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in reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071247
Sorry you still aren’t feeling too good.
Reading through your symptoms reminded me of exactly how my daughter was when she was first diagnosed. She had all of these, infact it was the nausea & vomiting that caused us to take her to the doctors in the first place. Make sure you write the list down & take it with you to your next appointment, often it is very hard to remember everything once you are there.
Try to keep up the good sleep (I know – easier said than done with a housefull of kids )
Take care,
Wxin reply to: Info on atypical nodules anyone? #1071070Thanks, Rhonda
That’s reassuring. Cat’s endo has never mentioned a RAI uptake scan, although I know most GD patients on this form seem to have had them. I though that would be his next line of investigation, rather than a biopsy.
We though Cat must have a nodule before the ultrasound scan as one side of her thyroid was much more englarged that the other. Also, the swelling would subside a little after a few days then enlarge again, apparently this was because it was haemorhaging periodically. This alarmed the endo, as did the speed at which the swelling appeared, the sze of the largest nodule (approx 1" diameter) & the fact that Cat is ony 17. Apparantly all of these features are very unusual with nodules. Her latest levels were fine, suggesting the nodule wasn’t hot (not good news). The ultrsound showed several nodules but one was much bigger than the other.
Guess we’ll just have to wait for the biopsy & keep our fingers crossed that all is well.
Thanks again for your support, take care,
love Wxin reply to: is there a light at the end of the tunnel. #1071028HI M,
Sorry, I’ve been off line a few days & have just seen your post.
So sorry things are so tough for you right now. I completely understand how chronic illness can affect relationships as I’ve been off work for 2 1/2 of the last 4 years with ME. It puts immense pressure on relationships, and add to that having small kids! I think you are amazing for being so strong.
I am concerned about your emotional health, have you spoken to your GP or a CPN. Is it possible that as well as GD you have postnatal depression? I’d recommend seeing your GP for help & support. Being a medical professional yourself I’m sure you are aware of the many possible routes available. I have found it useful in the past to have someone, like a CPN, to talk to as it means I had someone else to vent at rather than my husband.
Please take care of yourself,
Love Wxin reply to: 2-Week Post-Op – All is Well #1071055Wonderful news. We’re so happy for you.
Long may it continue ” title=”Very Happy” />
W & Cat xin reply to: I am seeking a new Endo… #1071084Mamabear,
Poor you! How awful that someone in a so called ‘caring profession’ can treat you like that. It’s enough that your illness is making you feel terrible without having some jumped up jobs-worth making it worse . I used to work in the UK health service, and I totally understand the need for policies & procedures but patients come first! All policies & rules need to be adaptable to suit individual circumstances. We all run late at times for one reason or another. Sounds to me as if the receptionist is on a bit of a power rush.I would take a little while to calm down & then write a letter of complaint directly to her boss.
I hope you get sorted out with a much more understanding practitioner very soon.
Take care of yourself,
((((((((big hug)))))))
W xin reply to: surgeon consultation – very nervous! #1071115HI HyperM,
I can’t answer your questions but I just wanted to say that you are in our thoughts at this time. I can totally understand your nervousness, be strong.
W xin reply to: just diagnosed in UK #1071267Hi Jeanette,
Cat’s scan showed anomolies on the right of lobe of the thyroid which is more enlerged that the rest, but the radiographer can’t tell us anything more so we have to wait & see the endo next week.
I totally emphasise with how you feel. Many of the ME symptoms seem so similar to those Cat suffers when she’s hypo that I think the conditions must be related somehow. I too can easliy sleep for 16 -18 hours a day. I get up in the morning & have about 1-2 ‘good hours’ when I can get out & about a bit before I have to sleep again. However, if I wash my hair it takes so much out of me that I have to sleep afterwards. I feel so pathetic at times, I’m only 43 but feel about 70 at times! Like you I live on a hill & can’t walk the 200 yards up it into town so have to take the car which seems rediculous. However, there are good days when I can get out for an hour or so so I savour those.
I did try graded exercise programmes which have been shown to be beneficial to those of us with chronic fatigue but found it difficult to motivate myself so my GP has referred me to ‘Health Start’ which gives me a personal trainer for 4 hours a week at the local sports centre. I can swim, do gentle exercise class or use the gym & do it at my pace which is good, although I must admit some days I’m just so tired I can’t even make it there, but knowing there is someone to support me is a big help.
Now the weather is improving, maybe you will be able to get out a little more, even just 5 minutes gentle walk around the neighbourhood, or even sitting in the garden for a short while can do wonders for your mood.
Take it every day at at time & be good to yourself,
W xin reply to: just diagnosed in UK #1071265Hi Jeanette,
I can totally understand how when people tell you stuff you forget it as I have ME & it has a numbr of similaritied. My poor daughter is trying to sit her A-level exams at the minute – imagine doing that with Graves….
I started asking my doctors for copies of all Cat’s test results so that I have a record to look back at. It’s good that you have a positive relationship with your endo, we seem to see a differnt one at every appointment which is less than helpful as you can imagine. When we saw the last endo he said she shows no sighns of eye involvement however she is complaining that she is finding it takes her longer to focus now. The optician checked her but he just said that the endo would watch for TED. I am going to ask for a referral to a specialist opthomolagist just to be on the safe side.
Cat has a thyroid scan in the morning as she developed a goitre quite suddenly. Hopefully it will be good news though.
Take care of yourself,
W xin reply to: Ut oh…feeling a little like I use to…Update 5/28 #1071220Sorry to hear you’r not feeling so good.
Better to get checked out & make sure you are ok than leave it and hope it goes away.
You’re in my thoughts, fingers crossed for you.
W xin reply to: just diagnosed in UK #1071263Hi Jeanette,
I’m from the UK too (just south of the Scotland border). I don’t have Graves but my daughter, who’s only 17, was diagnosed in February. She didn’t have a brain scan but doesn’t have the TED at the moment so maybe that’s why. She is however having thyroid scans & regular blood tests.
I’m really surprised you haven’t been put onto meds??? Our GP spoke to the endo over the phone for advice & then prescribed my daughter meds as soon as they diagnosed her hyperthyroid and before they’d confirmed Graves. Has you GP given you your blood test results? If your levels of thyroid hormone are too high this can be dangerous & the levels need to be brought down.
You say you have been diagnosed with Graves which suggests you’re blood test was positive for auto-antibodies. I would either ask the GP to contact the hospital & have your appointment with the endo brought forward (if you know who you’ve been refferred to I find it useful to call their secretary & ask them to call you if they have any cancellations), or ask your GP why they haven’t offered treatment to control the hyperthyroidism or it’s effects (beta blockers are usually given initaially to slow down heart rate etc).
You may find you need to be a bit more assertive with the GP, perhaps they don’t have much experience of this condition but it is very worrying for the patient & family. Sometimes having someone come to your consultations with you can help as they can ask questions etc that you need answering as, I’m sure you know too well, thinking straight can be difficult with Graves.
Use this forum to find out as much as you can about the condition so that you are armed with knowledge when you see your GP.
Take care of yourself,
W xin reply to: Son just diagnosed #1072923Nancy,
My daughter is in a similar situation to Adsau’s son. Would you be so kind as to e-mail me the information regarding students & Graves too? Many thanks.
Win reply to: My goiter is going down hurrayyyy #1071359HyperM,
Great news, ” title=”Very Happy” /> glad to hear that your goitre is going down. My daughter’s developed v. quickly so maybe they can go down just as quickly too. Cat’s seemed to come up over a couple of days then went down a bit & has now stayed the same size for abot 1 month. Hopefully it will go when her levels get sorted.
Hope it keeps going well for you,
W xin reply to: board going wonky???? #1071569Ok, so that one seems to have worked but other aren’t ” title=”Confused” />
in reply to: board going wonky???? #1071568Hi,
Hmmm….is there something spooky going on here? I’ve tried a cuple of time to post replies today & they seem to submit ok then they disappear, just like Hyperm’s. Wierd – I live near the border of England & Scotland maybe we are in the GD version of the Bermuda Triangle?????
in reply to: depression and GD #1071496Hi Concerned mama,
You have my total understanding. It is so scary when your kids are unwell. My daughter was diagonsed Christmas Eve. She’s 17 & taking her A-levels (like your high school diploma, I think) & due to go to University in september.
She too was on beta-blockers along with block & replace meds. I’m fortunate that she is still at home & I can keep an eye on her but forgetfulness is still an issue, even when she takes her meds. We’ve bought a weekly meds container marked with days of the week & she fills it up (easier now she’s on less pills – it was 18 a day at first!) By using this I can tell if she remebered her meds before going to school or not. Also, we set a reminder on her cell phone in case she forgets.
I do worry about when she goes off to uni in the fall. Who will be there to remind her then? Hopefully once her levels are sorted out the forgetfulness will go. She too has gone from being a grade A student to struggling to cope with work in class, mainly because she is unable to concentrate & has ‘brain fog’. She is also very tired, irritable & moody so I can appreciate how you feel with your daughter when she gets irritated. It is so difficult at this age when they strive to be independant & we are still struggling with the fact that our beautiful baby girls are becoming young women who are responsible for themselves.
You are clearly being a great support to your daughter, although she may not show her appreciation of that right now. Hang in there & keep talking to her. It’s hard not to nag, my daughter says I worry about the illness more than she does which is probably true. However, youngsters tend to think they are immortal at this age & can be a bit careless with their health so we need to look out for them. Just keep talking to her, keep communicating. Is there a student counselling service at college? Maybe your daughter could talk to someone there. It can be useful to speak to someone who is not emotionally involved. I spoke to my daughter’s teachers quietly about the illness & keep them informed on how she’s doing. This way they can offer her support when needed & understand why she may be struggling.
Please don’t forget to look after yourself as well as your daughter.
Take care,
W x -