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in reply to: Flaxseed Oil #1071830
I take a fish oil capsule everyday and my doctor doesn’t have a problem with it but the best thing is to double check with your dr.
Christain reply to: Recently diagnosed with Graves #1071778Hi,
the best I can tell you is go with your gut feeling. I refused to take the RAI and my doctor told me the same thing. RAI is the best option. It wasn’t for me. I got diagnosed in early Jan with Hyperthyroid(graves disease) and I went to the doctor yesterday and my levels are back to normal and I was taking Methimazole. So go with your gut. That is the best advice I can give you.
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074153Scoutgirl,
this is such a great site. it has helped me like crazy and still helps me. all of the people on here helped me. I was emotionally off my rocker, freaking out over weight gain, could sleep at night and such and getting on here and talking to people was the best thing for me. I am not nearly as emotionally as i was at first. As for your husband, just keep your communication open, your family won’t understand if you don’t talk about it. at least for me that helped. i hope everything goes well for you. Take care.
” title=”Very Happy” />
in reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074149-I have been taking a claritin during the day since it is a non-drowsy med and benadryl at night. So far so good. I haven’t taken any this morning. I am going to see if I am still getting hives. But since this support group I have been doing so much better. I am not stressing as much about weight. I am trying to remember that I am a healthy person and I will continue to eat right and excerise and if I put on a few pounds I will deal and if I don’t then great. I have been sleeping so much better at night since I know I am reducing my stress. I will be taking a few months off from school and just enjoy my son and getting back to things that I love, reading, scrapbooking, and a few others. All of you have been so great and I appreciate all the advice and help. All of you are awesome people. thank you so much for everything.
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074144Rochelle,
Thank you so much. I hope all is going well for you. Sounds like you have had a bad run of it. I do love this support group. I am so glad I found it. My cousin had good luck with her Grave’s Disease so I hope I follow in her foot steps. She is in remission and hasn’t had an issue since she was a kid. Well take that back, when she got prego she had a flare up but it went back to normal right after giving birth. It’s hard to find a doctor that truly cares. That is the issue I am having. Best of luck with everything.
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074143Dianne,
I am trying to be positive. I am typically a very positive person, I think I just need to find what works for me. I talked to my mom today and she told me that I may need to drop out of school for a little while. I think that is something that I may do. I am am full time student and I do get stressed out with school so it will be nice having one less thing to worry about. I do have a question if you happen to know the answer. I broke out in hives with the methimazole, is it something that my body will get used to and stop breaking out? I can deal with the hives when I take benadryl but the benadryl knocks me out and I have a itty bitty to take care of. thanks again for all you kind words.
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074140Dianne,
Thank you for your positive attitude.
in reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074138Noelle,
I have only been on the meds about 5 days. I stopped taking them and now my Dr. is telling me either deal or we have to do RAI and I refuse to do that. I am going to see if he can lower my dose or try a different med. I worry about the same thing, when my thyroid returns to normal will I return to normal. I don’t think anyone can ever know because everyones body is so different. I wish you the best of luck with everything.
Christa” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074134Noelle,
I had to stop last night taking the Methimazole. Brand name Tapozle(sp). I have broke out in hives pretty bad and my dr still hasn’t called me. I am with you I am also taking Atenolol and it has been nice knowing that my heart rate is stable but I am not sure about meds anymore. They are causing me so much stress that I can’t handle it. I was much happier before. I have been very moody. Everyone is so different with the weight gain. I have a cousin who also has Graves Disease. She was diagnoised when she was just a kid though. It started back up a couple of years ago when she got pregnant but hers went into remission and she has been fine since. She was taking cyndroyd(sp). She said she lost a lot of weight but once she started taking med she did gain some weight but when your a kid you are suppose to so who’s to say that she wasn’t just growing and getting the weight back she lost. She is not an overweight woman, average just like everyone else. The thing that gets me is that the percentage of people going hypo is high. Like one in five people after taking the meds have their thyroid return to normal and go into remission. Thats not good odds. I am trying to remain calm and put my faith in God and that has helped me some.
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074132Noelle,
You and I seem to be in the same mind set with the weight gain issue. I understand. I haven’t lost anything or gained anything yet but I have only been taking meds for about a week. When I went in for a pap about 3 weeks ago my doctor noticed. I had to stop last night when I broke out in a rash on the top half of my body. The thing is I feel fine even when I don’t take anything. I see a little bit of my goiter but other than that I feel fine. And so many people are telling me not to fret but it is really hard when you are a fit person like myself and someone tells you that you can maybe gain weight and everything I have read says that you will also. My husband tells me also, eat right and exercise and you should be fine, I think that helps but something happens when you go hypo that makes it so hard even if you do all the right things. I am so stressed out that I am not helping myself at all. I slept for the first time last night because I didn’t have to take the meds. The meds are causing me some mental agony and I think the only reason is because I am so afraid of becoming overweight. That has been my biggest fear my entire life. I have an appointment to see an acupuncturest in a couple of weeks. I am hoping that will help relax me. The thing is working out relaxes me but it isn’t enough. I totally broke down last night. I hope everything works out for you.
Take care,
Christa” title=”Smile” />
in reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074129James and Ski,
Thank you for the advice. I am still having a really hard time. The problem is I am not sleeping due to stress. The stress is coming from the fact that any meds can cause me to go hypo and gain lots of weight. That may sound vain but I can’t seem to get my emotional stress under control. I am thinking about doing some acupunture to help get stress under control. I have been adviced by many to not take herbal supplements. I have been talking with my dr a lot and he definately doesn’t want me taking anything else. Any advice on how to get stress under control?
Thank you so much for all the help,
Christain reply to: New here, have lots of questions #1074126Dianne,
The Dr. did ok me to exercise. He knows how concerned I am about my weight but I don’t know that he really cares. I am actually thinking of stopping the meds with his ok. I can’t sleep at all and my stess level is ever higher because of the weight concerns. I am all about getting better but I have never been a person to like meds anyway. I try and avoid them at all costs. I am not someone who beleives meds are the only option. I beleive very firmly that my body will take care of it’s self and work through it’s issues with the right dietary changes, lifestyle changes etc. I really love this site because I bet there are people out there like me who believe in the same things I do. However, I am realistic. Not all things can be changed with dietary changes, lifestyle changes etc. It is something I would like to try. My Dr. says the same thing about alternative meds that they aren’t proven. I have read several books that say it has been proven to help and I believe that if you believe it will, it just might .If you aren’t someone who believes in it they it won’t work. I want to hear everyone’s take on what they’ve done. I am open to all discussion’s . I love everyone’s opinion. I really appreciate you replying to my post. Thank you and I will keep everything in mind that you have told me.
Christa” title=”Smile” />