Thanks for all the information!
I have had my thyroxin levels checked, and they are normal. It sounds like from my docs that fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are diagnosed by clinical decisions only (based on ruling-out other issues), so that is why I am looking at the Graves issue one more time to make sure I am not missing something. When I was originally diagnosed with Graves, I got everything you can think of….so my eyes were impacted, my lower legs, my skin, my hair, and every side effect/allergy that can occur, did. Currently, my eyes are not effected, but almost everything else that happened when originally diagnosed is feeling like the same thing now.
Most likely, if nothing else comes up in all the tests we are going through, diagnoses will probably go to fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue. We are just trying to be thorough at this point of the process! Again, thank-you for all your information
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