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  • Christine
    Post count: 2

    Thanks Ski,
    We have played with my dosages every which way. We have tried Synthroid, and Naturthroid and now am doing best on Armour. We have tested antibodies. We have done a great deal of work on this, and still I have hypothyroid symptoms, unless I overmedicate and then go into hyper.

    The general assumption is that the dead cells are reabsorbed, but we can’t seem to find any literature on what actually, physically, happens to an ablated thyroid, after the radiation is gone and everything settles down. And, so we are wondering if perhaps there is stil lsomething going on with that thyroid tissue, it obviously is not hyper, but perhaps something is still going on and we are thinking of doing a biopsy on it to see if it is there, what is going on….but I can’t seem to find any literature on anything like this.

    btw, I used a University Prof’s Geiger counter when we did the RAI…..they had said I would be free to be around a mate, etc in 3 days. At 3 days Imy radiation level was still so high it literally stopped 2 geiger counters bc they couldn’t measure that high. It took 2 weeks to get into the "safe" zone on the Geiger Counters. The medical folks said that wasn’t possible, but that’s what measured on 2 different geiger counters.


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