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  • Carito71
    Post count: 333

    Wow … it sounds like it is the Methimazole then. I’m on a 2.5mg/day right now. How low did you go? Maybe since it works so well for you as far as lowering the thyroid, why not try a very very low dose? Did it make you feel sleepy all of the time? Could you tell when you were euthyroid, right before going hypo? If so, did you feel sleepy then too. I’m thinking that maybe you require a very very low dose to stay euthyroid.

    I’m so glad you did not have to go on a beta blocker. I can’t wait to come off of mine. I’m at a 25mg/day and planning on decreasing it if all goes well this month with the Methimazole.


    Post count: 333


    I’m so glad your surgery went well and that you are feeling better every day. I’m currently on Methimazole but if that doesn’t work, I want a TT. Reading you gives me hope. Please continue updating us on your recovery.

    Hope you feel well soon and back to your old healthy self in no time.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333


    I personally haven’t had that experience. Methimazole has worked for me. I have also never read anyone say that it did not lower their thyroid levels. My only suggestion is asking the Dr. if there is anything else you can do to help the medication work better. Maybe taking it with food or without food? I’ve read that certain foods can increase thyroid production. I’m sorry I can’t be of much help. I hope your son starts to get well soon and that the adjustment in medication helps him feel better.


    Post count: 333

    I’m very sensitive to medications too Amy and make me feel sleep. For example, I take one 500mg Tylenol and it makes me feel sleepy.

    I felt dizzy when I first started the Methimazole but I was also starting Propranolol. Once my Dr. changed me from Propranolol to Metoprolol, I started to feel better.

    Elevated liver enzymes can make one feel tired and Methimazole can increase liver enzymes. Being hyperthyroid can also increase liver enzymes.

    I think it is hard some times to know what makes us feel the way we do. My General Dr. told me that my body had gone and was going through a lot with the hyperthyroid and that once things were balanced that I would feel better.

    I’m glad your numbers came down with a lower dose. If you are taking a beta blocker, you might also want to make sure it is now what is making you feel the way you are. Mine had to be lowered from 50mg/day to 25mg/day once my thyroid #s started to drop b/c it was lowering my heart too much and making me feel dizzy/tired.


    Post count: 333


    The copies that you have should tell you the result and right next to it it should tell you the normal range. Some times the normal range is in ( ). Mine is in ( ) under Reference Value. For the lab that does mine the normal range for TSH is 0.27 – 4.20 but yours can be different so I would recommend only using the “normal range”/”reference value” used by the lab that did your labs.

    Increasing the dose without your Dr. knowing about it is dangerous. Going from 10 to 20 is doubling the dose. At the beginning you need time for the dose prescribed to work. It took me about 3 weeks to feel a positive change. An increase in dose might require an earlier lab and if your Dr. thinks that you are taking the 10 prescribed but you are really taking 20, he/she will adjust your dose incorrectly. I strongly recommend calling the Endo and sharing your concerns with the nurse, even if your appointment is until December.

    Hope you find the answers you need and that you feel better soon.


    Post count: 333

    Hello StacyA,

    I started taking Methimazole a little bit more than 5 months ago. I started at 30mg/day and I’m now at 2.5mg/day. At the beginning my liver enzymes were elevated but were less than 3 times the normal range so the Dr. did not have a problem getting me started on Methimazole. The enzymes were elevated due to me being hyperthyroid and not because of the Methimazole. As the Methimazole lowered my thyroid hormones, my liver enzymes got lower too. They are now in the normal range. My white blood cells count did decrease some and therefore the Dr. lowered my Methimazole dose. They are at a normal range right now. I’m hoping that they remain normal. Methimazole made me feel better once my hormone levels were lower.

    I was taking Propranolol 4-6 times a day at the beginning but it got to be too much for me. My heart was never constant so my General Dr. prescribed one Metoprolol a day, which keeps my heart constant and I only have to worry about taking it once a day.

    I hope you get to feel better soon.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333

    Thank you! You too. :)

    Post count: 333

    Ooops … I think I got confused. I was looking for a post with the questions and answers. I guess this is the post you were referring to (when you posted as soon as you left the Dr.’s) :P My brain is not all there today. :)

    Post count: 333

    Hello Amy,

    I’m so glad you had a positive experience at your visit. I just had my visit too. It sounds like we are playing the same round … lol. I came off Methimazole a month ago b/c I was very hypo … TSH 8. I saw my Dr. last week and he put me back on b/c now I’m a little bit hyper … TSH slightly low but fT4 normal. Anyway, I’m on a 2.5mg/day now but I’m not feeling well. I think the hyper symptoms are here again. I feel very tired but it comes and goes. My Dr. also wants my thyroid out. He has been wanting it out from the very beginning. He doesn’t like the medication it seems like. He looks for reasons to suggest RAI or TT. I finally told him last week that if my thyroid has to be removed from the equation that I don’t want RAI and that I want TT but that first I want to try the Rx. I’m worried about the TSI and one theory is that the Methimazole might lower it. You said you posted after your appt. I’ll go find your post next. I’m very interested to read about your experience. Any answered questions can be of help to all of us here.

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333

    Hello StacyA and vanillasky,

    I started Methimazole at 30mg/day. My Dr. runs labs every 4 weeks. I’m now down to 2.5mg/day. I’ve been on treatment for 5 months. I’ve heard that some Drs. like to test every 6 weeks. I think it ranges from 4-6 weeks depending on the Dr. and the pt’s symptoms.

    At the beginning I had elevated liver enzymes. Being hyperthyroid can cause elevated liver enzymes. Mine therefore were elevated before starting the Methimazole. I was given the Rx anyway since the levels were not 3 times more than normal. As my thyroid levels got lower, my liver enzymes decreased until they got to the normal range. I was told to look for stomach pain, especially right upper quadrant b/c that can be related to liver problems. Also, very light color stool, and rash. If you experience any of these, call your Dr. White blood cell can also be affected so that is something your Dr. will be testing as well. A fever would be a symptom for that.

    As for the weight gain, I did gain weight but it was the weight that I had lost when I was very hyperthyroid so it was welcomed weight. I watch my calories and try to eat healthy so I have been able to maintain my weight even though I still haven’t become euthyroid and have fluctuated between hyper and hypo. If you can exercise, I recommend doing so. Your Dr. will have to clear you for that though because when we are hyperthyroid exercise is not always a good idea. Talk to your Dr. about it. Mine has given me the ok to exercise so I go for long walks.

    I wish you both an easy recovery.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333


    Shirley, I want some of that cold feeling. I’m like Alyianna. Hot a lot of the time. I haven’t had the experience but it sound kind of like when one has a fever?

    Alyianna, I feel your frustration. Exactly the same thing is happening to me. Being hot was one of my main symptoms when I first got sick in June but now that I’ve been on Methimazole for 5 months and on a lower dose b/c my fT4 is in the normal range, I still feel hot a lot of the time. I can be sitting at the computer feeling fine and all of the sudden I’m burning up. I haven’t had to wear much of a coat this fall. Everyone else if bundled up and I’m wearing a t-shirt or light jacket. I’m so glad to work in a place where they keep the temp low, otherwise I would have a very hard time. I’ve noticed that I get hot after eating. Does that happen to you?

    I have asked my Endo about feeling hot when I’m no longer hyper like I was at first and he said that a lot of people feel hot. Not much of an answer. I get very thirsty too because I start to sweat.

    I hope one day we can feel better. I feel that all I can do right now is hope. :)


    Post count: 333

    Hello Kimberly.

    Yes, that is exactly what I thought too but its not that simple it seems like.

    I also tried calculating things the algebra way using the 139% and the 1.3 but that too doesn’t work.

    If 139% = 1.3, what does 3.2 =?
    1.3x = 139*3.2
    x = 444.8/1.3
    x = 342%

    342% is more than 200% but when I had my first two test done, they were done days apart and 4.5 was one result and 237% was the other. I’m therefore thinking that 4.5 is some where close to 237%. If so, I’m thinking that 3.2 has to be between 200% and 237%. Oh well, I really would like to know but it is not extremely necessary. I’ll do some more research. It seems that here everyone is getting their TSI results in % form.

    Thank you again.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333
    in reply to: New lab results #1174844

    Hello Amy,

    I’m the opposite. I was feeling very hot when I was first diagnosed. I did start feeling more normal few weeks ago but my TSH was 8 something … Hypo! I’m a little hyper again and one of my main complaints is that I feel hot even when everyone else is really cold :(

    Anyway, you are not alone. Heat and cold intolerance seems to be a symptom some of us experience.

    I haven’t experienced palpitations but my heart rate was very elevated when my symptoms first started. I recommend letting your Dr. know about the palpitations as soon as possible. Hope you find the answers you need soon.

    Caro :)

    Post count: 333


    Here is a link from the Mayo Clinic regarding this type of TT.

    Hope this helps.


    Post count: 333

    Bobbi, Kimberly,
    Thank you both for your responses and for the information. I just finished reading the link you provided. Very informative. Thank you.

    Well, I have bad news. I saw my Dr. and he showed me the labs. The “FALSE” was an error. My TSI is still elevated, though it is less than it was 5 months ago. It was 4.5 and it is now 3.2. I guess the good news is that it is lower and the bad news is that it is still elevated and not below the 139% or 1.3.

    From what I gather, there are two ways of getting results. One of them is a percentage and one is a decimal #. Mayo Clinic has the decimal # range (< or = 1.3) and LabCorp has the % (< 139%). Do you know how to convert from one to the other? My Dr. told me that it was possible but didn't really explained how. He did say that my TSI of 3.2 (from Mayo Clinic) was more than 200%. As I mentioned above, I have had my TSI tested 3 times. When I was first diagnosed it was 4.5, later on it was 237%, and now it is 3.2. Thank you again,

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