I should have mentioned that this is something that started the end of January. It began with double vision for the first 5 minutes when I first woke up and now has progressed to it being pretty much all day.
I saw an ophthalmologist first…I have been seeing her every 2 weeks so she can chart my eye changes, etc. Then after an MRI I went on to the endocrinologist who did a series of blood work.
I am also possibly going to try and see another ophthalmologist who specializes in Graves.
In your opinion, who do you feel has been better for you with all of this…the endocrinologist or the ophthalmologist? I feel like my ophthalmologist has been better…at least with whole bedside manner thing. I don’t need a warm and fuzzy doctor, but I would also like one who at least calls me with results and not email like my endocrinologist did.
I just wish I knew when it would stabilize. I am not good at waiting, I guess. Thanks for the link!