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  • dakotamidnight
    Post count: 8
    Buttamama28 wrote:Hi Kimberly,

    As of right now I am at a free clinic, and I only have one physician. She is waiting to do blood work at the end of October to figure out if I am going to stay hypo or not. The only thing about that; I am so intuned and sensitive to my body now, that as my TSH rises- so does my pain. But she is only an Internal Med doctor; most of the doctors at the clinic volunteer. Basically, meaning the majority are like 90 yrs. old, and have retired from mainstream. She wants to schedule another Uptake Scan, which I haven’t heard in years. I got so excited that someone want to do an actual thyroid based test, that I completely forgot about my own issues….I have a severe allergy to iodine! YIKES! So I am in the process of getting the message to her, before the county approves a test that I can’t have- and before she puts all her eggs in that basket.

    Some of my pains are residuals. I have neuropathy in my feet, pretibial myxedema in my legs, reoccuring sciatica, and a bad case of the "slippies" in my hip joints. Some of my issues come from prolonged hyperthyroid that wasn’t treated, but the rest I think comes with weight (which is rising no matter how healthy I try to be). Thank God, I am not diabetic or anything, but it is really a fear of mine. I lost my best friend two years ago to diabetes.


    I could have written this myself – right down to the iodine allergy! They gave me SSKI when I was in thyroid storm and my entire face blistered within 10 minutes.

    My endo’s thought is that it’s another auto-immune causing the pain, as it "flares" at times and disappears completely when I’m on higher doses of methimazole. If I go hypo now on my lower dose I get terrible leg pains and my muscles have horrible charlie horses that cannot be massaged out. I do better on the high side of normal for labs – it seems to keep the other in check better.

    I’ve been trying to find out for 3 years what it is with no luck. Endo’s thought was either fibromyalgia or MS, but I haven’t been able to keep state insurance long enough to ever get it for testing.

    Same thing with the weight here too – I can eat all junk or healthy as can be, and I’ll gain the same amount of weight. I was big before being diagnosed, lost 80 lbs while suffering from thyroid storm for months, then as soon as they put me on meds I gained it all back plus another 75 lbs or so. I’ve tried dieting and weight watchers with no success – nothing seems to make this weight budge.

    Post count: 8
    elf wrote:Do you mean completely losing all peripheral sight, complete darkness on the sides as if you are wearing horse side eye protectors? Then I would push for decompression and your optical nerve evaluation.

    Or, if you mean it’s getting harder to follow the pencil when it’s moves to the side, (or up/down)? Then it’s something every TED-er is a subject to, to a different degree. I am past OD and lid surgery (way past the hot stage of TED), yet cannot move my eyes to the side, and have to double take when changing lanes when driving.

    Neither actually – it’s more like I’ve lost part of the peripheral sight, but there is not blackness. My visual area I can see has just decreased – does that make sense? Where I used to be able to look out of the corner of my eye and see things, now I have to turn my head to see them. What I do see now peripheral vision wise isn’t a clear as it used to be either, but that may just be because my glasses prescription is so strong.

    My eyes are actually less bulgy than they were prior – my thought was perhaps having them bulgy for so long {15+ years confirmed from photos} stretched nerves/muscles and now that they are better it’s making them act differently? I’m also dealing with an apparent lazy eye on the left that popped up about the same time.

    Post count: 8
    in reply to: H1N1 vaccination #1067923
    Kimberly wrote:I have not heard a definitive answer on this, but one other issue to consider is whether or not the vaccine is "live". I take Methimazole, and have been told to avoid all "live" vaccines *and* to avoid contact with anyone who has had a live vaccine, due to the risk of getting that particular virus.

    I have been told the same and have Dr’s order for my daughter to not receive any live virus vaccines as well due to risk to me.

    Luckily we already had a religious exemption for her but it’s nice to have Dr’s order to back it up.

    Post count: 8
    in reply to: H1N1 vaccination #1067916

    Myself I wouldn’t get it – it’s too untested IMO.

    I am currently recovering from H1N1, and am on Methimazole which is similar to tapazole. While yes it was a bad flu and it did turn into lung issues for me {but everything does with me} it really wasn’t as bad as some regular flu bugs I’ve had. The fever was the worst mostly with it hitting 104.5 for a few hours. Lots of rest, fluids, and antibiotics to ward off lung issues and no major problems.

    If he does get it – take it easy! It is very easy to over-do it when recovering.

    FWIW my just turned 3 year old also caught it and it was about the same for her.

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