was diagnosed GD last Sept 08 but I really dont feel bad except for my 120 heart beat/min. Which subside in a long run, by taking it easy. I cant take BB b/c it aggrevate my asthma attack.
Im very thankful for this FORUM. It enlightens me!!!Im still afraid of choosing ablation for my hyperthyroidism. But I know time will come I hv to do RAI, Im just not ready for it. Maybe bc Im afraid of gaining weight(I never been fat in my life, even when I was pregnant) Im afraid I’ll be bringing my kids to school, I’ll befalling asleep in the car, etc. I just wish I will know what is the right dose for my ablation, that I wont go hypothyroid maybe not until Im 50 y/o. That would be a miracle, right?
My endo is pushing me for RAI. I say lets try ATD before RAI. So far Im taking PTU for a month and my blood works will be taken next month. I heard its easier to treat hypothyroid if you hv it naturally. Its hard to treat hypo after RAI. You will be lethargic, gain a lot of weight even you hv no appetite to eat, depression. Thats why Im postponing RAI, because of symptoms of hypo. And I am stay at home mom with 2 very young kids.
in reply to: side effects #1072786Hi everyone. Id been diagnosed with GD since Oct 08. I started on Methimazole 10mg/3x a day. After taking this med for 3wks religiously, I started itching, rashes/hives allover Benadryl 50mg 2x a day didnt help. So my Endo prescribed me Prednisone 20mg/2x a day for 2 wks, then 10mg, then 5mg. My itchiness was gone
” title=”Very Happy” /> on the 2nd day Im taking the steroid. I think my 1st Endo overdose me, b/c my labs are fine and level of thyroid are back to normal except for TSH w/c is still very low. My 2nd Endo tried me on PTU (after 2 months of no med except for the steroid, my level becomes abnormal once again). So Im taking PTU for a month, my dose is 100mg/2x a day. So far I hv no adverse rxn fr. this. I will hv bld works taken next month. I hope my level will be okay.
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