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  • connypie
    Post count: 68

    hi wilson.i had the same walk up a flight of stairs and black out,get a case of rubberlegs and breathe hard and my heart felt like it was tripping over it self.i couldnt eat soup or cereal,my tremor was so bad it shook everything off the lay on my back and set the book on my chest to read and couldnt read the words because my heart was pounding so hard it shook the pages of the book.sometimes you could see my heart pounding in my chest if i stood still,and it felt like it was missing a beat and speed up and slow down.when i was first looked at for thyroid disease,they hooked me immediately up to the ekg machine.and it was all thyroid related.they put me on meds to keep my heart from racing,sorry cant remember the name.and i have to say it worked pretty well.but it is a scary feeling,i still have some issues with anxiety,but i try not to medicate.

    Post count: 68

    hi Karen, im 20 years post RAI, and still get symptoms.especially when im stressed out.have you considered a food allergy?If i eat white flour foods like cake and cupcakes,breads and grains,i get very sluggish,bad tempered and hurt and ache all over my body and get overall weakness and constipation.this will take a few days to clear out of my system and then i feel better.ive been tested for celiacs disease 3 times,all negative.i even have a hard time drinking beer,the sad german.its almost embarrasing to have to admit that beer doesnt agree with me all the time.i grew up eating and drinking everything,so its not something ive had all my life.basically the more processed the food is ,the harder it is for me to im sitting here feeling sorry for myself because i couldnt leave the icecream alone and now i dont feel so hot.i found out by making a diet bet with my boss to lose weight for money.i started to eat this 400 calorie meal diet. and of course there isnt a lot of bread in it and i started feeling so much better that i eat similar to it not a healthnut,but maybe it will help you. and my vitamin D level was less then half of what it should be,so now i take a calcium/vitamin d supplement.

    Post count: 68

    hi Flora, boy your life sounds almost like mine the last couple of years.last year i started being unhappy and anxious, and slowly all my mental symptons for graves returned with a vengance.but not many of the physical ones.i finally went to the dr.he did labwork and my t4 was a little high 12.8.but at that point i couldnt think straight anymore.severe brainfog,dr sent me for head ct.i couldnt even tell him what was going seemed i was getting dumber by the day.he reduced my levo from 125 to 112.and i slowly started coming out of it.i am still not completely there,but much better then i was.went and saw an endo and he told me i was stressed out and not a graves flare,since i had RAI 20 years ago.let me tell you i will never let it get that bad again.ill see the dr and get some meds for anxiety if it happens again.i hope you feel better soon and stabilize your levels.i had to learn to say NO to people for my own health,that made me really anxious when i had to tell them.but i found out quite fast that it makes my life alot easier and im happier with less on my plate. connypie

    Post count: 68

    JEH, i never thought burning feet and graves go together.i get that occasionally.the tips of my toes will burn like somebody roughed them up with sandpaper and i dont like anything touching them.but it goes away after a couple of days.for the leg cramps i usually eat a banana every day and stretch my toes upward while standing.hope it helps you. connypie

    Post count: 68
    in reply to: More TED trouble #1182812

    Hello scanders, i have the eye problem one point i had to tape both eyes shut at night and put a ton of goop in them every few hours and it didnt seem to help much.i had double vision and didnt even know it.tried contacts(approved by eye dr)multi focal contacts,first hard then soft.but they didnt stay in,especially my bad eye very night i couldnt see anything with them in.i looked into lasix,my eye dr said sure,i got a second opinion and that one said he could give me 20/20 vision but i would be miserable for the rest of my life.i only had enough tears to barely cover my eyes and lasix dries them out even i said goodbye to that and keep wearing my glasses.i do excercises with a popsicle stick for the double vision and i dont wear those glasses with the little bitty lenses.i have a daylight lamp at home next to my sofa.and im careful at wich angle the light hits my eyes,ill get migraines with vision glasses have all the bells and whistles-near and far-antiglare-extrathin-flattened and they go dark in the sun.i still have to wear a hat outside and in the car because of the tint in the windshield.but i finally achieved a box of about 15×10 inches of single vision with glasses straight ahead.oh and i had tearduct plugs put in my lower ducts.wich helped quite a bit.yeah i get the thing with looking through a ziplock bag too.i sure hope your eyes improve soon and you can get on with your life.Life with Graves=sometimes it kicks you in the pants-sometimes you kick it. hugs connypie

    Post count: 68


    Post count: 68
    in reply to: Eye Floaters #1066313

    hi ski, how funny, i used to do the same thing.follow my floaters to lull my self to sleep.i think my double vision has gotten worse over the years.i havent been able to do it in a few years.

    Post count: 68

    hi ive had graves for over 20 years diagnosed,but can probably trace it back to 14 to 15 years old by symptoms.i was always called the child with the iron stomach.i ate everything and anything.i have reflux,had gastritis for years and a sliding hiatal hernia.was on so much aciphex,that the hmo wouldnt pay for it and had more side effects then benefits.was told to avoid foods that dont agree with me,i laughed at the dr and said there isnt anything left for me to eat.he then promptly discharged me back to my primary without helping me at all.i cant eat much bread or rolls.but can eat seems to be refined flour,tomato and icecream,although i can drink milk.weird huh?ive been taking levoxyl(generic) for almost 20 years.i cant eat alot of processed food either.i just deal with it now.but you should not eat anything for about 30 to 60 minutes after taking meds.because your body wont absorb the meds. conny

    Post count: 68

    hi lauren, i guess you dont have eye involvement with your graves? i do, thats why i asked. connypie

    Post count: 68

    Laurel,could your graves not be controlled by radiation therapy?im just asking because ive had it done 20 years ago.and i had a bad episode recently.and im weighing my options should it happen again.Can graves still flare up even after taking out the thyroid?and will it help with the eyes? conny

    Post count: 68

    Laurel,could your graves not be controlled by radiation therapy?im just asking because ive had it done 20 years ago.and i had a bad episode recently.and im weighing my options should it happen again.Can graves still flare up even after taking out the thyroid?and will it help with the eyes? conny

    Post count: 68

    annism, see i forgot the question i wanted to ask you in the first what was it? ohh yeah.did they ultimately get approved when they used the term auto immune disease?

    Post count: 68

    thanks annism, you see i work in retail and it becomes quite stressful at times.when there is a long line of customers impatiently waiting in line at the register.and youre always on display.i was offered a promotion to manager,but i had to turn it down.because i know it would be too much stress.ive suffered from anxiety for years.both me and my husband had cancer in the last few years.ive recently had a flairup of if i had to go to part time, would i be eligible for ssi? i just dont understand the system i guess.a drugaddict who willingly took drugs and destroyed his body by choice gets it handed to them on a silver platter and we cant get a that i have vented,i feel it just doesnt seem fair .

    Post count: 68

    hi guys,a question please.i know that different labs have different ranges.because mine showed t4=12.8 as High.can there be such a wide difference in ranges?and my labs were shown as t4 not free it the same or not? puzzled.

    Post count: 68
    in reply to: sore hair? #1182526

    Hi Raspberry, i cant remember whether i was feeling high or low,when my hair hurts.

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