I just got the call back about my scan today and I have been diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. I’m feeling quite overwhelmed with this as I’m looking it all up. I didn’t even know I was sick. I have felt for the most part well. I have felt tired and have had non-stop allergies and problems with my asthma but that is about it. I mentioned to my doctor that I’m gaining weight and she asked if I’ve had my thyroid checked. I rolled my eyes because I’ve had numerous doctors check my thyroid and it always came back in normal range. I always thought If I had a thyroid problem it would be Hypothyroidism because I’m obese. I gain weight and gain weight and friends and family would ask How do you gain when I never see you eat? and I’d say it’s probably cause I have to be on Prednisone all time for my asthma. Anywhoo…..I have a rush order to see an Endocrinologist and I’m waiting for them to call me with an appt. Other than that I’m feel like I need a good cry
and a bottle of wine.