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  • CMoore124
    Post count: 9

    I was diagnosed with graves back in 1997. In 2005 after it going hyper for a third time, I reluctantly went on PTU (first tried Tapazole but was allergic) I as severely hyper with every possible symptom both physical and mental. I stayed on PTU for 4 years. At the end of that time I was staying normal for at least 2 years and dr decided to take me off after PTU had a warning on it. I had antibodies rechecked and miraculously they were almost zero. Dr said chance of remission was high. That was October 2010. I’ve been in remission since.

    My endo was awesome about not pushing things, and he believed in stress management, healthy living etc. he believed remission was possible. (well known and endo for MANY years) he recently retired and the new Endos I’ve followed up suck. They push RAI and tell me not to get my hopes up for long term remission. I refuse to believe it can’t be possible.

    Don’t give up hope and don’t let anyone push you into something your not ready for. You have to do what’s best for you, wether it be surgery or RAI but it should be your decision and you should be comfortable with it

    Post count: 9

    Hi Rebecca,
    I have been in remission from GD for a year now. I was severly hyper and had a horrible time. Phobias, anxiety, panic etc all the symptoms possible – I had! I was on PTU for 4 years and pretty much the last 2 years was a steady low dose. On summer of 2010 dr told me PTU had a warning issued on it and maybe I could try to come off of it. They tested my antibodies and thy were low and almost zero!! That made my remission chance higher. So I came off in oct 2010. Ive been off of it since and feeling great. But recently I have been experiencing a ton of pvc’s and Dr’s say they Are benign. My levels continue to be in normal range however they have always been in lower normal (.45-.7) just wanted to share my experience. Good luck


    Post count: 9

    This is the one antibody test I do have
    THYROPEROXIDASE ANTIBODY – TPO AB was 28.9 (It was in the 4000 range when I was originally tested)

    I dont have with me right now the name of the other one – but that is the one that came back negative.

    Thanks for all the helpful info

    PTU worked very well for me. I am being checked every 2 weeks to make sure we keep a very close eye on any changes. I never want it to get as bad as it was again and my Endo knows that. I have been off the meds for one week now. Weird thing is – 2 days after coming off meds – I got very bad sore throat, sinus issues (so Im assuming a virus since no strep throat) but weird thing is my mentrual cycle turned wacky. I suddenly have yet to have it (it was suppose to start 3 days after I stopped meds) and I have never been late except when pregnant. (and that is not a possibilty) So my body is obviously going through something. Thats why I asked in another post if it was possible to have withdrawl issues?


    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Panic Attacks? #1063478

    I suffered from bad panic attacks before and during treatment. I was even somewhat OCD and strange phobias. Once regulated – most of it went away bu tpanic and anxiety (especially health related worries/anxiety) became kind of habitual. Its MUCH better than it was but I cant say I never have them. My biggest issue now is just constant worry over my health and symptoms. Good luck!!

    Post count: 9

    Mamabear – thank you so much for sharing your story! I am excited to hear that things are looking so good for you!!

    I had my labs run this past weekend and after 3 weeks on only one pill a day – all labs are still in normal range and have not lowered at all. So Im going to continue on with the one pill a few more weeks and then try none!!

    I recently have had 2 friends have issues (one thyroid and one just anxiety issues and panic attacks) and I have been able to help them and be there for them. I guess going through all this has helped me help others. Im glad it was for something….lol

    Thanks again to everyone


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