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  • Caffer1962
    Post count: 20

    In 2005, I was treated with radioactive iodine for my hyperthyroidism, and it worked very well. I ended up becoming hypothyroid, or under active, and take thyroid meds daily now. Everything was fine. I would discuss radiation with your doctor. My brother was diagnosed with Grave’s before me, and had a horrible allergic reaction to the hyperthyroid meds so I chose to go the radiation route.

    Good luck and let us know how you make out. Always remember–if you don’t like what your doctor is suggesting, and he/she won’t work with you, find someone else. Do your research!

    Post count: 20

    Thanks for responding. I had the CT scan yesterday and the vision field test today. The good news is that my visual field tested within normal limits but my optometrist wanted to check my eye pressure since my last checkup, and it’s gone up a small amount. She said that if I go on the IV steroids, it’s very important to keep track of it. Does anyone know why?

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