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  • chilborn
    Post count: 7

    Thank you very much.

    I was wondering to if these side effects are normal?? My son just started 20mg/day Tapazole/Methimazole (only been on 5 days)
    Yestaurday he started not listening, talking back, pulling temper tantrums, a few rage fits, and since yestaurday I have noticed almost his intire bottom of his leg is covered in bruises. (I know boys get bumps and bruises but I have never seen him this bad.)

    Post count: 7

    Thank you very much for your support in understanding my son’s condiition.

    Post count: 7

    Thank you very much for your time in explaining some things about Graves to me. It was very helpful.
    My son is on methimazole and I have noticed that he will randomly starts crying sometimes but not for long and seems to be bruising very easily (Is this normal)

    We live in the Waterloo, ONT (Canada area) and I was wondering if you know where I might find any information on support groups in the area? I would like to hopefully meet some other parents who are dealing with this as well and maybe the kids could meet

    Thank you again

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