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  • creightonae
    Post count: 2

    Thank you so much for the advice! I will definitely follow up with my primary for the specifics on the tests.
    Any advice on helping bring my eyes from buggy down to normal?


    Post count: 2

    Hello All!
    This is my first time on here and I just want to say I am slightly relieved. I thought I was the only one feeling this way. I got my thyroid taken out May of 2014 and I was feeling better for awhile, but for the past couple months I just don’t feel like me. I am only 21 and I feel like I should be in a retirement home! I am tired and sluggish all the time and taking naps when I can. I don’t feel motivated to do anything, not even my school work, which is so not like me. I am also having trouble with my memory. I told my family doctor and like some of you, my results came back as “normal”. I have been trying to get in to see my endocrinologist, but they are so booked it is almost impossible to get an appointment any time soon. I will do some research on Cytomel though. It sounds like something I need to bring up next appointment. Thanks for that!


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