Hello Justmej
I totally understand about having all the doctor’s appointments and trying to manage work. I had a talk with my direct manager about my health issues and the fact that I have so many doctor’s appointments, endo, opthalmologist, general internist, etc. Not to mentioned that I’ve fired two endo’s. Thank God my manager has human compansion and understands. Right now, things are going okay with me but I was very worried when I had to keep going to different doctor’s appointments. I need to work but like my husband said, your health is more important. You have to get that taken care of first. He is the one that suggested that I have a talk with my manager and inform her what was going on with me. Try try not to stress because I find that it makes things worse with me. I just read down that you decided to take medical leave. Good for you. That will take some stress away.