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in reply to: Is there ever an end? #1172798
catstuart7 … Hello. It most be hard coming back to the forum and read if you have gone through the same experience and are doing a lot better. I would think that it would make one scared of getting sick again. It would be nice though if they would come back and would share their good experiences. It would be nice to know what worked for them. What changes they made and how they coped. It would help all of us who are still struggling at least have hope for the future.
“Of all the forces that make a better world, none is so powerful as hope. With hope, one can think, one can work, one can dream. If you have hope, you have everything.” ~ unknown.
in reply to: What to ask? #1172788You sure are right Kimberly. We are all different and what works for somebody might not work for somebody else. Maybe the 1st Dr. is good in another Endo area … who knows. I’m glad I’m I changed Drs. and that I’m now seeing one that will work better with me.
in reply to: What to ask? #1172787Thank you LauerlM!
in reply to: Is there ever an end? #1172796M x,
You are right … we have to accept our disease in order to move on with treatment. It is very hard though. One goes through all the stages of loss. I think it is easier to accept when we are feeling more like ourselves.
I don’t have Gilbert’s Syndrome but I have Celiac Disease. It is hard coping with that too but I have learned how to live with it. Now I got to learn how to live with GD. I just hope that all these frustrating experiences make me a better person.
Congratulations on your marathon training. Maybe you can get back to it when you are feeling better?
You know, I’ve noticed that exercise makes me feel sick. I’ve just now been diagnosed with this problem but all my life when I have tried to start keeping an exercise routine, I start to feel sick. I hadn’t thought about it but I started exercising again in May and I got sick with hyperthyroidism early June. Anyway …. probably not related. As for now, I’ve been told not to exercise until my #s are leveled.
Hope you feel better soon.
in reply to: Crying Fits…Is this normal #1172805Darcy43,
I’m still on the 4th week of treatment and finally feeling a little bit of a change. I’m still very tired and with symptoms but thank God I don’t feel like I’m dying anymore. At the beginning, one month ago, when it all started and I had to go to the ER with tachycardia, I was worried I was dying. After that, after not sleeping for two weeks, I was worried I wasn’t dying soon enough. I wanted to cry so badly and at times I would cry a little here and there when I was alone but most of the time I tried to keep it in. I probably should have cried my heart out but I didn’t want to worry my poor husband and my parents even more. One day my sister called me and I was crying. I was alone in the house and had just received a call from the Dr. The Dr. wasn’t being helpful at all and I broke down and cried (since then I have gotten a new Dr.). I answered the phone and it was my sister on the other end. I couldn’t stop crying. It worried her. I told her “I’m OK” and hung up and called her right back after a few minutes.
It is very normal. We are going through so so much. We are tired and not feeling well. We have our families to think of and we have responsibilities that even if we are sick, will not come to an stop while we get better. People depend on us and some times things happen that just add up to our frustration. I’m sorry all that stuff happened on Friday. The heat sure is not helping. I went out today and it made me sweat a lot more than I’m already sweating. It was so embarrassing. Hang in there.
Being sick and coping is hard. I’m thinking about getting acupuncture to see if that helps me relax some. Are you doing anything for yourself to help you cope? I some times watch a movie to help me forget. It helps me. I also come to the forum too and share my feelings because this group of new found friends are about the only ones who understand how we are feeling. We have to find ways to cope.
Hope you feel a lot better soon.
in reply to: Frustrated with Dr. #1172628Hello Bri,
I hope soon your heart rate is all the way back to normal. I saw the Endo today. I left an update under “What to ask”.
Thank you …. you can keep in touch with me too. I’ll be around the forum.
in reply to: 2 wks on Methimazole #1172704Update.
Today I start my 4th week. I want to report that as of Thursday I have started to feel a change. I’m hopeful that the Rx has started to work. I had labs today. We’ll see if there a change.
in reply to: Is there ever an end? #1172794Hello M x,
I’m so new on my experience with GD that I don’t know how much of help I can be but I hope with all my heart that very soon you start to feel a positive permanent change.
As for a second opinion, I think it might we worth it.
Feel better soon,
Caroin reply to: What to ask? #1172784Alexis, Kimberly,
You girls are great. I took your questions/advice with me to my new Endo
I looked at them in the waiting room and memorized them …
He measured my eyes and my thyroid. He looked at my eye lids and said …. “no lid lag”
He looked at my hands to see if I had tremors. I did have a little bit of that. The truth is that I have had it since I was a little girl so to me it is normal.
He wants to keep me on the Methimazole. He ordered labs for today. Gave me a sheet for labs for one month from now and scheduled an appointment for a month from now. Kimberly, I’ll get them done before I go see him so we can talk about them. He also explains about Rx treatment, RAI and surgery. It seems like he is good with all three. He said that with Methimazole he needed to monitor me closely. Wow … I thought. The other Endo told me “take it for 6 weeks, get labs when you stop, I’ll see you 8 weeks after you stop”. I asked his nurse about the Rx and she said “I don’t know anything about that Rx” 😮
But getting back to my experience today. He said to think of questions and ask them when he sees me next month. I thought that was nice of him. He ordered TSH, FT4, ALT (liver) and White Blood Cells. I didn’t ask him why no FT3. I guess that is a good question for when I see him.He also said, no exercise yet.
I have to report that as of Thursday I feel like the Rx has started to work a little bit. I can more around the house and actually enjoy things a little bit better. I drove again today and that is a big improvement from how I was feeling. Feeling like you are passing out every 2 hours because the heart rate is elevated is not a good thing. My primary Dr. discontinued the Propranolol because I was having to take it 6 times a day 😮 and b/c it kept my heart on a roller coaster … and my emotions as well. She put on Metoprolol instead, which keeps my heart constant.
I just hope things keep getting better. I’m scared about how I will feel when the #s start to drop. Would hate to get hypo.
Thank you so much for your help.
in reply to: TSH not Increasing #1171683Hello everyone. I’m still learning so I don’t have any answers but I do have a question.
What happens then when the FT4 starts to get lower but the FT3 is still high? Do they keep you on Methimazole? I guess what I’m trying to figure out is, what would they treat you with if the FT4 gets to where it needs to be but the FT3 is still high? Is that possible? If continuing with Methimazole, wouldn’t one get too low on FT4? Is that they case where they would treat one with “block and replace” … I think that what I’ve read they call it.
Still learning. Please forgive me if my question doesn’t make sense.
VanlsleGal, I hope you find the answer to your question soon.
in reply to: Methamizole Labs? #1172780GLo22,
I’m so glad things were caught early for you. I’ve been telling my sister to check her thyroid so that she doesn’t’ have to go through what I’m going through if she has the same condition.
The good news is that Thursday afternoon I started to feel better. Friday and today I felt the same so maybe my #s are starting to come down.
Thank you! You too!
in reply to: TED … who gets it? #1172765Hello Bri, Susan, Bobbi,
Thank you for your messages.
Bri, Susan, as of right now, I haven’t had any pressure thank God. Just the irritation that I have always attributed to allergies. I have had eye irritation since I was a little girl. I remember my parents having to put an ointment on my eyes when I was about 7. I have seasonal allergies and allergies to gluten and yeast so I have always had problems with my eyes feeling itchy and red. Who knows, maybe it was GD all along.
Bobbi, thank you for the wise advice. I will make an appointment with my opthalmologist next week. What do you mean by “Some people’s eyes protrude, without their having TED.” You mean the general population’s eyes protrude?
I look at my eyes every day and every time I get sad thinking that maybe they are changing. I have taken many pictures of my eyes before. I pulled up some pictures I took early this year and they looked caved in. They don’t look like that anymore. When I took the pictures, I didn’t think anything of it but now looking back, I wonder if they were changing then and they have now gone back to looking they way they always have. They definitely look tired. I’ve been so so tired that it makes sense. My husband says that they are starting to look better b/c before I had dark circles around them. That is b/c I didn’t sleep for a long time.
Thank you again
CaroP.S. I’ll try not to panic.
in reply to: TED … who gets it? #1172763Hello Bri.
Yes, I’ve seen pictures of Marty Feldman. If you type Graves under Images in Yahoo, his picture comes up.
Thank you for the information. My Primary Dr. told me to see an Opthalmologist when she saw my TSI #. My eyes look as always … I think. My husband and mom seem to think so too. I look at pictures and I don’t see a change. They do itch some times though. I have allergies and maybe that is what it is. Right before I felt sick though I remember them bothering me a lot one night. I got an ice pack and put it on for a while. That helped a lot.
Hope your eyelids return to normal soon.
in reply to: Methamizole Labs? #1172777Hello.
That is an excellent question. I have the same question myself.
What dose of Methimazole are you on? How long have you been on it?
I’m on my 3rd week on it. I’m on a 30mg/day dose. I had labs done at the end of my 2nd week and it did not show big changes in my #s. The changes it showed are probably lab error. My TSH was still <0.006, the FT3 went from 11.5 to 10.0, the FT4 went from 3.40 to 3.79 (it increased).
From what I’ve read, the TSH will take time to increase. Hopefully the FT3 and FT4 will be lower. In your case you said you are feeling better so hopefully that will be the case. I, on the other hand, when they took the labs mentioned above, I was feeling pretty sick without improvement. I’m feeling a little bit better today and I’m seeing my new Endo next week (I had to change Endo Drs). I’m hoping that if he orders labs that my #s have hopefully gotten better.
I’m glad you are feeling better. Wish you the very best on your labs.
Good question. I’ll be back to read.
in reply to: 2 wks on Methimazole #1172703Alexis,
I’m glad your EKGs have been fine. Mine was fine but it said something about possible enlarged right atrial. I’m hoping it corrects itself with the tachycardia treatment. I’ll have to ask the Dr.
Your body needs a vacation …. Mine does too. I’m glad you are on the road to recovery and I’m hopeful that pretty soon your symptoms will get better. Just having a baby itself I’ve read will take a while before one feels better. So many changes to the body. You have to add all the hyperthyroid/surgery stuff to it.
Do you work outside the home? I do and it is taking so much out of me that I’m afraid I’ll loose my job.
I have a question for you, did you Dr. ever say anything about TED? You had your TT but is TED something you need to worry about too? You mentioned muscles and I thought “eyes”.
I hope you feel a lot better soon. Keep us posted.